Your thoughts on Princess Peach?
Your thoughts on Princess Peach?
They're really trying to make her a waifu again
Sucking Bowser dick 24/7 is pretty alright.
>wrinkles in her lips
3/10 wouldn't bang
The shape of her lips bother me, but only moderately.
She's the best.
Entry level waifu material.
This. She's shit tier. Probably sucked off bowser multiple times.
Nothing wrong with that.
Are there any onaholes based on those perfect dick sucking lips?
I bet you think Mario gets high off mushrooms and it's totally the most hilarious shit.
literally the most bland shit
There is, I don't think I can post the link though. It's easy enough to google
looking back sigurdhosenfeld was just awful. static poses, repetitive subject matter, nothing that indicated a gold standard for nintendo girl fanart.
Links are always kosher, and is it actually peach lips or just a similar hole?
7.6/ 10
She's alright. Good character, but quite bland. She was at her best in the spin-off games though.
People used to scream bloody murder if you ever posted his stuff here, kind of like they do with Akairiot now.
I get that they're overrated but there's no reason to get the grumpy dumpies over it. They aren't THAT bad.
I mean they're better than me.
I wouldn't say they are fapworthy though.
I've never been so ridiculously aroused by a fictional character.
He's really just a bad knockoff of Konpeto.
got a name or site or somethin?
>Octopus lips
>They actually have beaks.
Great hips and ass