What's your overwatch main?
What's your political/philosophical outlook or ideology?
How do the two correspond if at all?
What's your overwatch main?
What's your political/philosophical outlook or ideology?
How do the two correspond if at all?
I begrudgingly main Lucio.
Lately I have been leaning toward the right or middle on most political problems.
i dont understand how these two questions are related at all
i main the uninstall button
My Overwatch main is Mei.
I am one of the most liberal people I have ever met, to the point I admit I am probably too far left for a logicical person.
Mei is cancer, and libtards are cancer. Makes sense.
I main genji, and hanzo. I literally pick them every match. I'm far left leaning (#feelthebern) and I literally cannot stop suckling dick.
I main Soldier 76 and Zarya and I'm a Minarchist libertarian /spoiler]
I still haven't found a main.
I cycle through most of the characters except for Hanzo, Widow, Symmetra, Torb, and Bastion.
Is that bad?
i dont main any hero because im not dogshit at the fucking game
my political outlook is MAGA HAT and i wear it for the lulz
Liberals are increasingly pissing me off. I find myself becoming more nationalistic.
Far Right
Family is the powerhouse of the cell(society)
Babby first false flag
I don't have a main, variety is the spice of life
I don't really have an organized philosophy, I just try to live a balanced life and see things from different perspectives without being overzealous or self-righteous
Is this bait? All of those characters are horrendous except Widowmaker
Well yeah that's why I don't play them speedreader
Don't have any clear political points of view, but I dislike muslims
I don't know how the two relate, but she's got a fucking rocket launcher, and that's probably why I like her. Fuck politics anyway
I've owned overwatch since near launch and I keep forgetting that it exists.
epin :oDDDDD
I stopped after the halloween update, not picking it up again until more maps are added
Oh okay I get it now
>What's your overwatch main?
>What's your political/philosophical outlook or ideology?
I don't care.
>How do the two correspond if at all?
Same pretty much, I just wanted the road hog skin. I only play the game with friends now, just isn't fun solo.
I just want the bombs to drop.
I think Oasis map and Symmetra update will leave the PTR sometime this month
>S1 Lucio Zen Mercy
>S2 Lucio Zen Mercy
>S3 Bastion Hanzo
Didn't buy.
Agnostic Deist.
John Stewart Mill esque Utilitarianism.
Hardline socialist
I guess I believe in social JUSTICE raining from above
Make America Pozz'd Again?
Mccree and Tracer
Hanzo but I hate defense heroes
Roadhog and Zarya
Ana and Mercy
D.Va and Ana
Don't care about politics shit, can't we all just get along?
Trying to get good with McCree but generally switch to whatever's needed.
Not really an ideologue, I value freedom though. Which makes sense with McCree. I'm also strongly sceptical of mass immigration which makes less sense. I also play a good deal of Reinhard though.
I also like Junkrat and Roadhog.
>main Reinhardt
>I don't really know what my political affiliation is. I don't really feel like I'm well educated enough to really plant my flag on any side. I try to remain as objective as possible when it comes to most issues.
Mei, Hanzo
No tanks.
Ana, Zenyatta
>Political/philosophical outlook
Existentialist Anarchism
rate my mains
same same senpai
D. Va
In the middle but becoming more right wing
>Maining in Overwatch
>Maining in a game that encourages swapping
That said my most played is Reinhardt and I voted Trump.
I play Zenyatta the most
>What's your political/philosophical outlook or ideology?
Ideology is idiotic, my outlook is humanity realizing that each race/people have different strengths/weaknesses and that we should recognize them to work together but also have fun with it.
>How do the two correspond if at all?
It's a video game, I play Zenyatta the most for his great supportive and amazing offensive capability.
Far Left
More like Anatifa
I voted for the 3rd party libertarian candidate Gary Johnson
I'd say libertarian but I'm less about small government and more of government governing less while still supporting the nation through properly-implemented programs.
Considering D.va is in the fray at the behest of the South Korean government, there's not much of a correspondence.
>Trump Train
I don't main anyone, but I mainly play Zarya, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Reaper, Ana, and Lucio.
politics are fucking gay
More people voted for Harambe in the american election than the cantidate i supported.
I've been doing battle mercy lately
it means I only use her pistol, i don't use her staff nor do i heal anyone.
I've gotten gold damage many times but have yet to get gold elims. I was about to have gold elims in one game but got d/c'd like 20 seconds before the match ended.
My first pick in a match, Comp or Quickplay, is often Reinhardt. So much fun to play as, especially with the clutches I can pull off with his abilities. If somehow that's take or theres already enough tanks, I go with either Reaper, Soldier, or if we need a healer, Mercy.
I main Reinhardt
I have no political identity that I stick to. I lean to whatever side is currently right. I don't allow personal bias of belonging to a specific party to make my judgements for me.
I just want us to all get along for the betterment of mankind.
I don't care about politics and my outlook on life is one of Eudaimonia, maximizing happiness of as many consciousnesses as possible.
