What game makes you feel happy?

What game makes you feel happy?

Pochaco > Galko

Otako > Nikuko > Ojou > Pochako > Galko



Gravity Rush
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Metal Gear Solid 3


I love fat girls.

no game

inb4 thicc thread


please post Galko

replaying Gravity Rush on the PS4 actually put a smile on my face

Fuck off.

>slutty virgin
Is this this worst archetype Japan came up with since tsundere?

Galko-chan's smile makes me happy!

>Getting enjoyment out of a game
Fucking pleb

Happiness is a social construct and isn't actually achievable. The universe is a cold, dark, unfriendly place, and there is no room for frivolities like happiness in it.

Off to a great start

games that make me think about suicide

Lots of games make me happy, especially when I figure out methods of being more efficient while playing, although I don't min/max per say just being more efficient.

Currently it's modded Skyrim.

>games that make me think about suicide

How about Twisted Metal: Black?

I dont play video games

Better late than never, I suggest doing Brimstone, Outlaw and maybe Shadow, that should cover your suicide quota.

I don't know what you're trying to tell me

Those are the names of some of the cars to choose from for Single-Player, at least two of the drivers of the cars I mentioned have attempted suicide and one of them does it at the end. Its not a story heavy game series but this game expands on the drivers much more than the others.

I think I get it, I'll check it out

What, which ep?

She says "the black actor in ____ was so cool!", ___ being some sort of movie I can't remember.

Naturally Sup Forums jumped to the conclusion that she prefers fucking black men in front of them while they sit around moping in a corner

Pochaco is a miracle. She needs a game too.
