stop playing weebshit
Stop playing weebshit
stop burning churches
Stop forcing your meme and stop ruining our traditional Norwegian architecture. Sage.
A star rod, you say?
Retake Constantinople
stop announcing sages
Stop pretending you're norse
Are video games a spook?
As 9gag as that pic is, it's not wrong by any means
>and barbeques
why is this neet life applicable?
If i stop playing weebshit i'll stop playing games. Is that what you want asshole?
What meme is this?
Good, you're probably shit at them anyway.
name of game
but I just play overwatch
Stop killing people.
Neonazi norseaboo churchburner who doesn't like weebshit or some crap
it's not a Sup Forums native meme and is forced
>If i stop playing weebshit i'll stop playing games
try games that are made by the superior west
Knowing how fucking crazy Euronymous was he was probably really going to kill Varg, so it was self-defense.
What board should I browse to find spook threads more often?
witty retort my sub-100 IQ friend
/lit/ you big dummy
This is what I tell myself too when I plow down home invaders with my mounted and ready machine gun.
Am I late!?
go back to Sup Forums
So this guy is actually considered a buffoon? Thank goodness and here I was thinking some people could have took him seriously
Is this the latest reddit maymay to spam over and over again? I thought we were still frogposting redditbros! XD
pick one and ONLY one, shootercuck
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user
90% of memes on Sup Forums are forced memes. Even rickroll was originally a forced meme from Sup Forums
>Talking about spooks without a skeleton accompanying you
What? It was self-defense. Moreover, there's nothing wrong with paganism and burning down traditional churches.
I thought so
I guess it's just my luck that whenever I check there are none up
Not until you explain why you have 7 hours of hyperdimension neptunia on your steam page, vargy-san.
Stop eating meat
I wish I could but I'm too weak to quit.
>So this guy is actually considered a buffoon?
According to /leftypol/ yeah. I haven't bothered to lurk boards outside of Sup Forums to see any Stirner threads.
This girl's thickheaded. Shameful.