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Haha yes Denuvo BTFO! Now I can go back to stealing!
Pirating is copying, not stealing.
Even if it's not, what's wrong with stealing anyway?
>what's wrong with stealing ?
hum you're a nigger eh
Kek, absolutely agree piratefriend. Literally nothing wrong with stealing x)
I guess jesus christ is a sinner for pirating wine
Good, I'll actually buy it now when it goes on sale this winter
Of course not, Jamal.. Nothing wrong with taking something that ain't yours. Just like dem gubment programs
10/10 false equivalence, you fucking retard
not an argument
So what does Sup Forums think of DOOM 2016, anyway?
I'm about halfway through and loving it so far.
Torrent when?
Hated it.
I knew it was going to be a bit meh and generic (in modern sense) from the pre-release footage and interviews... but jesus fuck, I did NOT expect a literal tunnel-running game with endlessly repeated lock-down "combat arena" rooms. The RPG mechanisms and the laughably low stats of your character and guns also do not fit the style and feel of the game.
MP and SM are just fucking awful.
he created the wine himself from the water idiot, it's not like he went to some wine brewery and copied the guys kegs instead of buying them.
your example only works you took some old game and made DOOM yourself from scratch
but he still robbed the actual wine dealers of all the money they could make from selling wine to people who instead got it for free from jesus
How about them loaves and fishes?
>Can finally pirate NuDooM
>Still won't pirate it
Zero fucks given over here. I might try Brutal Doom 64 soon though.
Yeaaah... What about them?
Pirated from a legit copy.
>muh muh pirating
Cracking denuvo doesn't when it the game is shitty.
how many hardworking bakers and fishermen suffered from lost profits?
Wow it only took 2 years gj pirates
>Get on train without buying train ticket
>Train stops running
But I need that train!
>23 years to finally crack denuvo
Was it really worth it?
>Get on train without buying train ticket
I actually do this on weekly basis. No one checks shit. That's america for you
Oh it got removed? Then I'll buy it on christmas.
>cpy cracks denuvo faster and faster
>devs get a refund and remove denuvo from their games making them very easy to pirate
>piracy wins again
How the fuck has Total War Warhammer not been cracket yet?
Finally. Me hating the game is no longer because of Denuevo, it's because the game is legit shit
publisher's faces when they found out Denuvo was making all their games sale substantially LESS, cost an arm to license it and after the chinamen had stripped out the russian's (not drm) games tended to run better which just went to show the russian creators of starforce's new fucking DRM is at least in part responsible for so many of these "shitty game performance" complaints
What is going to be a piratefags excuse now they don't have the denuvo strawman?
D44M is amazing.
I really want to play Watch Dogs 2 but no fucking way I'm paying for that SJW garbage. So therefor I have no choice but to wait for a pirate release.
Dats mah boi
Wtf this has been cracked for a very long time already
Then why the fuck do you want to play it?
>I really want to play Watch Dogs 2 but no fucking way I'm paying for that SJW garbage
>I really want to play SJW garbage
Don't bother, I got it for free from Nvidia and it blows.
he doesn't want to support the dumb political aspects Ubisoft is pushing/trying to appeal to.
>"why do you pirate games"
>"I can and want to"
>"why do you pirate games"
>"poor and can get away with it"
>"why DON'T you pirate games"
>"don't want to"
>"I pirate games because the industry is shit/corrupt/negative adjective"
>"I pirate games because I hate the developer!"
>"I pirate games because I'm definitely going to buy them afterwards if I like them"
>"Pirating is immoral and stealing"
>"Pirating severely damages the industry"
>"I'm glad anti-piracy software (even that which affects performance of legally obtained games) exists to the level which it does"
>"I think X should happen to pirates"
That still doesn't explain why he wants to play it, I got it for free and I still don't want to play it. Game blows and doesn't even look very good maxed.
Piracy is copyment and that's alright but stealing is wrong bro. Your statement is stupid right there.
Pretty much.
good post, will post in all piracy threads now
unless it's the same denuvo shill that just starts threads with the denuvo logo, then you just link to the archive searching by image md5 to show how retarded they are
Copying is not theft
Stealing a thing leaves one less left.
Copying it makes one thing more,
That's what copying's for.
Copying is not theft
If I copy yours you have it too
One for me and one for you
That's what copies can do.
If I steal your bicycle,
You'll have to take the bus.
But if I just copy it,
There's one for each of us.
Making more of a thing
That is what we call copying
Sharing ideas with everyone
That's why copying is fun :)
>"I pirate games because I'm definitely going to buy them afterwards if I like them"
I actually do that though.
>Pirate are ACTUALLY using the story of Jesus creating bread, wine, and fish from nothing as an excuse to justify pirating
>Guaranteed they don't even practice Christianity or even believe in religion
KEK you can't make this shit up
don't mind me, just pirating the answers from your math test
What if I want knowledge and culture (in the broadest meaning possible) to be freely accessible to all?
dail reminder not to reply to obvious bait false equivalency posts that are intentionally made to make pirates look bad
different strokes for different folks dude.
I pirate because devs develop in a shitty way and don't release any Demo to try the game out.
>pirating glorified
>moralfags flood the place getting mad at pirates
Things have changed
Game is garbage bro, just replay GTA V if you want an open world game. Physics, animations, and graphics are still somehow better and the game first launched 3 years ago.
It's great now they can't use the "b-but denuvo" excuse now we can say nu-doom is shit because it is.
Then you're a faggot, but a cool one.
