Do you regret buying one?

Do you regret buying one?

no because i paid $200 and have a big SD

I got W101 and Dong Freeze free from club nintendo, so I'm fairly content

bought near launch. the only game I own is smash brothers, bayonetta 2, w101 and xenoblade.

such a fucking waste since good games didnt come out until years later. i think i was better off finding someone with a wii u and just borrowing it from them.

Yes. It had a few worthwhile games but most of the library was filler shit like Captain Toad and Wii Party U

No, I feel like I got my money's worth. I've played around 20 games for the system, and thoroughly enjoyed about 15 of them. I feel like that's enough to warrant the price of the console.

No. Hyrule Warriors is great.

not an exclusive

this thread again... OP pls dont be such a fagget

is great in the wii u anyway you pendejoid

Doesn't matter, its not an exclusive
Legends is the definitive version anyways

No, because I hacked mine and can play all the VC, and eshop games I want for free.


Yes, the damn thing has been collecting dust for almost a year now.

no because its a great emulation machine and I like free ds/gamecube/wii/wiiu games

Stable CEMU when? I just want to try sm4sh, bayo2, and xenoblade.

nah, got one secondhand in August, pretty good especially with the Wii Mode hacked

so far I've played Bayo 1&2, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Hyrule Warriors, DKC Tropical Freeze, Mario 3D World, own Yoshi's Woolly World and Pikmin 3 but yet to play them, and a copy of Mario Party 10 that I need to get rid of (came with the system)

Bunch of freeloading faggots. Kill yourselves.


Bought it for MK8, Pikmin 3, 3D World, Smash and Hyrule Warriors. Got Bayo1&2, XCX, #FE, and much more out of it later.

love how you didn't quote the guy asking about CEMU

>Hyrule Warriors.
not an exclusive

I don't care.

yes, now i wanna sell it for as much as I can get

even if it's 20 bucks

it was for a year or so, they might have bought it before Legends came out

Not as long as Zelda is good.

No. My wii's power supply was dying, like it'd just shot off after an hour of play, and I have a handful of Wii games/ports I could see myself playing again (both Mario Galaxies, NMH, Muramasa, Okami, RE4, Metroid Prime Trilogy, House of the Dead: Overkill, Madworld, Xeno Chronicles, Bomberman blast if I ever have friends over), plus some I'll probably never play again like the Tales of Symphonia sequel, Other M, Skyward Sword, Brawl, Goldeneye remake but you never know...

Plus the handful of Wii U exclusives (and I don't count handheld ports as making it less exclusive, I'm not going to play on tiny ass screens when I own my own house) like TW101, Bayo 2, DKCTF, Sm4sh, MK8, XCX, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, and the HD ports of WW and TP, and eventually BotW.

The Switch isn't backwards compatible with the Wii, so if I wanted to keep those Wii games and my files on them, it was Wii U or nothing.

I play pretty much everything else on PC so when choosing 1 and only 1 console to get along with my PC, Wii U becomes the best choice.

I'll buy a PS4 when it has 5 (five) exclusive games that I cannot play on PC that I want to play. So far there's bloodborne, FFXV, Star Ocean, and Senran Kagura EV, but those last 3 might get PC ports.. so it remains a bloodborne machine. Don't even bother listing Games that haven't come out yet Sonyggers. "Greatness Awaits" isn't validation for forking over hundreds of dollarydoos for it to sit on my shelf doing nothing after I finish bloodborne, and hey, Nier Automata was initially going to be PS4 exclusive, it's getting a port.

Absolutely. It never got an Animal Crossing game, a good 3D Mario, or a new Zelda as of yet. Yes I know BotW is coming, but I'll be getting it on the Switch.

Zelda runs like garbage on the Wii U. Why would you not get it on the Switch?

I don't regret buying the Wii U itself, there were several worthwhile games

What I regret is buying every Wii U exclusive because I wanted to make the system feel more worthwhile, and many of them were complete garbage. Looking at you SFZ

More like why would you not emulate it day 1

>and I don't count handheld ports as making it less exclusive, I'm not going to play on tiny ass screens when I own my own house
You fags shit your pants whenever someone lists multiplats on PS4/Vita then you do this shit. Bunch of hypocrites.

because the emu wouldn't be optimized for it at all

It didn't look much better on the Switch.

>regrets buying a Wii U
>getting a Switch

You're blind if you honestly think that

A bit

Yes. It has basically a few exclusives, 90% of them are made by Nintendo (and some of them are pretty shit) and nothing else. Since 2015 it got no fucking games, which sucks because I bought my wii u in early 2014. It's fucking sad because that console had potential and ended up having like 5 games worth owning. I would have sold it ages ago if it couldn't emulate my Wii games

I never bitch about handheld ports of console games. I'd still rather play the console version.

