>100 hours game
>no option to let you respec your skill or change jobs

Defend this

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IZJS sucks and I honestly have no idea why people defend it. The original was better.

>why cant I take back all these decisions ive made

Will there be an option to choose original play style when remaster comes out?

>100 hours game
main story=40+ hours
All the game + Trial mod: more than 100 hours

Fuking great, a great come back of the Traditional Job system.

>>no option to let you respec your skill or change jobs
Send a letter to square.

In what way could you possibly say the original was better?

I don't know if you saw it but here is the loading time for The Zodiac age on PS4 (not pro)


That'd be fucking awesome. I'd definitely do two playthroughs if it does, one of each.

Somebody plz post Lightning. My folder isn't nearly full enough yet.

For what purpose?

For worship

>no psv version
How badly did FF X HD sold on PSV?I geniouly believe this would've been an amazing handheld game.


no idea why it isn't getting a PSV port. Maybe it can't fit into PSV card?

Can you change them in the og version?

Because no one buy vita games in Japan

i can't. the game is shit

No reason to re-spec if you know what the best classes are for each character, I mean if you're into min/maxing like an autistic.

Balthier - White Mage
Vaan - Monk
Ashe - Samurai
Penelo - Black Mage
Frann - Beserker
Basch - Hunter

That is the ultimate class set-up for min/maxing, but you can give them whatever class you want.

>I can't change jobs waaaaa
Learn to live with your decisions, bucko.

Japan is the only place where the Vita is still alive though.

>if you know

How if this is the first time you're playing?

They should port it to Nintendo Switch instead.

why the switch? the wii u exist! why arent there games for the wii u?

Just selected Hunter for Vaan, have I fucked up? I guess I could use that license editor and change to monk

Friendly reminder

Isn't there supposed to be dozens of jobs? Plus this

the hunts in this game were so awesome. every single one was a new enemy and it was fun finding it out in the world. best bestiary and extras in a final fantasy game

>come back after 30 levels and rekt the stupid t-rex outside of Rabanestre


>tfw no portable versions of FFXII, Romancing SaGa, and SMT Noctune

Well, at least there's finally DQVIII.

>FFXII and DQVIII remake

Its like 2005-2006 again

Eh, who cares about this shit? Literally a fucking downgrade

IZJS demo, when?

Wii U is dead and already pirated & emulated.

I don't see the problem with sticking to a single class. Make a decision and own it. I enjoy having structure as opposed to everyone being the same.


>no red mage

Get a load of this faggot.

Newer games let you change class/skill at the expense of in-game money or something

At least put it as an option

Its fine if it is let's say, a 20 hour game, like FF1

Do you imagine having to slog through a game 70hours in and realized you are stuck with some jobs that can't deal with those superbosses?

Actually I prefer him to be a Hunter. Monk is really fucking bad at DPS

>Do you imagine having to slog through a game 70hours in and realized you are stuck with some jobs that can't deal with those superbosses?

Sounds like there's a lot of replay value to go around.

The IZJS class system only benefits people who are playing it for the second time

How's the old class system from the original version?

Won't work on PSV. On 3ds on the other hand.. or maybe Switch if it's successful.

There is none, all characters have access to everything

There is no class system in the original version. You have all the license board for yourself to choose.

but in all the games with jobs you can change your job


>not using gameshark respec code where you can literally grind and max out EVERY job on each character

do you EVEN min-max bro?

All my job boards are maxed. Took around 230 hours. PS2 native, non emulated.

Should I play the og version first or ignore and keep playing IZJ

OG has literally no advantages over izj

>scaling and stats not fucked on hunts
>dumb invisible weapons or some shit
>change for the sake of change see: Ixion et al
>job system good on paper but executed simply for people who can't stop their autism from letting them fill the license board in the first game

Jobs would have been great if they were in from the get-go, and you could either switch them like tactics or they had preset ones to begin with.

At least the Judges fight was cool.

>balthier whm
>basch with a bow


I think balthier WM is a pretty recommended setup

Can't remember for what reason but I did some research when I played it and most people recommended that

>Do you imagine having to slog through a game 70hours in and realized you are stuck with some jobs that can't deal with those superbosses?
pretty much any team can deal with the superbosses if you're not an idiot. but if you're really complaining about being "forced" to beat yiazmat in 8 hours instead of 6, then you're an idiot.

I would hope they fix that in the remake. Or at least allow each character to have 2 jobs, I wrote about that in the official feedback survey.

yeah im sure it is because of his vitality or something maybe but the idea of him healing people outside of first-aid riles my autism

>not giving them classes appropriate for their character

kys, ff12 is already an easy game, no reason to make it easier

hours game
>>no option to let you respec your skill or change jobs
>Defend this
Diablo II

There is literally no bad class for Vaan. His stats are basically perfect.