How to fix every hero: The post
>Can now choose to toggle on between damage (+20%) or healing (+10%)
>Turret mode now has a 5 second cooldown inbetween transformation
>Removed Repair.
>Added Proton Flare: Fires a proton flare above Bastion, causing heros to miss 60% of shots for 3 seconds, as well as having a chance of repelling incoming projectiles
>Defense Matrix now has a 2200 damage threshold
>Pistol damage increased by 10
>Health increased by 10
>Damage increased by 5
>Dragonblade duration increased by 2 seconds
>Removed Scatter Arrow
>Added Heavy Arrow: If enemy hero is close to a wall (or floor if angled downward) enemy takes initial damage and is pinned for 3 seconds
>Removed Steel Trap
>Added Sticky mines: Place up to 6 sticky mines that can be detonated remotely, or will detonate upon Junkrat's death
>Soundwave now gives 250 shield for 8 seconds (instead of 500 diminishing shield)
>Flashbang now blinds enemy, causing them to miss (60%) for 3 seconds
>Ice wall cooldown increased by 4 seconds
>Blizzard now drops directly beneath Mei
>Now has an overcharge feature
>When healing is fully charged, release to tether heal up to 3 total heros for +20% more. Lasts 5 seconds
>When damage is fully charged, release to give target +30% bonus damage. Lasts 5 seconds
>Barrage now fires a centralized concussive blast rocket at beginning of ultimate
>Shadow step and Wraith form now one ability
>Shadowform: Leap foward, transforming into a wispy trail and moving at an accelerated rate for 3 seconds
>New skill: Slugs: Your shotgun fires a centralized, concentrated shot doing 200 damage at point blank, sharply dropping damage with increased distance
>Shield regeneration rate increased
>Shield threshold increased to 3000
>tfw too intelligent to have an ideology
>Take a Breather can now be used while moving
Soldier 76
>Sprint now has a 5 second lapse, but movement is greatly increased
>Biotic field can be tossed or dropped below 76
>Hack now causes enemy heroes to receive reduced healing and increased damage, along with current ability silence
>Sentry turrets now start at level 1 of 3, and may be upgraded to next level at the cost of 2 of the same level turret (6 level 1's, 3 level 2's, 1 level 3)
>Sentry turrets now have 75 health at level 1, 150 at level 2, and 300 at level 3
>Sentry turrets now do 20 damage at level 1, 50 at level 2, and 125 at level 3
>Proton shield now gives 50 shield to allied heroes
>Cast range for Short range Photon Projector increased by 5 meters
>Long range photon orb has faster travel time
>Ultimate ability change: Teleporter now also produces a shield generator that offers 300 shield in a centralized area for 1 minute. After 1 minute, both the teleporter and shield generator expire
>Teleporter/Shield generator have 150 health, and 200 shield
>Deleted Torbjorn
>Blink: increased blink distance by 5 meters, increased cooldown by 1 second each blink
>Recall: Tracer may not be able to blink after using recall for 2 seconds
>Venom mine damage increased
>Infrasight now grants Widowmaker and her team to have increased chance of critical damage
>Winston's melee attack now does 50 damage, When Using Primal Rage, Damage is increased to 75, but cooldown of 1.5 seconds added to each melee attack along with a large knockback
>Particle cannon (both modes) now provides a temporary burn damage over time of 5 per second
>Graviton surge: If energy is at 95 or higher during ultimate, will compress enemy heroes, preventing them from ability usage or movement for 1 second
>Transcendance: If Zenyatta is nearby targetted enemy hero with Orb of Discord, they will take periodic damage over time of 10/second for the duration of the ultimate. If allied hero is nearby during Ultimate, they will gain extra damage (30%) for The duration of the ultimate
Pharah, Zarya, Mercy
Reinhardt main if we're going purely on most played.
And I'm very right wing.
That's funny, I main Mei also and I'm the exact opposite politically
I only play D.Va. If she is taken (never happens due to a combination of quick connection speed, SSD, and quick reaction times) I begrudgingly play Tracer. I am an alt-right Sup Forums tier racist who hates anyone who's not a white European/American or a southeast Asian. In public, though, I generally play the middle ground in political discussion.
That's a small government conservative
Learn the best heroes for the current meta to flex and try to play the heroes I actually enjoy first.
McCree, Zenyatta
Right wing
>t. faggot
>No fun the game
Whoa, all of that is garbage. Please kill yourself and stay the fuck away from video games.
That's literally TF2. Fuck off you ValveCuck.
You are cancer
I want to be right wing but I always feel bad cause most game developers and Hollywood types are usually at least left of centre to far left and I feel bad consuming their works knowing that they would likely hate me because I would have different political views than them
It's like when trump got elected and all those celebs and Internet personalities posted stuff on their twitters,youtubes, and tumblrs saying that if you supported trump you should immediately unfollow them and they don't want you to support them
It's pretty much why I voted Hillary even though I wasn't really on board with her campaign. I was and still am scared of being on the wrong side of history
Reinhardt and Lucio
I want everyone to be happy and will suffer if it means they won't have to.
Conservative libertarian