MAGAMAN GENERAL: Commies Eat Bricks Edition


MAGAMAN is a game about Donald Trump's rise to the presidency, he fights commies, SJWs, and the establishment.


yesterday's thread was a huge success, I got lots of feedback and the game looks better than ever.

Current Progress:
I've added health bar and a score.
Commies now attack you
you can kill commies with bricks to the face

game goals:
proper ladder support
comfortable difficulty level
6-8 levels, republican candidates
2 levels democrat candidates
1 level george soros

current levels being worked on:

Rubots robots:
populated by: commiebots
end boss: rubot
location: new england
goals: build city background,
add end boss

Wall Street:
populated by: mechsicans
end boss: rato
locaton US-Mexico boarder
goals: wall slowly builds in background as you fight through hoards of Mechsicans crossing the boarder
add end boss

Come and join us friends, we will tear down the left together as one!

wrong board u gay fgt

>I'm an idea man, hard work isn't my forte.

Is this the funposting thread?

>hurr durr I didn't click the link and see how much hard work you've put into this lol

Guys, i got a great idea for a game. You save the day and get to fuck all the female fans who want your hero dick in them.

Finally, a game where you actually get rewarded for saving the world.

Someone get on that.

shit like this is why I hate this board

I gave me idea without even mentioning anything about you, and you get mad? Fucking hypocrite

Feel free to leave

dont let the Nu-male fags of Sup Forums get you down man, keep working on the game man.

just make sure that the finally boss is Hillary and that she has 3 forms 1 standard -> 2 Hilldog -> 3 grotesque pantsuit mosnter

Maybe try not making stupid Sup Forumstard shit.
Sup Forums is the homosexual board, if you want retardation and pedophilia go to Sup Forums instead.

>you are disrupting my echo chamber
fuck off, continue losing with the rest of the liberal party while we create jobs and save america

she's going to be a giant sandy vagina that flies around like a bat but thanks m8

I was on board until this post. How do you spend time on this website and not be able to deal with shit posting?

he's came here from reddit to shill

The one thing that I can't stand about Trump. He brings in redditors. I wish Sup Forums was a homogeneous website.

OK i'll bite.

This isn't hard work. All you did was follow a basic canvas-based javascript platformer tutorial with babby's first AI and flat grounds, then expect people to do work for you when it's pixel art, something anyone can do.

Do you expect me to be impressed? This isn't even worth my time, but you're such a goddamn moron who asked for it, I had to reply to tell you how that was nothing special. Grow the fuck up and move on, this is not your area of expertise. I give you 2 weeks max 'til you forget about your "game" then move on and continue jerking off to horny, scantily-clad chinese cartoon women drawn by people who actually make a living off of their original creations unlike your sorry-ass.

Also you're cancerous enough to go full-tripfaggotry with a name of a character from Bioshock, because you think it makes you a cultured man, as you sip on your kool-aid, wear your fedora and dry-clean your trench-coat and fingerless gloves stained with semen from jacking off too often with them. Fuck off, go die, I'm gonna find you and end your live, motherfucker. KYS.

Ted Cruz video game when?

I bleed reading that.
kinda gives the impression that you don't want a game made, help or no help.

Honestly, props to OP to having some sort of base.
Not much else to say, something might happen.

Used to be a sprite artist, but not really good at it anymore.

Try cripplechan

found the hillary supporter


>B-b-but it was HER TURN


At first I wasn't really impressed or interested by the OP at all because he has a name and a trip, but after reading your post and making yourself come off as some sort of egotistical, projecting moron you make the OP look like a great guy, so thanks for that.

>inb4 this post is so stupid it has to be clever bait by the OP to try and get support

Awesome game dude, MAGA! Do you have a reddit where we can talk about it?

I know this is b8 but die in a fire.

It must be sad to rely on memes in order to create

>a character from bioshock
holy shit

is the b8 here that you can't understand an obvious joke?

Fuck off Hillshill. We won, you lost. This is our board now.

>Trump is rebbit

I hate you even more

Yes actually