Based Pewds isn't really going to delete his channel, right? Please reassure me, Sup Forums.
Based Pewds isn't really going to delete his channel, right? Please reassure me, Sup Forums
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looks like he is
btw, what the fuck does gmt mean?
Greenwich Mean Time (UK time zone)
He is.
But he'll make a new one the following day, surprising no one.
Fuck Off.
I want the underaged to leave
general mountain time or greenwich meen time
Half of PDP's subs are 18 or older which is a bigger percentage than Sup Forums
>surprising no one.
he literally told everyone hes going to delete it and make a new channel to start from scratch. its not like that was gonna be some (obvious) secret
he's actually doing it, the absolute madman
grab my tick (swedish for dick)
He will, it will draw loads of media attention and he'll be able to rebrand his channel for an older audience. It's not like he doesn't have a fuckton of money already, so why the hell not?
In all seriousness what would happen if he did? Where would his spurging underaged fanbase go to get their daily fix of autistic memes? Hopefully not Sup Forums, we already have too many autists around here
its called clickbait, you massive fucking faggot
greenwich mean time, you retarded underage B&
He is going to delete it and he's fucking happy about it too lmao.
They'd go to gamegrumps in all likelyhood.
Or sombra i mean markiplier
don't bully amerifats
Hopefully he'll make a more 'mature' channel and make videos, like when he used to stream for Sup Forums. He's pretty funny when he's not doing cringe kid shit.
He creaters a new channel for a new audience maybe?, go back trending since youtube is fucking everyone and make more dosh
R.I.P all that Gunpla
Having a ton of money doesn't mean shit if you're not smart with it. If the money stop showing up it's only a matter of time before he loses all of it.
Spoiler: He didn't say which channel he'll delete.
So he's probably going to delete "Jack septiceye2"
There's a million other channels doing the exact same thing he does.
>he used to stream for Sup Forums
w-what ?
why would he stream something for this shithole
I am a fan of PewDiePie now that I know he hates minorities.
>he used to stream for Sup Forums
Care to elaborate?
of course he wouldn't, he's /ourguy/ after all.
What is the 50m play button made from? Adamantium?
He's always been a Sup Forums user. He used to play games for Sup Forums before he became a child entertainer. His twitter is full of Sup Forums and Trump shit, he's pretty cool.
Why do people care again?
Pewdiepie has like 5 channels.
He is trolling for attention and he's getting it.
why do you think he's not smart? I think he's way smarter than people realize
If you ever wanted proof of the "neo-Sup Forums myth", here it is.
He literally said he is not quitting Jewtube, he also said he wants to start from scratch. Imo he just wants to start a more "Mature" channel and get rid of the kiddies fan base who bother him, asking for overreacting lets plays videos. He clearly has grown out of that.
More like stunted.
>Learns the hard way what CTR optimization is as a retarded streamer
>Pouts and says he's deleting in protest
>Youtube gets to keep optimizing their page flows to create more of him, until they no longer need him
Good luck Pewds. Start investing that money wisely.
He hasn't made videos for them in a while anyway. Literally vowed to stop making cancerous content
I literally wish he would and then start doing porn where he needs to be. I want to see him covered in cum
user I don't think you understand just how rich this guy is.
He started out here. He had pretty chill streams and was decently funny.
But, like Notch, moved away from us when he started making millions screaming about rape for youtube kiddies
Anyone kind of think Pewdiepie is an alright guy?
He's a cool person, I just don't like his content. But then again, I haven't looked at his channel for a while.
im so fucking piss. why does he get away with lying
How much im guessing 20 million
And then like notch came back around when he had enough money to stop caring.
Yes. PDP and Markiplier are decent guys and streamers except for the constant overreactions - that shit is fucking annoying
he's actually entertaning now.
very self-aware
>says hes going to delete his channel and make a new one\
>does it
He doesn't have to delete it, he can keep it up but not post new content. He'll still make ad revenue on his old channel and make double the money. Is he dumb or something?
