It's all in the tablet

>it's all in the tablet.
I'm impressed, how does a tablet actually run BotW in smooth 30fps? My iPad is new yet has shit graphics and my ipad keeps getting worst every month peromance vise.

So how was Nintendo able to put so much power into a tablet that runs console games.

Yes we know it can't run PS4 pro graphics but for Nintendo standards it's pretty good.

Please don't shitpost or bait, I'm begging you.

I'm still not sure if the performance gets better once you plug it into your tv.

Warioware Switch

Touch ashley game

Happy now

not exactly sure what you mean by that.

user could you please build a complete sentence?

welcome you are a welcomed

probably not, reggie didn't answer when host man asked.

sorry what?

Dude could you at least say something about OPs subject matter?
What do you think about the tablet's performance?

They invented some new technique where they are able to fix a powerful GPU unto the same die as a CPU, so it takes over the effort that the CPU lacks. Since everything runs on CPU because it's cheap, and GPU is expensive, they are able to basically synthesize the efforts through a superior GPU chip without the heat sink caused by CPU.

Kinda like the N64's reality co-processor, or SSD compared to fast-access memory.

To my understanding.

Idk tho


the tablet being played on isnt the tablet you'll be sold once it hits stores probably

Playing any longer than that and the damn thing probably would have exploded and blown whatshisface's hands off with how OC'd it probably was

Nintendo wasnt about to make the same mistake SE just had.



Only accurate part of this post.

We don't know the resolution of the tablet yet

It could easily be 540p to match the Vita, and the computational power necessary to render at that resolution is much lower (about half) that required to render at 720p

>the tablet being played on isnt the tablet you'll be sold once it hits stores probably
dude, please.....

I said no shitposting or bait.

This is bait because you have no proof for that.

You could have pounded on your keyboard for a few minutes and you would have gotten more things right

I'm a regular tabet isn't built for just games, it has to do other things as well.
The Switch his specifically designed to run games on it.

It's like asking why a toaster can't run Skyrim at perfect specs while a gaming PC can, they're optimized differently.

It's like a system designed for dedicated gaming machine will be better than a general purpose tablet. also it's a iPad. a Surface Pro plays games fine

since this entire thread is just speculation unless you're a nintendo engineer, nobody is going to have proof for anything they say

>I'm a regular tablet
Oh shit, I've been found out.

Superior nvidia GPU plus it's not running at 1600p like an ipad is.

>regular tabet isn't built for just games, it has to do other things as well.
>The Switch his specifically designed to run games on it.

That sounds like a very good argument,

a real tablet needs to also
-record HD video/audio
-Have very loud speakers
-have very high pixel resolution because you watch photos and 1080p videos on it.
-be able to run lot of other apps in the background

All it needs to do is just to run the game well.

>a tablet that can run games perfectly fine.

that's the magic.

You see, this is what we at Nintendo envisioned your you, the player.

To play Zelda
everywhere you want.

Thanks Reggie,

I appreciate it.

fuck you guy

this pretty much the best answer.

I think we are done with this thread.
good job no shitposting guys

Planned obsolescence. Apple has been doing it for years and people still let them get away with it.