What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?

What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?

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I'll just take this 5 and leave. I know where this thread is going.

Diablo II.

KSP, which I play for the purpose of building fighter planes and making them fight.

You dropped your 5 sir

None, I'm stuck with a god-damn Mac for a few days while I'm on a trip.
I'm looking forward to coming home and replaying Marble Nest one more time, for a completely perfectly completionist playthrough this time around though.

TF2. Met a cool dude after commenting on each other's furry porn sprays.

>Path of Exile
>Planet Coaster

PoE is the first time I'm playing it.
Planet Coaster is going alright, about to get 5 mechanics to fix my rides and shit.

Why do you continue to harass others on the site?
It's not good.

I just drove home through a blizzard for 1.5 hours after doing overtime at work, going to play some Terraria with my roommates

I played all of titan fall 2 today. Good Shit

You guessed right.
You failed your get though.

Can't, finals week.

Although I would have played Overwatch and Bioshock today.


I don't think OP was actually serious and just wants to harass people, me included.

Farcry Primal. I bought it on release and hated it, but now that I'm giving it a second go, I'm having a lot of fun with it.

I'm buying a Jeep Wrangler in 2 weeks time, and I have the option of installing either four-wheel drive or two-wheel drive. What do?

played some animal crossing. still great, even with later games making general improvements

The Dwarves, finished it too.

Weird game. Combat was shit most of the time, never really felt powerful, but the story was rather nice. Not many choices in the game though.

Pokemon Moon.

I want to get into dark souls, do you play them in orden (1-2-3)?

if you have a PS3 start with Demon's Souls, otherwise yes just play them in order
ignore the whining about 2, it's not a bad game, just the only 7/10 in an 8+/10 series

>all these dropped 5s

>it's a "Lee Goldson" episode

you can play 2 first if you really want to because it doesn't allude to 1 as much as 3 does
play 3 last though
this guy is basically right

I have a mustar race, so in orden then. Scholar of the sins is a DS2 exp?. i guess you play it after two

Nigger u better leave dat boi alone
He's done nothing wrong

Scholars is the "definitive" version of Dark Souls 2. Different enemy placement and some graphical changes as far as I know, I never played it, only the base version.


As someone who knows nothing about cars, get 4 wheel if you see yourself using it to either go off road or know that winters in your area can be a bit hellish with snow.

I don't know what the bonus, or inherent benefit to 2 wheel drive would be unless you might be super used to a specific driving style.

Probably try to contact someone in your family who might know more about cars, or visit a local mechanic you trust/know to see what they have to say.


Today I played ff15 and Pokémon moon

None. I've been too busy writing a paper/preparing a presentation for quantum mechanics class and semiconductor physics class

Thanks user. I will google the pros and cons. I doubt I'll ever go off roading, but I guess 4x4 will give me peace of mind

None, still digesting FFXV and TLG.
Did watch 5 episodes of Westworld today tho

Yeah, that's better

Barneyfag has done nothing wrong. Long live the king.

Is Westworld any good? I've been thinking of picking it up.

Played Mount and Blade: Warband after a long time again. Love that game.

It's like you know, why the fuck do you continue to harass people who don't deserve it


yes, its really good. I actually think its beter then GoT, but that said I am a big lover of AI/technology based shit and Anthony Hopkins

There is no purpose in what you're doing, you're only feeding your own ego

Gigantic, since the Open Beta started today. I usually hate these Moba-ish/Overwatch-ish style arena games, but I actually had fun with it. The characters are cute.

AC3 is free on UPlay right now (With the price of installing UPlay, of course) so I played some of that.

there's no purpose in even being alive, fuck off faggot and let me enjoy the little things

Hey, I'm just saying

Huh, the .gif wasn't doing anything for me despite people's reactions, so I blew it up and found this. Weird.

oh, you're talking about baiting barneyfag
I thought you just meant posting about what vidya we played

People who continue to harass others like this really need to fuck off

It's delayed by like a minute. Actually makes me afraid of saving any still images that are under a gif format.

You see? SEE?

What video games did you play today, Lee?

Imagine LITERALLY harassing a man IRL for upholding his patriotic duty in this website.
These degenerate bronies have truly expose themselves as the filth of the earth for giving out personal info of barneybro just because he won't let them break the rules.
The fact that barneybro didn't give up after that speaks volumes of his person, he is a true man of his principles

I played Masturbation for about 3 hours.

I highly doubt you played any, asshole.

What video games did you play today, Lee?

Why are you talking about yourself in third person?

I want to know what you played.
If you seem so invested, you'd tell me first instead of harassing.

