Dual Wield or Single Hander?

It doesn't matter. Listen kid you don't want to see my other side. I have a wolf inside me with a muzzle on, but the muzzle is about to come off. You broke her heart, and I will break yours. She is a nice girl, how dare you use her like this. How come people like you get to date her? Then people like me have to sit in the shadows and be the shoulders to cry on. Listen Kid, I don't have time for FUCKING games. I am a nice guy, but when you make a nice guy angry; the world shakes. Don't do it again.

... You will regret this the next FULL MOON. You mess with me you mess with the pack bud. FUCK you. Get ready.

Other urls found in this thread:


hes fast!

Original source for this meme?


Some kid is bullied and decides now is the time for the beta uprising. He takes 2 knives and cuts at his classmates before being capped.


So he's still rolling around there.
Anymore details on this story? Where he got shot? Was it with rubber or live ammo?
Assuming he isn't kill.

Why the fuck did he attack them head-on? He should have done it Solid Snake style. What a fucking moron.

If you'd like to know more about it you can read this article if you've the time.

Otherwise, just know he's in the hospital at the moment with a gunshot wound. Yes it was live ammo.

Dual wielding is a meme, unless your off hand is acting as "shield", deflecting attacks and whatnot.

Also, if anyone is a fa/tg/uy here, I'm making a dual wield crown pally for a 5e game. How inefficient am I gonna be by going dual wield rather than taking up a 2hander?

>Aye, where's my fucking phone bruh

If this kid was black everyone would be up in arms instead of it being a minor news story

*raises paw* uhhhh.... pls dont use that offensive "he" word. i consider myself to be an androgynous quasi-female pansexual wolfsoul. your concept of throwing around the word "he" willy-nilly is greatly offensive to my personal conceptualizations of my unique self image, and addressing others by using a certain label such as "he" is traumatic to me on a deep personal level, i was shaken to the core by your judgemental words. please be a little more considerate next time. thanks!

So instead of helping the bullied kid, they shoot him for trying to defend himself. Truly the land of the free.

>A high school student who lunged


two-handed, always

It's strange that he was allowed to shoot, because nobody should be shooting unless it's absolutely necessary to use lethal force to take somebody down, and a kid, despite wielding some large knives, is not requiring such lethal force. They have tazer guns and pepper spray for a reason.

One hand and shield

>that fucking edit


No it's pretty standard procedure to shoot someone with a deadly weapon who isn't listening to orders to drop said weapon. It isn't up to subjective "well he has a knife but..." no you just shoot the fuck if he doesn't comply.

Would someone be so kind as to draw Sundowner's armor and machetes on him? I'd do it myself but I dont have a mouse right now.



I think the key thing here is the child didn't die and he only inflicted minor injuries if any.
This. Why use potentially deadly force when you have so many other means of getting him to stop. You could try talking first, then escalate the issue. Hell, doesn't he have a taser?

You could drop that kid so easy. Hell, any of the students could have overpowered him and taken the knives, although I obviously wouldn't recommend that plan of action.

Maybe I'm a softy but it just seemed a little drastic. I wasn't there after all.

It's not standard procedure at all. Only in burgerland, where everyone is deathly afraid of everything, even a scrawny teen with some steak knives

don't worry, that dumb ass cop will now remember the moment on replay.
usually I side with the cops, but he really could of tazed the kid.

in america, our police are tried by military professionals or are ex military. in the military, you're train to kill so they train the police to kill first.

Twin daggers?!

He's serious guys, don't let your guard down!

Single hand with shield> two-hand> dual wield> single hand without shield
This is the objective truth

Americans are fucking crazy

All it takes is one stab.



well then the people who train them must be retarded, because it seems in every US cop video there's at least one fatass cop who whips his gun out way before necessary, and starts muzzle sweeping everyone in a public street

>he fell for the dual wielding meme

Tasers can fail, they can be hard to hit with in tense situations. They can potentially kill too. A gun is a much better deterrence too.

By saying it's standard procedure I'm most definitely talking about the procedure cops typically do in the US. So yes it is standard procedure dumbass.

He didn't have enough STR to use a two hander.

>they aren't trained to do that
>no one ever gets punished and are celebrated as heroes by the police department
>y-you're wrong

Longsword/Gauntlet master race.

I'm gonna need more edits on this. Is there an [s4s] thread up?

I suppose. I just don't know why live ammunition was required to take down a scrawny kid with 2 kitchen knives.

I've only played a little bit of t-top but dual wielding requires heavy investment into dex and as a pally you'd usually wanna go strength cause of the armor/feats/skill checks. You'd be able to pull it off but if your DM is a hardcore min/maxing sort of guy then you'll fall flat.

You should still play it if you're into the idea. Better to enjoy your character than not

>shooting someone in the back is a great deterrent

I don't think you understand that word

I got stabbed once by a fork and almost died. Kitchen knives are scary, mang


Nah, he's at risk of losing a lung and suffering brain damage. I would say that's not minor.

>That kid who lost his phone during a shooting

if you think a trigger happy security guard shooting into a crowded group of kids in a panicked situation is safer than a taser or using pepper spray, you're genuinely retarded

I'm talking about the injuries he inflicted. A little blood was spotted on him so he probably hurt himself or others.