>He hasn't liked PewDiePie's redemption arc
literally get the fuck out
>amerifat education
He's made more than enough money to live comfortably the rest of his life.
Who honestly gives a flying fuck.
This is just like Notch saying fuck it when he sold Minecraft. He got what he wanted and is done with it now. Good for him.
Pewdipie: rich
It its the truth, after all.
How could you do this to us Crash Team Racing
>This gives about $7 million per year in taxes and a total of $6 million in estimated investment income. The column on the right shows the growth of PewDiePie's net worth over time, ending at a final PewDiePie net worth of $78 million in 2016
and that was said at the start of the year, try 100 million
Huh, maybe I should check him out then. Thanks, user. His dogs are ok, right?
Pewdiepie has like 70 million dollars. I would have deleted the channel a while ago.
>he's paid more than an iota of attention to that swedish retard
Seeing how he wants the kiddies to fuck off with their shit and start over, he's gained my respect. Most people would've just kept it going even if it really fucking annoyed them to do shit like gif related for (You)Tube money.
He kept with it until he made millions and millions.
Once you get past a certain point, the money becomes less important than making a statement. Sure, he could keep his channel up when he makes a new one and rake in a few million in passive income, but it would mean admitting that he's creatively bankrupt.
>merican education
Pretty sure YouTube bucks only go to channels with regular output. When the output stops so does the money
>he makes up his mind on something and never develops
crab mentality
really hope this is ironic
We're at a point in life where a YouTube creator who screams at baby games deleting his account is now headlines
>he sifts through shit hoping to find something shiny
now that's crab mentality
>delete his children oriented channel about gaming and LP
>create a new channel, mostly a blog with white supremacist videos
>PDD will save Europe creating a new generation of white proud men/women retaking the country
>falling for e-celeb marketing ploys
He has 50 million subscribers yet his videos attract on average 2 million views each, obvious problem here.
>mfw that notch sjw trolling
the meltdown was funny.
Dan and Phil which are two of the worst Brits in known manuscripts.
Sup Forums yards getting so desperate they are fantasizing about pewdiepie saving them
PewDiePie honestly leveled out. He seems tame now. More retarded shit came up to replace him.
nope, just a good example of merican education
>go to McDonalds
>literally 50 items on the menu
>only buy 2 items
>complain to the manager that he should cut the menu down to just 2 items
That's how retarded you sound like right now
>Dan and Phil
I guess I've been lucky enough because I've never actually heard them to know they were British.
that is the worst analogy i have ever heard in my life, holy shit you are fucking retarded
The only time that matters in America is America time.
>not waiting for the PDD retaking his country
you sir a are fag and nigger lover
>people believing this bullshit again
No, he was never chill here, he just was shilled here like every other youtube celeb Sup Forums hated, but can't stop making threads about. He is about as liked here as DSP and Manly tears
just like with your inches and foot.
You mericans are contrarian as fuck.
yeah if i have x food and y is wrong with it it directly equates to the thing we're talking about. thanks
lately I have seen a disturbing amount of love for dsp on Sup Forums
>kamiya pic
Nice! 2nd best news this week.
Hope he enjoys not making money anymore.
ok, let's not being stupid, please.
PDD was hated by Sup Forums the moment he emerged. He wasn't from Sup Forums or even reddit.
He was just a random guy posting videos and BOOM, he turned out famous. They were the first (ot at least popularized) the LP videos. He, Mark, that faggot british guy, began with all the fad and people followed after them.
They were opportunistic as fuck and went for it. That's it.
if you are smart enough, invest, have a decent not super expensive life, you can make with passive income for the rest of your life.
He has like 20 million at least. He can live only by investing and keep doing whatever the fuck he want.
>he thinks shitaku is actual news
How subtle.
You realize you need to be over 18 years old to browse this site?
This doesn't even make sense.
>food analogy