Because really, that's all you're doing. Harassing the innocent and feeling no remorse or shame about it.

Perhaps you are the one who should fuck off first.
Perhaps I was just a lone victim plagued with someone's obsession to continue on a crusade started by a stalker for many years.

Gonna play some mvc3 when I get home from work

>those pictures
>those filenames
Don't toy with my heart by pretending to be Lee

Devil Survivor 2.

Maybe you should look in your heart and think if this is what you really want to be, because really, this can't be healthy for you.

Played the new battlefront dlc, and some operations in BF1.

Those games work really well for a triple monitor setup.

Gonna start with Dark Souls prepare to die edition. Thanks mate

Do you think you are on a mission from God sent to destroy one man?
Because that's some zealotry if I ever believed it.
Do you think you are the chosen?
Do you think you are the few?

Have fun, user

If your mission is supposed to reflect normal human behaviour, then count me out of this generation.
Because pic related is really what you're trying to turn this place into.

All I want is the truth.
All I want is to know.

GTAV, comfy stuff
Christmas NiGHTS, love that fucking game and play it constantly through December every year
Tried SSX Tricky for the first time. Goddamn am I trash at it, but I'm digging it so far

Other than that just a little bit of fucking around in UMVC3, Let it Die, and Pokemon Moon

Why don't you go yell at about posting traps on Sup Forums?

I played overwatch today
was thinking of buying titanfall 2 because its on sale but idk

Well, I can't because the thread's gone.
Vendettafag posted in that thread as well, typical of him.
He made this thread as well. I can tell because of his one-digit filename and how he posts the same shit every day.

Unreal Tournament

why lmao

Really, there is no purpose in any of this.
There never has been.

I've told you exactly why I do what I do and if I told you again and throw logic your way you'd just reply with "that's degenerate" or some bullshit like that because you think you're right and everybody is wrong.

But that's the problem, there IS no logic behind your bullshit.

Why is your life so fucking pathetic that you have nothing at all better than to do than be a scumbag shithead on the internet? Do you really think that's not sad and pathetic of you?

You motherfucker.

I played Meet and fuck D.va

And you are not even fooling anyone, all you are doing is getting told to fuck off, especially going by the past few bans you've received by the mods recently, but that doesn't seem to be enough for you. You will never actually be smarter than anyone, and all you do is ruin the boards you post on, which is why people want your kind gone.

You literally do nothing but post for the sole purpose of harassing me.

You want to force me to accept what you say, and you have said the only way to deal with things you don't like is to ignore them, so you try to force me to accept what you do by spamming until they ignore you, thus proving yourself right. But that's not how it works, because even if you get ignored, you're still causing damage to this site and shitting things up.


explosive. sniper. rifle.

Why are you getting so upset at one guy, Barneyfag? Just ignore him.

I really doubt he was the one who started harassing you since last year, anyways.

I'm not saying everyone's wrong either, there are a select few who actually do agree with me and think this should stop as well.

Do you think this is a motherfucking game?


I feel like complaining that you're getting harrassed because people post content you do not like via jumping in front of the driving car somewhat falls flat upon the realization of the facade of trying to control what other people can and cannot post.

Autism is a choice and you chose to be a fucking retard.

You sure as hell like to think it is, butthurt ponyfag

I mean, let's fucking face it, you're always trying to one-up me whenever you can and constantly trying to harass me and the mods by constantly posting your rule-breaking shit to no end.

It wouldn't be that bad if this only happened for maybe a month or so, but you've been butthurt over my existence for over A FUCKING YEAR.

>t. ponycuck

Nigga what

Be sure to look up dsfix. Just a folder you need to drag into your dark souls files basically. The port was horrible and it runs like ass without it. Played through it a couple times on my PC with it though ran great

> why people want your kind gone.
...all I see is you screeching and having a mental breakdown over non-offensive images on the internet and an insane amount of projection. probably something to note and examine with all this new data.
actually considering the mental breakdown I don't think it's trying anymore. normal pony related pics seem to slip straight through perfectly and actual direct barneyfag related bait threads bait an autistic breakdown so 2/2...
seems strange they'd set bait and laugh at you manually if they were upset.
posting retarded people with similiar beliefs doesn't help desu. it does further the notion if anything.

Same i play pokemon whilst ignis drives because them journeys are long

I've always wondered why you never admit you're a rule breaker yourself. Is it denial?

Either way, I really doubt complaining will stop the so-called vendettafag.

You kind of remind me of this guy at times.

Drakengard 3 comes in the mail in about an hour hopefully. Japanese audio is currently downloading. I'm ready for a monotonous grind and awful framerates.

Fuck off

Yeah, makes you think