Senran Kagura EV is on PS4 and Vita, but I consider it a PS4 exclusive.

There are several threads up right now with people talking about how much better and smoother the game looks on Switch. Go see for yourself.

I regret buying amiibo more.

>It's fucking sad because that console had potential and ended up having like 5 games worth owning
If your tastes are so narrow that you think the Wii U only has 5 games worth owning, why do you bother with consoles in the first place?

Hell no OP, Wii u got the hax now bro. me and my bro are ballahs and got loads of games now hahahahahah

Maybe he doesn't wanna spend $300 on an upcoming console if he can simply play on the console he already own

You act like the Wii U has a varied selection of games.
If you don't like platformers, the only other exclusives on the system are Platinum games and Xenoblade

Except it's not, and all the DLC is on the WIi U version. It also plays like garbage, and there's no co-op

I only bitch when Sonyggers go "Well no one played X game on the PS3" defending last gen ports when millions of people owned a PS3 there's no way they didn't play one of the most high profile games on it, but shit themselves over 2 Zelda ports on the Wii U, one being nearly 15 years old, 2 generations back.

>Except it's not,
It is
>and all the DLC is on the WIi U version.
Kek, for extra money. Its included with Legends. $60 + DLC or $40 w/ DLC. Not even a close comparison.
>It also plays like garbage,
Get a N3DS poorfag
>and there's no co-op
So fucking what? The co-op runs like garbage on Wii U.

yes. fuck nintendo. I got it to play xenoblade, once that was done it's been gathering dust.

>wii u hacks come out
>think i'll finally get the chance to use it
>there are zero fucking games worth pirating

what a piece of shit. I'll have to install nintendont one of these days so i can at least play fzero gx.

Hyrule Warriors and Woolly World were ported to 3DS after less than a year.

>playing on a 5 inch screen instead of a 50 inch

Handhelds are for children.

>m-muh graphix
Not an argument
Besides, you were just talking about co-op and that requires the tiny ass gamepad screen

And they're within the same generation, what's your point? I didn't say anything about Vita/PS4 ports.

>Handhelds are for children.
Nintendo games in general are for children, while we're on the subject.

>Handhelds are for children.
Zelda is for children

Video games in general are for children, while we're on the subject.

I'm glad you agree with me.

So why are you complaining about handhelds being for children?

This thread again OP?

That wasn't me that originally said it.

I'm not OP

If I can get my wii u games digital to the switch without needing my wii u for any transfer bs, I'd sell it right now for fucking cheap

but I don't know the details so i'll still hang on to it

wii u was the first flop in my eyes so I'll still buy a switch

>90% falseflagging sonyggers
>10% legitimate Wii U owners who were retarded enough to buy a console just for Mario and Zelda

The Switch won't have backwards compatibility with Wii U because it doesn't have two screens

Sell your Wii U now.

Oh you can't because you don't have one. Oh well.

I use it as my bed internet browser and I can also use the gamepad with my headphones, so no. Otherwise I would have sold it a while ago.


Not really, but I do acknowledge it could have been a whole lot better

Got a solid 10-15 games out of it that I really enjoyed, which is more than my PS3 or Vita

I regret it a bit, but I got a lot out of it, played lots of monster hunter 3 ultimate and made some good friends there, I have really good memories from that, as well as replaying NES and SNES games with my brother and then jumping on Mario 3D World. Again, it needed more games but I got a lot out of the worthwhile ones it had.

ah that's pretty gay, so I have to buy that shit all over again?

You are really paranoid, I have alot of games on the wii u but it still didn't satisfy me due to most of games being average like smash 4 and the gamepad being a hassle

could have done better though

Loving it every time i play

Then get out the house and go to Best Buy or some other electronic store to try it.

i bought two

No, definitely not. I never regret buying Nintendo consoles because I buy them to play Nintendo games.

The Wii U has an awesome and very unique game library. It's a solid purchase.

>Got a solid 10-15 games
I'm really wondering where people are getting these inflated numbers.
Are you counting multiplats like Hyrule Warriors and Yoshi Woolly World?
Are you counting garbage like Paper Mario Color Splash and Star Fox Zero?

Waiting for games to get to a reasonable price has made me realize I was retarded for thinking that. So it sits. So yes. Merio Curt was fun but overall not worth atm.

>The Wii U has an awesome and very unique game library.
Im ready for the Switch to come out already so people can stop pretending to like Wii U games.

How big is her dick, bro?

