Was this a good remake? I never played the original, but I played this as a kid, it was one of my favorite DS games

Was this a good remake? I never played the original, but I played this as a kid, it was one of my favorite DS games.

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No. But it had some damn good minigames.

Definitely not, you should only play this for the sake of portability.

What's different about it?

No, the controls ruin it. I played a rom of the original on my xperia play, and it was much better.

shitty controls

shitty artstyle

its literally cancer

The original game has to be good for a remake of it to be good, so no, Mario 64 DS is not a good remake.

Vastly inferior to the original. The new content is still fun to play through once if you've already played the original to death though.

Main problems with the remake are 1: Shitty controls and 2: Massive dumbing down/broken gameplay. The characters jump ridiculously high, making most platforming a joke - in a platformer game. They also filled in bottomless pits with floors, marked the star locations on a map, etc.

it wasn't bad in its own right, just not as good as the original

the D-pad was a big part of the problem, 3-d games just weren't meant to be played on one

the graphics were also fugly, somehow worse than the n64 version, not really a game killer, but could've been better

Goddamn, what a piece of shit.

i remember playing the casino card games for like 5 hours on a plane. my grandpa was sitting next to me like "oh may-rio's dealing cards?! WHAHAH HOW SILLY I REMEMBER MARIO"

Autistic post. For all the things wrong with the remake, the visuals are not one of them. The original game is ugly as sin. The only thing that looks objectively better in the original in that picture is the scuttlebug, and not just because of the meme.

I do remember the D-Pad being a pain in the ass. I'm playing it on my 3DS now though and the circle pad seems to make it work like a normal joystick.

I'm pretty sure I maxed out the coin counter on the fucking casino games

best thing about 64ds by far

Guy here who 100%ed the original Mario 64 and the DS remake both upon release.

I don't fucking get what's so bad with the right side, half that shit on the left is fucking uncanny valley early 3D crap, whereas the graphics on the right fall more in line with the other Mario games.

No it doesn't you fucking retard.


that's not how it works

Take off your nostalgia glasses user and see it for what it really is.

Obviously it's not exactly the same but it feels the same compared to using the D-Pad itself

aside from the low resolution (which they can't really do anything about)

the original designs were cooler, they were all custom designed for mario 64, and really the nsmb designs just weren't as good

It's fine. I don't think the extra characters are good, they should have just kept it mario.

I don't get the people complaining about the graphics and controls, I never had problems with either.

Also god-tier minigames

I've always see it as a sequel desu

I think the metal was better in the original, and the green in bob-omb battlefield is way nicer looking in the original.

That said, this doesn't make the remake shit whatsoever

I wish there was a poker game on mobile that was as good as this.

Your grandpa sounds cool

They really did fuck up the controls. Trying to play on a D-Pad, having a run button, its amazing how these changes affected the physics like they did. Even with an analog controller, it controls like shit. I've beaten the original too many times to count but the remake I can't muster up to even defeat bowser.

>I like my graphics being squished down to 240p on handheld
That game had some of the worst anti-aliasing I've seen on the original DS, don't try to deny that. At least SM64 had SMOOTH models and not pixelated to shit.

Good remake in every aspect aside controls.
The control issue is somewhat solved by playing with a 3DS circle pad unless you're an autist who can't stand not being able to go in every little angle and direction.

My grandma would play this for hours, she loved it.

I remember liking all the mini games actually.

The original Mario 64's resolution is barely any higher, if at all. It's easy to forget that when every Mario 64 screenshot you can find today is from emulators or Virtual Console with higher resolution.
Let's not hold resolution against either game.

Man, those were some great minigames.

>i remember playing the casino card games for like 5 hours on a plane


The controls suck donkey dick but if you actually just want to replay it in a comfy manner you can try it. I definitely wouldn't recommend it for a first playtrough tough.


Thread theme.

>I never played the original, but I played this as a kid

When did you realize you're getting too old for this site, Sup Forums?

Left looks like early shitty 3D games (which it was) and right looks more like classic mario characters actually fleshed out instead of blocks. Kill yourself.

pretty great senpai.

It looks so much better than 64.

>I never played the original, but I played this as a kid
The worst part is that he might not actually be underage.

unlocking luigi was godly, the whole new level really felt out of super mario 64.

I grew up with a Genesis and my first 3D console was a PlayStation. My first Nintendo console was a GameCube. I didn't play most of the N64 classics.

>Genesis and Playstation

I had an N64 and Playstation, and a SNES before that, but not Genesis.

Tell me user, did you at least have a Sega CD for that shit so that you could play the best Sonic game after Sonic 2?

Is it bad that I love playing as Yoshi even though he's kind of the worst character to play as in this game?

No, I didn't even know Sega made different consoles til I was older and they were already out of business. I really didn't know much about video games as a kid, my mom never really took me to any toy stores or electronic stores, and my dad (parents divorced when I was 2) was anti vidya. I didn't even know the N64 was a thing until they started putting them into McDonalds. So I didn't have the experiences most people had with vidya as a kid, my mom just kinda picked random games.

A few things I don't like about the DS remake
-changing characters is extremely annoying so you're forced to play yoshi since only with him you will have access to all characters, problem yoshi's sound files are not changed if you wear a cap so you will always have cancerous yoshi sound effects all the time
-the controls suck dick, it has no analog controls which means you run with a button instead and you have only digital directional movement
-the new levels feel like romhack garbage
-the bonus characters are all straight downgrades to mario and basically they don't add anything to the game except finding them is pretty fun
-you start the game with motherfucking yoshi
-you are forced to use other characters than mario

You mean worst aliasing, which is because the DS couldn't DO anti-aliasing, which also means no fucking game on the console did it better unless it was 2D. It's a legit complaint about the comparison to the N64 game though. N64 was blur and blend city.

Well that's unfortunate, user. I was raised on vidya because my father was a videogame nerd and my parents decided that giving me toys to occupy myself with as easier than actually parenting me.

That sucks user, but hey at least your vidya collection was awesome

What bothers me about the characters was more that Mario LOST powers just so they had shit to give the others. Which is dumb as shit since Yoshi and Luigi had unique jumping/hovering mechanics among the cast making them worth choosing for playstyle preference even if everyone could just use the same powerups - it was just Wario who had no reason to exist without being given special Wario-only bricks and the Wario-only powerup. Fuck Wario.

>I like my graphics being squished down to 240p on handheld
Nigga. The original SM64 ran at 240p.

How fucking dumb are you?

I don't really get the issue with the controls, of course I play like a normal person and not a speerunner.

I'm 20 years old and I'm the same case as OP

You have to be 18 to post here

I dunno man, that Unagi is still pretty spooky.