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Who even is this
Does this mean the other pictures were based off of preexisting art too?
Autists, get on that shit.
I want to believe. Very badly I want to believe.
Hinata from Rival Schols, how do you not know this?
no one played rival schools
While it's weird that they used that art, it fits perfectly.
Go light user. Rival Schools hasn't been a thing for a long ass fucking time now. Not everyone is going to know it.
Fuck, the last rep they threw out as more than a background prop was fucking Batsu.
So it's my boy Kyosuke confirmed?
Makes sense they would bring Rival Schools characters at some point though, isn't Hinata a background character in the beach stage already? I mean background characters have a history of making it into the game at some point, like Alex.
>that knee
where is this artwork from?
some guy on twitter drew it
>putting a sakura clone in instead of just using sakura
>we're getting this shit instead of a character like Adon
eh, i don't expect anything from modern capcom but this is kinda stupid
I just saw that on twitter, I can't find the artwotk anywhere though.
it fits perfectly.
Fuck you, Rival Schools is great.
well fuck, there you go then. hers was one i couldn't make out due to the round part around the waist and that strange piece sticking out.
well done, OP
I would have preferred a more interesting RS character though, desu
nobody played it
Why would they use old art?
She is, with Tiffany.
Now, the question is : Where is my nurse milf ?
Because they don't have nothing prepared yet
you know you're going to end up with an adon clone instead of adon.
>yfw far right
Is that official art?
>mfw she's already 35yo
I don't know, I just reposted it from /fgg/.
Sakura fags BTFO
I suppose this is their way to introduce Sakura even more, since it's canon Hinata and her are friends as well.
So first is Helen/Kolin, any ideas for the others?
I'm wondering the same thing, I'm starting to think it's just a random dude that drew it using the silouhette and everyone is loosing their shit over it.
>it's not SF characters
You all know what that means
guess i'll be checkin sf threads now
thats where the secret 4th hole is user
Nostalgia i guess?
It's not Helen/Kolin. She isn't a character new to the SF Universe and it would be fucking lazy to recycle her awfully bland model from story mode.
don't toy with my heart nigga
>background character gets used
>reusing assets like helen and co confirmed
tiffany when? That would make up for this kinda "new" fighters in SFV thing
Far Right could be that dude from Capcom Fighting whatever, the game Ingrid came from.
Helen's skirt doesn't portrude nearly far enough to be that silouette
Idiot. Scroll up. The Japanese Twitter user made that art to fit the silhouette
first is definitely helen/kolin, you'll probably have a costume for each.
Third one could be rashid's buddy.
Some people are saying second one is goutetsu.
>that art
yeah let's ruin and desecrate another franchise with their senile incompetent art team. the last 50 players worldwide won't care anyway as long as they get akumeme
I don't wanna be that kind of fag but the image isn't exactly accurate so don't get your hopes up.
Good attempt at a ruse, but didn't quite nail it. The holes in the buckle are larger than the silhoette, the hair is too curved and the edge of the shirt isn't the right angle.
how exactly is this a loss for us? i've wanted hinata in another game FOREVER, and delaying sakura for a season is worth that a hundred times over. if karin is in and they put in her friend from rival schools, she's a literal guaranteed character for the 3rd season (or like akuma she'll come out between seasons)
i can wait
This isn't official art
Shoma should be the one added as the RS rep regardless
my biker-fu AKIRA where
I really hope it's not, it's just I saw a clearer picture of the silhouette someone posted and it looks like whoever it is wears thigh high boots or something similar to her Helen outfit. Olus the fuzzy hat(?) thing.
But yeah I'd be happy if it's someone completely new or just a surprise, as I think it'd be lazy to add her.
But then again I'm going to be a hypocrite and say I'd like Azam to be added.
holy shit its literally a perfect match. this has me optimistic after the seemingly bad news of only new characters.
get out.
I see no reason to have Hinata and Sakura in the same game, they're movesets are extremely fucking similar outside of some 3D movement adaptations Hinata has.
Probably fucking her brother since she's so obsessed with him
wait what, can you tell me more?
I'm sorry user, I got hyped and wanted to share the news with you guys.
