What are some of the best games released the year you were born?
pic related
What are some of the best games released the year you were born?
pic related
You old enough to be on the internet son?
is this bait?
1988 here
>Megaman 2
>Super Mario Bros 3
>Super Contra
Pretty good year
Released literally one day after I was born.
Jesus this thread is depressing
strange, I didn't think Sup Forums of all places would have so many super-oldfags
I'm only 25. That barely constitutes oldfag.
I hate this place more and more every day, but I have nowhere else to go.
I know you're both baiting but I genuinely hope a mod bans you for being underage
same, 1997 had some of the greatest games
Super Mario Bros.
Ultima IV
Ice Climber
>that poor child named Dohvakiin so his parents could get free Bethesda games for life turned five last month
Where does the time go?
Please no I have a download going on and can't reset my modem right now
sure did
I was gonna call you a youngin' but then I realized that was nearly 20 years ago. And while that's considerably younger than me it's by no means young. Such is life.
then why argue if someones old enough to be here? OP is 19
Get the fuck off my lawn.
good times
fucking spermposters
But I never argued that user. What are you talking about? Where did I say anything even remotely like that?
idk im gay or something
Even people in their 30s consider 20 young. There's not much life experience that comes from someone out of high school 2 years ago.
You retards. If you were born 1997 you literally missed everything. Only the 80s kids experienced the greatest times with consoles.
>all these oldfags
okay grandad
my nigga! and here i was thinking that this board was lost to underage plebs already...
The average lifespan of a sperm is 12 days.
It is for the most part, lost. We're just the last dying gasp.
>what are emulators
Your experiences aren't special, oldfag.
Mah niggah, was released one day before I was born.
oh shit a grandpa escaped from /vr/
I know I'm young, pls don't tell my mom
>tfw spermposters get to play unreleased games first
Incidentally one of my all time favorite games.
>back then people said he was going to be made fun of in school
>he's probably being made fun of in school RIGHT NOW
hello mr time traveller
Megaman X
>Kid Icarus
>Legend of Zelda
You all WISH you were born in 1986.
>implying they being 30 doesn't make me feel really old
you are literally a fossil
t. spermposter
>tfw 26
>tfw share a board with all these fresh 16-20 year old boys. many of them kissless virgins
I'm drooling.
My niggahs
Not just best game of the year, but best game of all time.
H-hey now, user, don't be creepy. I'm only a little younger than you! Besides, I'm sure you're also a kissless virgin, right?
>the first Metroid
>not being rendered 100%obselete by Metroid 2, then 200% obselete by Super Metroid
Lol. At least Fusion renders it 1000% classic by comparison.
>Go to trash because is young
>Sees the gud taste
You're gonna go far, kid.
Fuck off, liar. 1988 here, and I got Final Fantasy II, Ghouls n Ghosts, and Dragon Quest III.
I was once banned for ninety days for making a similar joke. I could have appealed it, but it helped to be off Sup Forums during the school semester. It was the only semester where I actually studied for every class.
Probably this.
damn i feel old, i was playing FF7 in high school
my year was great
Yeah, those were released in 88 too
Shit, you too?
>About to post a picture of Joust
>Dis nigga.
feels good and bad being old as shit.
old muhfuggers
I bet most of you faggots don't even know what this is
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
For my birth year (1986) it came down to Dragon Warrior or the legend of Zelda
I never liked Dragon Warrior, so zelda it is.
Also, if you were born the same year FFVII came out, please fucking kill yourself. Just saying.
Beat it by only a few months
glad im not the only oldfag still hanging around here
peace and long life to you
Is this a game? This just looks like an o scope reading
Ironically enough, this is also the first game I have memories of playing.
It's the first game you fucking stupid piece of shit.
Jesus fucking christ I wish I could fucking wrap my fucking fingers around your fucking throat and watch the fucking life drain from your fucking face with my fucking hands with your face
The arcade version of Joust is great. It's a classic that deserves the title. The 2600 version, not so much.
It actually is a game on an oscilloscope. Tennis for Two is supposedly the first known video game.
i think that was the first game that i owned
Tetris. Excitebike.
It was one of the first of mine too, sort of, it was at my grandma's house and me and my brother would play on an Atari 2600 she had when we would visit once a week. There was another game she had that from memory might have been Artillery Duel, but it was so long ago that I don't know for sure.
Holy shit dude, are you gonna be alright?
I meant (NA release), not .
see you in a few years kid
So will you be.