Notice anything Sup Forums?

>The entire Guerrilla team comes together for an update briefing on the Horizon Zero Dawn home stretch.

Other urls found in this thread:

wow are there really no women in the development team? i thought for sure there would be some

the average modern male is so emasculated nowadays he might as well be a woman.

>Sup Forums
There's the thread

And yet, their new game features a le strong woymaan.

So they are LITERALLY cucked.

I too was born in the wrong generation

nobody seems to give the slightest fuck about anything, like, their face is saying "i'm just here for the picture"

My only problem with the character is that she's a ginger.

you shut your whore mouth
redheads are god tier

Woah, you figured out how people look 99% of the time

Kill yourself

Sorry lad, it's a SJW trash game.

>all those numale cucks
How do we fix western developers, Sup Forums?

>everyone is a numale and cuck
Fuck off you numale cuck.

By cleansing the industry in the holy fire of another video game crash

That's where you're wrong kiddo, because I voted for Trump.

I'm actually looking forward to this since it looks beautiful af, I'm so-so about the main character. I just want an interesting world to explore and hopefully some more interesting characters than the girl.


Epic false flag.
Please consider killing yourself.

So they're LITERALLY watching their wives get fucked because they're making a video game with a female protagonist. LITERALLY

>Implying I care about fags
They can marry or not, I don't give a fuck


That and they are all beta nu male cucks being told what to do by women and non white nips. Literal cucks.

>voting for someone who supports faggots
Literally a nu-male

>Nobody in the thread sees the tiny female dwarf gnome sitting on the pillow thing

lmao you guys are fucking blind


Most of them seem to suffer from hair loss.

Bald, middle aged game devs are the best though.
Just look at old Bungie

>Implying part of my vote isn't for his life security Mike "if they like the cock give them a shock" Pence