>Sets car on fire.
Sets car on fire
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I'm surprised this game is coming out so soon.
I'm just glad we will have a game with backward swap white trash flyover rednecks as the enemy. We will need the catharsis after Trump.
kill yourself cuck
Seems really silly but I'm still excited for it.
Thank god amazon had the pre-order for $30 off
Wait what? Is that for prime or something?
>Unironically triggered
We've come full circle.
This whole game doesn't feel like it was developed in Japan
Is that deal still a thing?
I still don't see how this game's set up in the resident evil universe... it feels so diferent overall and I don't find a single link to the original story
>there's little to no enemies in the game
>there's no spouting cool one liners while you shoot shit
>you cant fight back
>you can't suplex him
>you can't snap his neck
>You cant do shit except run and shoot bullets that do nothing to him except stagger him
RE7 is going to be nothing like RE4, it's going to be shi. Hopefully RE2remake will fix that itch and go back to 3rd person over the shoulder.
>seems really silly
I mean Resident Evil has always had B-movie cheese to it. So having a game with a premise that is 1 part Texas Chainsaw Massacre and 1 part Wrong Turn fits right into the REverse
What the fuck is this even about?
I hate the Japs for their never ending nonsensical storylines, they really know how to d something to death.
He's lying it's only $12
After tax it's $50
How did he even find himself in that situation.
Did he get knocked out and then dragged into the car?
Feels like RE + Clock Tower/Haunting Ground where you're hiding from powerful enemies but then eventually confront them in designated fights.
>he get's taxed on amazon
holy shit
Why is Capcom so bad at graphics?
It's about blatantly copying stuff from other recently popular games and whore their own once famous IP name in order to try to make the next big thing.
>RE4 babby gets cucked the sameway classic REfags got cucked by RE4
Justice really. I hope you really hate it user, and never see the return of your boulder shit.
>he thinks this game is "going back to the roots"
Nice try shill
>i-it's not like the other game that I liked
this series was always a fucking joke and now with hillbilly escape simulator it becomes an ever better joke
this game will probably be fun and I will wallow in your tears
>t. Someone who lives in the ass end of nowhere.
You know 70% of America pays sales tax on Amazon right?
I live in commiefornia I'm getting taxed no matter what I do
It needs to be able to run on PSVR.
The graphics are actually very impressive on PS4 when you take that into account.
>Can't fight back
>Second part of the trailer has fighting against things you can fight back against
Okay man
>shoot him in the head many times
>doesn't die
>make him catch on fire
>still doesn't die
It looks really nice though, and doesn't have all the post-processing shit smears that most AAA games have nowadays.
>Part 2 has monsters he's shooting in and they're staggering RE4 style
You will clearly be able to kill shit.
Were you also angry that Krauser didn't die in a single shot?
Or even basic Ganado not dying to headshots?
>RE7 is going to be nothing like RE4
GOOD. 4 was a decent action game but I'm so tired of them.
Looks like someone hit the gas causing the car to crash. Maybe he was infront of it and got knocked inside by the impact.
>horror game has an unkillable enemy chase after you
What would you prefer then?
Why doesn't he use the block/parry in these trailers?
The game looks really dumb and clunky when Jack starts swinging and he just stands there and takes it. The game has a mechanic against that shit.
you unl;ock it later
Not him but I'd like a main antagonist that somehow catches you at the worst possible moments 2 or 3 times throughout the game making you run away or use your environment to hurt/stop him until you can finally prepare and kill him at the end.
First thing to come to mind; youtube.com
...you mean RE3: Nemesis, the game that perfected this idea?
>Fall for the VR meme
>EVE Valkyrie is amazing
>Thumper is visual sex on my face
>Rez Infinite is trippy as hell
>The fucking Mario World Robot demo makes me hook up my Wii U again
>Here They Lie turns me into a faggoty e-celeb screaming child
This will be my first RE game since literally the original Biohazard and RE2. I'm pretty hype.
So what's it going to be this time around
A new t-virus? G-virus? Oroborous?
Las Plagas, T-Virus, G-virus and oroborus mixed into one?
A killable enemy.
I think some outlet said that they are actually killable.