Hinata is my favorite character, I mained her since back when Rival Schools first came out
Capcom already is trying their hardest not to have clone characters there's no way they would put Sakura in if Hinata was in the game.
Kinda boring, people only see to like her for that one alternate design.
Zaki would've been cool but they gave Birdie her chain thing.
Even if this is made up it still makes a lot of sense, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being Hinata.
ah shit so some guy just is making a prediction?
i gotta say, it's pretty damn good for a guess/attempt at making it fit. Like way beyond what I thknk anyone would try to do
Of all possible characters, Why Hinata? She's just Sakura lite.
After putting Tiffany in the beach stage they should put some Rival school characters in as playable. Final Fight made the transition to SF, I don't see why more capcom character can't.
Seriously. They should have gone with a character with a unique fighting style instead of annoying schoolgirl #467348743 with a shoto moveset.
Because she is already in the game, like Alex was.
>Capcom already is trying their hardest not to have clone characters
>we are getting another shoto
>but no blanka, sagat, honda, hakan, abel, rufus or T Hawk
No, I mean why would someone "wanted hinata in another game FOREVER"? She's just another sakura.
You're aware that Sagat is a shoto, right?
while they both have a shoto base, Hinata played nothing like Sakura in rival school.
>Capcom trying not to have clone characters
>Puts in Akuma the first chance they get despite Ryu and Ken existing
Sakura could still be plenty different from all of them: charged fireballs, high arcing tatsus, dashing dragon punch - and these are just her regular moves, they could change these up a lot and then add her V trigger.
Besides, we all know you can never have to many shoto's, just look at Ultra IV
on top of being in the game already as a BG character, Rival Schools was the winner of a poll months ago that asked what fighting game fans would like to see revived most. What better way to draw more interest to an IP you might revive by adding a prime waifu to a game to test the waters? Not to mention the flood of awesome costumes that would come with it to enhance the waifu ripple effect
I KNEW there was something strange about that circle with cross and it didn't match that doll's katana at all. Or Makoto.
Meh im not realy into the japanese schoolgirl meme, but i guess its ok since it opens up the possibly for other Rival Schools characters to be announced.
is it just me or is nearly every fucking picture getting deleted?
Rival schools had its own mechanics but despite that she played almost identically to sakura. The differences were minor.
she kinda fights like karin if i remember correctly, but maybe a little slower.
I just really hope someone makes it in, they're all pretty cool characters from a great game that deserves a fucking remaster, I'm sick of having to play this shit on a PC
but it's true
So they can change Sakura without triggering those retard japanese because we can't see her panties anymore.
Didn't Capcom say other than Akuma that all the S2 characters have never been playable in SF before?
Don't worry, they're gonna do all they can to strip everything Hinata is and put her in some thug outfit and make her do hiphop and drink lots of Red Bull(tm), which is available at your local grocery mart for the low price of 6.99 per 8oz can. You can get an extra 4oz if you preorder your can.
Who are the other characters then?
Every girl that isn't hinata is a better pick, hell I would even tolerate yurika gets the spot
>all Rival Schools
What? This is just Hinata.
I thought it was around the back.
They only put Akuma in because of sales. Sakura doesn't have the fanbase Akuma does.
Sorry Sakura fags, it's not going to happen.
Rival Schools is technically not Street Fighter so if it were to be true, Capcom wouldn't be lying.
but it was just revealed it's some artist who is guessing who it could be, yes it fits, but i mean it's not 100% confirmed
Actually they said something along the lines of "new to the Street Fighter universe", we don't really know what he meant by this, he could be talking about guests from other games, non canon characters, or completely new characters.
Yes please.
>mfw i want him in the game for other reasons
it they cared about sales they'd have put Sagat. But nope, some tourneyfag on their forum has a boner for lesickdark shoto and he got a seat.
This is fanart, drawn to look like the silhouette.
Tell me best boy is in the fucking game
Akira was Akira. Can't think of another capcom character to compare her to. She kinda had a SNK feel.
>your favorite character that we'll never EVER see again
Post her Sup Forums
hahaha normies
Akuma is already in the game. No need for Akuma lite.
last silhouette is clearly hayato