Is it me or FFXII is the only FF game with portrait mode logo

>that level/difficulty spike in hunts before giruvegan plot arc
>leaving the PS2 on overnight in Henne Mines killing flans over and over
>wake up without being too overlevelled

comfy memories

>no skillpoint reset

I heard the zodiac age edition will let you respec though

is that penelo on the far right?

I thought she was a whm

If you make bad choices, you're basically fucked and have to restart the game.

I wonder if they will change the skill to make it more usable in Zodiac Age

Like holy fuck most skills that are not -breaks or magic are fucking useless

come on user the princess is always the WHM. Penelo is statistically the best suited for BLM anyways.

Except your characters won't be locked out of abilities so you have more freedom to screw around with builds. But for the first time player, IZJS is probably better.


What. She looks like she can murder someone with her expression

She fits the bill more than anyone else. though I remember giving her the masamune and genji gloves in vanilla because of her magic+str lining up for those weapons best

Are you retarded? The entire job gimmick of IZJS is already a major advantage in OG's favor. It's shit and unnecessarily restrictive.

>is that penelo on the far right?
Where? I only see a FAT TEEN ASS.

>The battle system in these games is quite awful
>SE: Okay battles can now be automated, so it is even more boring, yet you don't have to do it.
>Also all side stuff is MMO tier
>Also the plot is boring as fuck
>Some people actually like this title the most out of all FFs
I just don't understand

>tfw you remember the Zeromus fight with no magic

Is FF12 set way before Tactics?

There's a dozen jobs, but only six characters so do the math.

6 jobs you won't be using in the game, and you can't change classes either once you set each character's job. Also some jobs are stronger than others, that's why I said it only matters if you want to min/max.

Never understood the complaints about the battle system. It's almost exactly the same as 4-9 except you can move around while selecting commands.

13 honestly butchers the ATB system more than 12 does.

t. nojima cuck

They're different incantations of Ivalice as far as I'm aware but yes it'd be set before if at all.

>tfw no Ivalice MMO
>no bangaa DRG or dashing hume BLU to hit on cold viera bitches

Maybe you should finish it first instead of watching some shit YouTube playthrough

>They don't know you can download an English version of the zodiac version of FFXII for the PS2 emulator

That's how I know, because I played the english version of the zodiac version on the emulator.

Honestly I agree with you, it's more fun to give them jobs to reflect their personalities. Like making Balthier a Machinist since he uses guns or like making Vaan a Knight or whatever.

Vaan would be a thief.


Even faster on emulator.

>job changing

What is the point of having character classes if you can just change them? Job changing is a shitty feature.

I want to play this game but all I have is a PC.

How emulator-friendly is it? Also, which version should I get?

>thinking that there's only one viable setup in a game like IZJS where every character has at least three jobs that they're good at

Basch actually uses a bow in the intro

PCXS2 was literally designed for it. Runs great.

Emulates perfectly.

FF12 is probably more fun overall. IZJS has some improvements but the job system sucks. There is a save editor you can use to switch jobs though, which is okay.

The only jobs that can be considered bad are Time Mage and Machinist and even those are viable depending on your team setup/difficulty.

Job changing in IZJS is retarded since at that point you might as well just use the OG board.

It's a bit longer on emulator in 4k and 60 fps + the iso is still compressed with the audio.

For those who prefer the original Licence system, tell me your reasons. I'm just curious.

>Job changing in IZJS is retarded since at that point you might as well just use the OG board.
There were improvements in the IZJS but the job board was not one of them.

You do know the changes in IZJS is not only the jbo right?

I have no comment on how good it is compare to the original(i don't mind job locking) but overall IZJS is a much better game

Treasure don't spawn 2 screen away and you get more stuff and minor fixes

Don't forget to buy 10 copies of the HD remaster and to buy it on Steam when it release again to show your interest for gamespot.com/articles/final-fantasy-12-devs-considering-a-new-game-using/1100-6440885/

>"The only game they really considered remastering was [Final Fantasy] XII," Katano said through a translator. "If anything, they were maybe considering using the Gambit system and taking that and developing a completely new game out of that, but that's still something they are thinking about."

>Not only are they considering that, but they want to know whether fans are interested in such a game.

>"If you actually write that in the article, if you get feedback with that, that might encourage them to work on a new game," he continued.

no problem with emulator and play Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System you can patch it in english without problems and have it in HD too

Your only argument in favor of the old boards is that some people can't resist the urge to make everyone the same but that's no different to someone just picking a cookie cutter build off the internet in IZJS and running with that.

I don't think so man.

The License Board would've worked better if each character's board was unique while also spanning multiple classes/set-ups.

Yes I know that but the new job system makes it overall a worse experience especially for first timer.


>Overall worse experience
How? Even the worst setups can finish the game.