If they just go away for that part of the game or actually change the progression of the game I don't know.
>Bad guy can shatter a table with a single blow, terminator walk through walls and survive gunshots to the face and being set on fire
>You easily walk off two full swings from his battle axe to your soft, unprotected torso
I like Capcom graphics.
WELL, that game came from a time where design was more important than flashy bullshit. You're fucked son.
Pretty sure neither him or the player is all that human anymore.
I just hope this game is similar to Condemned. RE is at its best when is a horror game, not an action game. 4 was fun but so many games have improved in the formula. IS time to go back to the creepy atmosphere and the scares. There are plenty "badass simulators" out there if thats what you are looking for.
If you played the demo, they don't want to kill you, just infect you to become like them.
Okay, so, everyone except the 4 family members? And you will be able to kill them. You couldn't kill Nemesis until the end either.
We already know there will be Molders and Wasps, and Spiders. Molders are in the main house, and Wasps/Spiders are in the second house. Throughout the game you visit multiple Themed locations. Main house is a mansion. Then you have the Greenhouse, which Marguerite patrols with her wasps. And, well, the journalists got to the end of the Greenhouse, and were about to go to the third location, but were stopped by the Capcom reps. So, we don't know anything past the Greenhouse. Nor do we know about the beginning, because their demo started an hour in.
So for all intents a purposes, there are killable enemies. They wouldn't give you shotgun, a flamethrower, and a Game Informer guy said he found a secret Grenade Launcher, if they didn't plan on you using it.
Is this even about "zombies" anymore?
>RE7 is going to be nothing like RE4, it's going to be shi. Hopefully RE2remake will fix that itch and go back to 3rd person over the shoulder.
>3rd person over the shoulder
You're memeing me right? This is far more in line with the old games outside the first person view compared to RE4.
It's slow, you run a lot, and it's looking like SEVERELY limited ammo and supplies. THAT'S RE, survival horror, not bullshit action sequences with giant statues and suplexing.
It's obviously about selling it to loud and annoying let's players and making money.
It's about Biohazards and Evil Residences.
That looks hilarious, I wonder what wacky quotes you can get out of the guy when he eventually gets crushed by the inevitable collapse of his own house due to his stupidity and carelessness.
Hasn't been since 3.
It's always been about B.O.Ws user, since 50% through the first game when the Hunters show up
Here's hoping we get Jack Baker in the new MvC.
the house has some kind of thing in the air that causes hallucinations which explains the ghosts and unexplainable shit.
Resident Evil hasn't been about zombies since 4.
Oh so fungi?
>It's obviously about selling it to loud and annoying let's players and making money.
If that was the only thing they cared about they wouldn't but all that great Family Man banter in there.
Already seeing tons of normies being confused by it.
Leon Hurley (journalist who played 5 hours) said he found mention in a note about the infection being fungus related. Hence, mold.
*he also said he found a note from Marguerite to their son Lucas saying that too many people have escaped, and they cant just rely on tying them to a chair and have to delay them as long as possible until they find and kill them, in case they escape their bindings, but still make it navigatable for them, which is why the mansion is full of puzzles and locked doors with keys halfway across the mansion
>racing game has timetrial where you can't just perform a takedown on the other guy
>the house has some kind of thing in the air that causes hallucinations which explains the ghosts and unexplainable shit.
Yup, probably this.
This is why the police doesn't find anything when they search the house in the demo.
If you notice in all of the demo play, there's tons of mold and fungus growing all over the place. Plus they're in a swampy location.
It's a perfect place for fungus, mold, etc., to thrive.
Really made me think...
i hope theres a good dodge mechanic or something because it looks kind of sluggish going head to head with jack
I was under the impression that was the premise of the original demo and marketing, that it was not actually supernatural but something in the house which causes you to see spooky shit. Most evidence points to a spore released by mold in the house as pointed out.
They've never made RE a supernatural thing, it's always been about science.
So I assume the full plot of RE7 is getting to the bottom of what is going on in this house infected by weird mushrooms that make you go insane. Hence the house itself is a literal "biohazard" zone, and the mold and insane rednecks are the "evil residents" of the house
>good dodge mechanic
tank controls for life nigga
its obvious that they're trying to make the family son man imposing and tough by making the player character stand there like a bitch and take blow after blow without fighting back.
