>ps2 graphics
>goofy character models
>shrot as hell
...why is this so highly rated by Sup Forums?
>ps2 graphics
>goofy character models
>shrot as hell
...why is this so highly rated by Sup Forums?
cheap, cute grill
Actually good for the budget it had. It did manage to scare me. Had a good time playing it.
While it IS short, it is not a bad game in the least. And I would even point out that the models and animations are better than the shit Bioware pushes out of its ass,
Chick lookes like she's straight out of an Umemaro "game".
you don't like the art, and you want your games to be 200 hours of fetch quests, so you think it's overrated? are you sure you actually like videogames?
I am not seeing it. All of Umemaro's girls sport a minimum of DD breast size.
bend over
Ok, so *maybe* her tiddies are a bit big for an asian girl.
I like how big her hands are
>Horror game
>Indonesian(?) setting
It was alright. Hopefully they make a sequel since it ended on a cliffhanger and the DLC didn't really answer anything.
She's Indonesian.
It's normal in here.
>Actually good for the budget it had.
They reaised ony 30k in crowd funding for it. I don't know fi they had additional funds. But that's a lot of money.
Holy fuck what world do you live in that 30k is a lot of money for this?
>But that's a lot of money.
You are aware that the average pay for a single software developer per month is 4k, right? These guys did wonder with such a short amount of money.
They're indonesian monkeis. They work for peanuts.
Which makes me think: why aren't more games made in third world nations? Indonesia and Ukraine would seem perfect.
I see.
Note to self: Date indonesian girls.
Who are these semen demons?
>the average pay for a single software developer per month is 4k
Maybe in America. Where I'm from, you'd be lucky if you got 2k. More realistic would be 1k.
i thought the game was pretty good but some of the animations are kinda weird, like when youre just playing patty cake with your friend outside the school and she just slaps you in the face
>all those jaggies
disgusting. PC "Master" Race.
I live in a 3rd world shithole and I can tell you that 30k is chicken feed. They probably subsisted on the money for a couple of months and sought some sort of investment.
According to them no one would invest in them because they only want to invest in mobile/social games. Not real games.
Search for Umemaro3D.
Budget game. Want better models, go get modded Skyrim.
>she just slaps you in the face
That actually made me laugh when I remembered it. It was a pretty hard slap too.
Indonesian here, majority of girls are A - B cup which means they are flat as fuck, also Muslims. Not really recommend it
I'm a Web developer and only earn 400$ per month.
It's not the models, it's the jaggies. No AA? No ability to increase internal resolution?
>Indonesian UMR / Minimum wage is about Rp. 3 juta / month - which is roughly $ 225. This means for less than $ 1000 per month, or $ 12000 per year, a company can hire 4 employees to do manual work.
Wow. I didn't think things were so bad in Indonesia.
Is the food and stuff cheap there? Like I said, in my country you'd be really lucky to get 2k, most higher ups only get like 1-2k at most. Normal people earn up to 1k, but even that is a bit of a stretch as 1/3rd of the population is said to get by with minimum wage ($400) or less.
yeah she straight fucking decked her, it was kinda weird that your character doesnt even talk so she didnt say anything about it
>You will never get 50,000 dollars, go to Indonesia and make a video game
there is AA that guy is just playing on a toaster
Rent is around 100$. A meal is ranging from 5$ - 7$ for daily food
because Sup Forums's favorite ecelebs played it
highly rated by shills you mean
beware of any game "Sup Forums" praises
This scene was probably the one who phased me the most. I was expecting something to go horribly wrong at every step.
Who? We have ecelebs?
>le shill meme.
>Is the food and stuff cheap there?
Depends on the place.
College student here, I spent like 2.25 USD for 3 meals a day. Though I'm a lighteater anyway so it could be less than that.
>Pony tail
Pretty nice game you have, OP
Whats wrong with ponytails?
Actually everything is wrong the moment you see that.
I had an indonesian friend who freaked out the moment he saw that scene and went "Oh dude you're fucked now"
Apparently they had some sort of folklore about stepping into a dimension inhabited by fake beautiful chicks. They say once you step in there, you're never coming out or whatever.
So i guess its a nice touch for people who are familiar with the folklores
it did seem like alot of the demons and moments like that had good lore behind it
I didn't know that indonesians had their own type of zombie/mummy, namely the Pocong, until recently. Some neat monsters among the ghosts.
They oddly reminded me of some mexican ghosts I know of.
Actually I find it odd and fucking freaky that Japan and Indonesians share a lot of similarity in descriptions of ghosts in terms of sightings and folklore.
Because of this game I started looking into some of them.
My favourite is that flying head with her entrails and organs hanging out of her neck.
The Australians of Japan.
You know... That's probably the best description of how much ghosts and freaky stuff they have.
>tfw my rent is 2375 american dollardoos
>mexican ghosts
>evil donkey witch ghost, best ghost
you know it makes me really sad we never got a game like sadness was supposed to be
I was wondering what the fuck was going on whilst i ran around taking pictures of the women.
then i noticed the tree behind the floaty girl
i paid 5 euro for the game during the Halloween and i feel i got more than my monies worth.
The story didn't make a lick of sense though.
It's the combo of forest + sundanese music that made it wrong. Many local folklores say that hearing traditional music in the middle of a forest means that you're stepping/passing thru another world. If you don't greet the spirits or saying out loud that you're only passing there, they will consider you their guest.
Since Linda can't speak (silent protagonist, lel) she can't just escape from there. I like how the devs tied a video game trope to folklore. This is actually creative.
I liked how it felt like a ps2 game
Kind of janky in a fun way. Some of those boss fights were NOT fun though, like the floating head demon.
>I'm a Web developer and only earn 400$ per month.
You don't deserve it you have a worthless job.
And if you pay then 1k a month that's 3 guys working for 10 months. You half that and it's 6 guys. Still absurd and you can tell you're a child if you think that's a lot of money.
It was kind of fun trying to figure out how the ghosts in the sequel all tied together.
Yeah! it was kinda weird, but the ps2 graphics was oddly fitting.
That said, there were some bad touches to the environment they could've paid attention to.
Also their teacher? hot af.
I was hoping for a port of her model on SFM for "research".
Shut the fuck up sauce(dead)pan, go back to your scat threads you newfag fuck.