Who is the most two-faced motherfucker in all vidya history?
Who is the most two-faced motherfucker in all vidya history?
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Eric Sparrow
the mayor from AdvaNce wars Days Of rUin
This nigga got it right
Came here to say this. Glad its first response.
Why is the human derby the best gamble?
it's just soo fucking good
>tfw can't rewatch the series because of how stressful it is to watch it
>tfw just finished the chinchiro arc in Season 2
>that entire fucking scene with the all-ones dice
God, I wish S3 could happen already
Big Boss
I'm pretty sure series 3 would be about mahjong which I wouldnt be overly keen on. Have you tried Akagi?
NEVER EVER since movie sold like shit and main composer is in jail.
>main composer is in jail
Shieet. Got the story?
I haven't played 2 and don't plan to
That's just one arc.
Andou did literally nothing wrong
>mfw final bog fight
are there any games with a Kaiji-like feel? Zero Escape series had a little bit of that atmosphere but I'd like to play a game with the same kind of mindgames-fueled despair as Kaiji
True, he made a smart decision and ditched a guy he only met a few hours ago. Kaiji's "friend" is the real shitty one.
That dude encapsulates Sup Forums
This anime makes me anxious to the point where almost I can't watch it
I feel like the show is a realistic representation of what would happen if you pitted a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins against one another
I can't imagine reading the manga, the ost was like half the series for me
That one guy from Diablo 2.
King Goltana.
that is a good thing
>Left off on like the last episode of season 2 years ago
>tfw Sup Forums introduced you to better anime than Sup Forums
that works
Also Pixy from ace combat zero, that faggot from TH underground, Detective Winterson in Max Payne 2, Todd Howard, every gaming journalism reviewer, Mike and Bonnie from telltale TWD, the loyalists in Dishonored, the tribals in Far Cry 3, and Murai from Ninja Gaiden (xbox)
>I'm an autist I know
>but hopefully you'll play some of these games
>fun as fuck
Ondore. Ondore lies.
Don't believe his lies.
Sup Forums is now seasonal shit and muh 2006-07 nostalgia. Stick with Sup Forums and you will find fine anime.
I blame moefags.
Not video games
I don't care about Mydong but the 3rd arc was hype especially once he realized his friends had betrayed him and went ham on them
Pretty much. Kaiji is just that small of humanity that we try to hang onto. Even the episodes represent Sup Forums
>the dudes who use their first three cards within the first 15 mins and act like nothing happened, even though their life is fucked
>the dudes who lie to others to benefit directly (system 32) like the dude who jilted kaiji
>betas who ally with other betas them sell them out to win
>betas who won't risk their cards even if they'll still be in debt after (most people, desu)
Best was all of season 2.
slightly different topic than the OP, but what are some good games where you can be a scheming, conniving bastard? Crusader Kings II comes to mind
>tfw there's nothing more of LOGH for me to watch
Might as well read the books, then.
Fuck this shitty challenge. It isn't skill, it isn't luck, it's just fucking bullshit.
not again fucking hell
sounds about right
he did nothing wrong you are completely retarded if you think so
What are some games that have the same kind of quirky humor as One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100? MOTHER series springs to mind
what anime?
>he challenges you to a race for the tape of your choice footage
>one of the endings is just punching him right the fucking face and taking the tape
It's not the "best" ending, but it should be.
Anyone know if there's a specific schedule for One-Poker updates?
I binged through all the other four parts and waiting 2-3 months on updates is fucking suffering.
>Hidden glass floor
Talk about bullshit
Ultimate Survivor Kaiji
if you can actually gather enough human trash together to play this.
>We forgot to tell you we accepted you giving up
I'm still fucking mad
>I don't trust this guy
>maybe he's not a bad guy after all
>oh fuck he was a good guy. F
>wait he's ok
>but oh fuck he's a bad guy
>nevermind he was a good guy all along.
>steel beam vr
holy shit thats fucked up
It's the best ending.
You keep it real without having to jump through hoops and he gets knocked the fuck out
>TFW the series could've just ended after Season 2
>Kaiji could have just escaped hell with his friends and rebuilt his life
>instead it had to continue and he'll continuously face betrayal, suffering, and incredible stressful life endangering situations
its not fucking fair
ToX2 is actually pretty good, if not just for the bad ending
>And then the fucking gaijin arc happened and it was a huge waste of time for everyone involved
Best partner, next to Beat.
>tfw Joshua is the only video game character I know who has the same name as me
Feels good, lad.
Kaiji is a fucking retard.
You talking about the crushing helmet arc?
Nigga that shit was cool as fuck.
That's what I like about him though
He has moments of pure bullshitting genius that puts him super far ahead, but then gets really overconfident or overly trusting and screws himself royally because he's still kind of a massive retard
>the series could've just ended after Season 2
i'm sorry what the fuck did you just say you little bitch!? have you forgotten that there is unfinished business?
I really hope Kaiji actually wins at some point so we can give closure. Hell, maybe have him lose an arm or some shit in the process.
Is Akagi's meme mahjong match still happening?
No anime or other video game can stand up to the level of betrayal that was Eric Sparrow
It's completely pointless though because we already know the outcome
But that last episode is so happy. Kaiji gets reunited with his 49er friends, and they go out drinking and have good happy times. Its literally one of the few bright spots in Kaiji's life. Look how happy this fucker is.
And then things get terrible again the next arc
>The 49ers try to screw him for more money
It didn't have to be this way
>akagi anime ended 11 years ago when i got my drivers license and my first nokia flip cellphone
>anime ended with Akagi playing against some old rich guy who is sitting on packed bags and is hours away from fleeing the country.
>fast forward 11 years
>checks manga status .."ongoing".. damn, probably dozens of new arcs to read. *rubshandsjewishly*
>accidentally open newest chapter
>he is still playing against the guy from 11 years ago when the anime ended
Boat Berserk got nothing on this cunt
The fucking blood manicure was painful to watch
I skipped the third arc because I know shit about that chinese game
And sadly left when the niggers started with the crushing helmets
I imagine that the Psycho son would get fucked by his dad because he'll lose or something
Eh not really. 20 episodes on pachinko balls is a bit tiring, especially since some of the moments are way too drawn out
Nothing compares to the first time you watch s1. All its gambles are goat
The old guy at one point had actually died on the table, went to hell, lead a rebellion against the oni torturers, defeated King Yamma and went back to the world of the living, just to get his ass kicked by Akagi more
>tfw season 3 never
It is literally the slowest fucking thing ever. Each chapter is a small recap, a few weird metaphors (magical sand, consuming his life, etc) and MAYBE someone will draw a tile.
And we already know the outcome, so its all pointless as well.
In the manga, the next battle is Mahjong. Boooring. But after that it's more crazy shit
why did fkmt have to bring back akagi in ten
hyoudou has the same personality but projected in the future, after being tired of winning all the time
I preferred that theory
Yeah I didn't understand their logic with that. They watched The Bog go down, they saw Kaiji had two other people to split the money between. And Kaiji admitted he had to take out a ginormous loan as well, coupled with the debt he already had, all the 49ers debt, and that one extra guy he decided to save because he promised his dad. It doesn't make sense that Kaiji would have a fuckton of money left over, and hes notorious for being a lazy gambling addict, why did they think he was holding out on them? What horrible friends.
I hope Mario and Chang stick around, they seem like actual good loyal people, and Kiaji could use that
Mahjong is fucking cool niggers watch akagi
base lusts
Saki is the superior mahjong anime.
>Implying Kreia betrays you
You learned nothing
Well, he wrote Ten first, so really he brought Akagi back for a prequel.
>implying i said she betrays the player