REvelations was okay.
I just replayed R3 one week ago, even if the game has dated graphics, tank controls and goofy zombie sounds, Nemesis still is the king of horror in the resident evil series, I dont think any other RE monster managed to get to that level of terror and heart pounding excitement.
Mr X is a close second, both Mr X and Nemesis were on a league of their own, all we are getting now are big guys who to be bigger than a house, all the while lacking any excitement in the fight.
There's a kind of parry mechanic.
Zombies in the classic games, aside from 1, take a backseat after an hour once you get introduced to hunters, spiders, etc.
Fuck off leftist scum
Well, quick turn you have. and you have a block mechanic, where you put your weapon/arms up to block blows
Go play the REmake & RE4 right now senpai
This desu, im expecting a tyrant in re7
Yea, I'm so sick of my horror games not featuring cape shit levels of super powered people. I mean, whos a normal fucking guy in a bad situation anymore?
It wasn't really scary so much as fuckin hilarious
> Slowly walking the house vaguely looking at things
> "Oh so you think you can just get up from dinner like that"
> A couple hits around the head that probably should have taken your head off
> "alright fine, jesus, I'm coming back to the table
> Table's destroyed
> Alright fine. Well, I guess I'll go back to slowly wandering around the house
They saw the immense backlash toward Konami for canceling PT, and RE6 was utter trash, so they copied PT and then said they were "going back to their roots".
The VR demo scared the pants off everybody. but it doesn't seem like a 'time attack friendly' kinda game. it relies on atmosphere which means it can't be too fast paced or you will run past all the cool shit they meticulously crafted to be seen lol
How is this even a resident evil game
No virus
No saturation
No fun
what the fuck were they thinking. We need to go back to our roots and make another resident evil 4.
>*he also said he found a note from Marguerite to their son Lucas saying that too many people have escaped, and they cant just rely on tying them to a chair and have to delay them as long as possible until they find and kill them, in case they escape their bindings, but still make it navigatable for them, which is why the mansion is full of puzzles and locked doors with keys halfway across the mansion
none of this made any sense to me, you're either retarded and can't form a coherent thought or the writers are retarded
Am I the only one who remembers the insane flood of RE7 threads on Sup Forums by people obsessing over the useless dummy finger they put in as a deliberate red herring?
Every thread got hundreds of replies and I could not understand why. I did everything there was to do in the demo in like, half an hour, but somehow people were trying completely insane goose chase shit like "do this grab this go here then run back and get this" and none of it actually did squat
it was freaky at the time, how rabid the threads were. and how abruptly those huge threads just stopped
Trump is a New Yorker though.
I think the game looks great, but I sort of wonder if Capcom are doing more damage to the game with the marketing than they need to.
If you haven't been keeping up then you probably won't even know the game has staples like symbol doors, grenade launchers, boss fights, BOWs, a laboratory etc etc. Because Capcom have been very hush hush about all that.
Like yeah, I get it. You want those speculation videos, you want that PT viral shit, you want that YOUNG demographic. But I think you need to convince the older fans now more than anything.
The best marketing of this game has funnily enough been those short half minute teasers showing features.
Its going to be shit and you know it
What? You must be retarded.
People escaped a lot. They stopped it by making the mansion puzzley and hiding all the keys. Just like Spencer for being paranoid, and Chief Irons as well
I think a system similar to Nemesis would be pretty cool
>Certain areas have a "super" enemy in addition to other shit
>They roam around semi-randomly and chase you from room to room if they are aware of you
>Huge bullet sponges but can be killed
>Drop special shit if killed before whenever they're supposed to be dealt with along with not having to worry about them when backtracking
You could literally kill Nemesis the first time you see him if you were good enough. He drops the gatling gun.
Are they taking a break from the meta plot?
If you've played the demo, you'll know by now that combat is really clunky. Only looking forward to this for the exploration and backtracking, but even then, it's ruined by really obvious hints/objective markers. Everyone keeps saying this is a return to roots, but it fucking isn't. It's Capcom copying games that came out recently and marketing it as a return to roots to trick people into thinking they're doing something honest.