Not really but i only paid 100$ for it on craigslist from some mexican mom. I played a shit ton of mario cart and got about 30 hours out of #fe that i pirated. Actually really enjoyed how they used the gamepad screen in fe and wish there were more jrpgs on the system because its perfect for that. Ill play xenoblade eventually but im not crazy about the combat

Not at all. I've got mine for a good price: 32gb version, with a classic controller pro, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, barely used, almost new.
It would be a perfect console if Nintendo gave it backwards compatibility with Gamecube, and not just Wii. They re-released the GC gamepad for Sm4sh Bros, they could have easily designed a GC memory card USB reader or just made them virtual (like Sony does with PS1 and PS2 memory cards on the PS3).

3D World
Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8
Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Xenoblade X
Captain Toad

And then Lego City Undercover and NSMBU, both of which were games I didn't like but are frequently brought up as decent games for the system.

Bought it two and a half years ago and If I could do it again I wouldn't have bought it at all.

So is there a decent guide to all the new hacking shit?
I've checked the ones so far and it all seems a convoluted mess.
Isn't there a proper guide like for the 3DS?

>Lego City Undercover
Its time to stop.

Are you implying that those games aren't good, or that they're not exclusive?

Wii U LCU is an entirely different game from the 3DS version.

Post an image of the $1500 Pokken arcade cabinet in your house and I'll accept the argument that it isn't a Wii U exclusive.

Hmm. I dunno. While it doesn't get games at all anymore, it definitely carried this generation's slow start until other systems started getting some games.

Hindsight isn't always 20/20.

not the one you're responding to but it's clearly the former

A lot of the cooler stuff is unsafe right now. Once cfw or sigpatches are considered stable and have easy tools to install everything, there won't be a full, frequently updated guide.

Lego City Undercover was a good Lego game. I wouldn't say it was the best, but it was still enjoyable aside from the loading screens and occasional crashing

And Pokken is good as well, though I admit I'm not big into fighting games and so I don't know how truly competitive it is. I enjoyed it enough to plow through the story, at the very least.

best exclusive right here though

>it definitely carried this generation's slow start
With what? Shitty ass 3D World? You've got to be kidding me.

I'm just confused because I'm not sure why anyone would try to claim that Pokken isn't good.

I don't know.

one part of me is glad I picked it up since I got to play great games like Pikmin 3, SM3DW, Bayonetta, MH3U, TW101, Pokken, Hyrule Warriors,Xenoblade X, Fatal Frame, etc, I even clocked 200hrs in Sm4sh and 100hrs in MK8

but another part of me feels betrayed because let's face it, us WiiU owners were Switch beta-testers. alot of WiiU games are getting ports or revisions to Switch, I wouldn't mind if they were sequels like a Smash 5 or a Spla2n, but they aren't, they are Sm4sh 2.0 and Splatoon2.0 with content that could be easily on the WiiU. and then Nintendo did the same as Sony did with the PsVita and PS4 but inverted, they started taking games from the WiiU and ported them to the 3DS, even with some extra content (Hyrule Warriors Lengends, Wolly World & Poochy, Super Mario Maker)

Being realistic, Nintendo could've release the Switch in 2012 instead of the Switch, Tegra already existed and the docking technology was already there. but they didn't, they went full retarded.

all in all I guess I don't regret it, but definitly not one of my favorite Nintendo consoles, it's like just a little bit above the Wii.

Yup. Probably the only console I've bought that broke my hours of entertainment > dollars payed rule

I see.

So I guess it's back to waiting again.

Maybe I'll just buy splatoon or something before they release an update.

The 1st one I bought was broken out of the box and it was hell to get it returned. When I got one that worked I thought Zelda would be out soon. So yeah I'm disappointed we all know that every game worth a Damm on the thing (except 101) will be ported to the switch or ps4/xbox like how zombi was.

don't worry user.
once LCU get's ported for Switch/PS4/Bone and PC you'll see why people like it

Sadly the game most likely won't be getting those DLC character from the arcade unless Namco is planning a sequel or a port. Which is a shame game was fun and could improve with a sequel like most new fighting games.

>Fatal Frame that uses the gamepad as a camera, Bayonetta 2, and a handful of other okay games


the Switch in 2012 instead of the WiiU*

Nope. I bought one solely for Sm4sh which I just finished playing just now.

30 fps local multiplayer.
Having to use gamepad for local multiplayer.

One of the only two consoles I've ever sold due to not using it.

The other one was the Vita.

Nope. Enjoyed a majority of its games and I actually kinda liked some of the game pad functions. It was an unnecessary gimmick, but they did a lot of fun things with it.