Dual wielding always sucks. Reasonably sized shield and slashing/thrusting weapon is best for any situation.

Kid would've had better chance with a reinforced leather shield and a shorter longsword.

Why are American cops so murderous?
They couldn't take down a ten year old with a Knife without Shooting him?
But then again this is the country where they shoot a man in the back as he runs away and isn't a threat on video and then plant evidence on the poor guy all on video and the cop walks free
I prefer weapon and shield

He's wearing an Italy jersey. He's clearly flopping.



are there any games what you can dual wield but choosing to only use one weapon instead has a benefit?

Oh, well carry on, then.

I'm the same way. Usually I see why the cop may have had to do what he did, but it was pretty fucking unnecessary. If the kid had a gun, then yeah, shoot his ass because he has a long range lethal weapon. But a knife?

For fucks sake. Who brings two knives to a fight?

Bring a baseball bat. It gets the job done and it can fit in your backpack.

>schoolyard filled with excited kids running around
>"lol let's just open fire what could possibly go wrong"

American cops everyone.

american law assumes you are guilty until proven innocent so if you are wielding a knife you are a murderer and they are not letting a murderer not get shot

But user, he could have thrown it!

Arguably, the souls games.

>and the cop walks free
It was a mistrial because one dude didn't want to convict him, so they have to get another group or something.

Sword in one hand with a gun/magic in the other hand is god tier

>in america, our police are tried by military professionals or are ex military.
Police are overwhelmingly high school drop outs or in some cases have a degree from a vocational school. They pass a basic psychiatric evaluation and physical exam. They're trained by computers and, on occasion, by other cops. There are probably some veterans in the police force, but they aren't the majority and they sure as hell aren't SROs.
> in the military, you're train to kill
Okay, I was wrong, this is correct.
>so they train the police to kill first.
Even Texas has force escalation protocols. That they get ignored is just more evidence of how poorly trained American cops are.

I thought it was the other way round.

Pic related

It is in most other first world countries but America is a funny place.

they tell you that so you can't fight it

>They couldn't take down a ten year old with a Knife without Shooting him?
Cops are trained to shoot first in this situation. A kid with a knife can still take down a full grown adult if he knows what he's doing.

Well, I'm using a rapier and short sword combo so damage won't be quite as good. But after rereading the PHB, I don't see any requirement about dex. Just that the off hand attack doesn't recieve bonus damage from your attacking modifier. I've already done a SnS and 2hander pally, so I decided to go duo weeld to complete the standard melee type.

kek. someone has to do the fookin legend edit and put him in nights watch armor

It is the other way around. user was making a point by our hasty actions dealing with supposed perpetrators in juxtaposition with the very core values of western justice.

Personally, I believe that we should be less hasty as well in this country. We're the laughingstock of the world on this issue for a reason.

No user. It is you are innocent until proven guilty. You are thinking about Japanese Law.


Do it!

>in the military, you're train to kill
>Okay, I was wrong, this is correct.
I don't know about that. I was in the army and I felt most of my training consisted of police calls and motorpool maintenance. Once in a blue moon when our unit had the budget, we went out and fired some shots down range to qual. But then we spent most of the day and night picking up brass and waiting for shakedowns to happen so we could go home and sleep.

dont listen to him he's a literal fucking retard

you're pretty good



You're an idiot.

He was talked to. He was ordered to drop them. He didn't.

And you don't fucking get into a hand to hand battle with a knife wielder. Are you retarded? I don't care how big you are compared to them.

And tasers are shit. Especially in that situation where it's only one cop.


>When you see an N'Wah at School

kek this is great

Funny how media isnt exploding about this. Oh wait, It's a white kid being bullied so its fine


He's like those people who get training for jobs and forget to abide by the rules and policies stated in that training. Like retail cashiers who forget how to do things on the register that their computer training showed them.


come on user. children get shot at schools all the time. this isn't news.

Why is America such a shithole.

The price of freedom

oh so instead of trying anything else to defuse the situation or use a non-lethal method, you're supposed to fire a gun into a panicked crowd of teenagers? Got it

>And tasers are shit

This is a textbook example of when to use a taser, the kid isn't wearing anything that will block the nodes from hooking in. A taser would have dropped that kid like a 2x4

its been on my local news station for a while

Why are US police so fucking stupid? It wasn't necessary to shoot an kid.

The other kids were Mexicans. The fuck do you think would've happened? Would've gone from "whtie bully victim spergs out, gets rekt" to "racist white cop shoots innocent Mexican-American boy whose fist accidentally grazed a white boy's face multiple times".

I didn't recommend a hand-to-hand confrontation with a knife wielder you retard. That was really more of a sentiment regarding how weak the child appears.
>And tasers are shit.
Oh fuck off. Tasers work just fine. There's only a small percentage of situations where tasers are ineffective. But you could fucking try it. Opening fire in a crowd of children is also something I'd advise against.

>niggers bully some kid day after day
>he decides to stand up for himself
>gets shot
>nigger parents probably ask for mo money fo dem programs poh keeds didunt deserve dat stress

t. Italian kid