Friendly reminder that in court lawyers are literally banned from implying that copyright infringement is alike or similar to theft or stealing. They cannot use words like theft, thief, steal, stole, pirate, piracy etc to describe someone alleged to have to engaged in copyright infringement because it is literally not those things.
Meh, doom was a good game.
its worth like £20 in the sales
Source? I'm an attorney but I've never practiced copyright, patent or trademark law and instead squash discrimination claims for a living. I guess it would be excluded under rule 403 though as it would unduly prejudice or mislead the jury.
I should steal your computer so you can't shitpost anymore
what you think is garbage someone else could enjoy and vice versa. how does someone liking something you don't like harm you in anyway?
>how does someone liking something you don't like harm you in anyway?
Trying to save you time. It looks like you're in the wrong place user.
>I never played the original DOOM games
On the contrary, you fucking Xbot child.
Windows 95 was the hottest shit when I played D1 and 2, yet I still had to launch the damn things with DOS prompt, because old ass copies. Later on I also played Doom 64 on real N64.
It's just weird and super embarrassing that you ZeniMax shills even TRY to compare nu-Duum to the original 1990s ego-shooter granddaddies, thinking that it'd be some sort of "epic throwback" in any sense or way.
amn dude i think you missed out on some opportunities to jam in a few more memey buzzwords in there. Try better next time
>I have no comeback arguments, and I was BTFO hard, so I'll just dig out a generic Ad Homenim instead! :D
t: (You).
Glad we both agree that D44M is still a shit game.
>you fucking Xbot child
>ZeniMax shill
then calling me out for Ad Hom. I am laffin
you said D44M was a tunnel runner that just led to a few combat rooms, I'll ask again. Did you play the old DOOM games? Because that's literally the level design of %80 of old DOOM games
>Windows 95 was the hottest shit when I played D1 and 2
>this faggot used doom95
kys casual
Doom 2016 isn't at all like the original games, it's basically a bunch of fucking
"horde survival until the door unlocks" levels chained together.
Reddit happened
>I'll ask again. Did you play the old DOOM games?
You asked that already, you got the answer already. I actually replay OG DooM almost annually; last time just this fall, because nu-Duum left such terrible taste in my mouth.
If you think that original Doom had linear, empty corridors, coupled with handholding objective pointers / reminders / other bullshit, leading to lock-down combat rooms or insta-kill platforming sections, then you are literally nothing but a shill that's not played the original game.mildren stella. A goddamn "Brutal Painkiller RPG", if you ask me.
>clearly said I used DOS prompt
Way to prove that ZeniMax kids can't even READ.
terrible game, it's not even worth the space the it takes up on your harddrive
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the news this week. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is Denuvo cracked? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Denuvo to be perfect and fix this broken hobby. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought it was uncrackable???? This is so fucked.
Do people still care about this repetitive shitfest? Shadow Warrior 2 did Doom 100x better.
There's literally NOTHING wrong with piracy
It's our way to fight towards the capitalist greedy companies with their always online shit and DLC
It's not listed but 'Pirate so i can test it on my system before buying' is not really faggotry
perhaps overly cautious
Yeah. I can't believe they scrapped this version of Doom 4.
Looked awesome.
I'm so sick of the, one, desire to always only acknowledge one political ideology, and two, to characterize political ideologies in mere caricatures.
Seriously, fucking learn some shit and realize that no political ideology is perfect. Classical liberalism doesn't let us regulate child labor. Modern conservatism doesn't let you be in any way socially accepting. Modern liberalism doesn't let you appreciate small government or local government. Communism and anarchism are absolutely shit tier, though, seriously, babbie's first ideology.
I wish this was never revealed. It just baffles me that at one point they thought this was okay.
>forgetting your code of professional responsibility
It's one of those things you couldn't imply against a party. I took the MPRE just last year and I had already forgotten it kek
looks just as bad the one we got but for different reasons obviously
whoever is left at id have no clue how to make a game
t. cuck liberal redditor
nice one dude
>Well, we got some solid shit, but at least it was not this runny diarrhea shit! Right guys?
it's still shit.
He actually made a really good point, but you people are too butthurt to accept it.
>2 years
>DOOM (2016)
this is too true
also raven a cute
I let the dumb kids copy all my shit on purpose, it's harder to get away with being dumb when people expect you to be competent
Reminder, if you pirate and admit you are doing it because you don't want to pay for shit, you're alright.
If you have to justify it (TESTING THE GAME/STRIKING BACK AGAINST GREEDY COMPANIES), you're a spinless twat.
Was the water Jesus got had to be payed for?
Also, the analogy makes no sense. It's saying the original game (Doom) gets turned into another game (Say... Watch Dogs.)
>not on ggn
My friend Tyrone is going to your house tomorrow to "copy" all your shit, you got no problem right?
No you fucking idiot, the negligibly priced commodity (water, power) gets turned into something worth much more (wine, usable data)
The only people who lose are assholes trying to keep the price of wine or usable data artificially high.
There is no scarcity in videogames anymore. That's why pre-orders are fucking retarded.
Since its already cracked I dont see any reason to keep Denuvo.
The same thing happened with Inside.
I would have no problem, probably smoke him out and get him to tell me his magic copying secrets. If he tries to steal my shit or screw me over though he will eat buckshot
That's a bit of a stretch in an analogy but it makes sense.
Still, I doubt Jesus payed for the water. He most likely got it from a stream then turned it into wine. I don't know, I don't recall the details of that part of the story.
non-english native speaker here. I've been wondering what the t. stands for.
jesus christ pckeks are truly pathetic
you guys are my bois