Sup Forums Nostalgia thread
I want to go back.
Oh my fucking god I forgot about Ray Sipe
It hasn't really been that long, right?
>2012 was 5 years ago
so did the rest of the internet
Good times. I got a job in 2012. My life has gone downhill ever since. Having disposable income is nice, but I really enjoy my free time. I work 60 hours a week and am too tired to play vidya when I get home. Even on my days off I'm too tired to play vidya.
Nostalgia doesn't have to be a sad thing, come now.
>Sup Forums nostalgia thread
>Things from 2012
Being a newfag from 2007 is suffering
First leak I really remember from Sup Forums
>my borther and uncle bought the ps3 on Christmas eve with sonic 06 and SFIV
man the times do fly quickly
God this was great. I still remember when it was really popular to be so hostile about it, then it became counter culture and died off. I've seen so many fads here go the same way.
I watched videos of people camping out for the PS3 on youtube. It made me feel a lot less lonely.
>browsing Sup Forums before 2012
ewww oldfag
>there are people in this board that think shit memes from 2013 are nostalgia
fucking children. ALWAYS I WANNA BE WITH YOU was more fabulous, supported by Moot and older than this shit.
And RUA is not that old.
I miss Exif data
I was in the fucking thread thread that rickrolling happened
I still have these two
i remember waiting forever for the tf2 engineer update
i can't ubisoft can pump out asscreed games every year and idiots will buy it
I remember streaming Kung Pow on livestream many years ago. I might've streamed it on as well way before it became twitch. Good times.
Sup Forums got me into kpop
you were the 24/7 kung pow stream guy?
Ray Snipe lives in South Florida. A few friends of mine have seen him at the Renaissance Fair wearing his Lady Gaga shirt
No, I only streamed it two or three times.
these guys stream toonami stuff if you guys are interested
I'm going to be honest with you here user, after all these years I only figured out what that was about a couple of months ago.
I think I was browsing when japan time was a thing so I guess thats the oldest meme I know. If you can even call it that
>You got to experience the hype for both brawl and Kawata shojo with Sup Forums.
At least one of those things turned out to be good.
>We'll never get to live in the Tribes era ever again
>Ray Snipe lives in South Florida.
that explains everything
>no Kung Pow streams
>no Deep Sea threads
>no Pressure threads
>no Ito dumps
>no Scrooge McDuck dumps
>just endless falseflagging, clickbait and e-celebs
Killing off blue Sup Forums was a mistake.
>thread thread
What are pressure threads?
Who knows, user? This game is lookin' pretty good. We may see a return of Tribes.
This board is filthy! Let's clean it up! This post is brought to you by Dial Soap.
Is this before or after the plastic surgery? She looks way different than in the Gangnam Style video.
Wrong site, dog!
Now that's just sad.
Idols change their look every year to stay fresh.
Can we stop the nostalgia lens meme? I am fucking tired of people claiming they know a game I enjoyed in the past is bad. I want all the jaded cucks to die in hellfire for christmas. Make it happen santa senpai
Imaginary video game. Think creepy SS13 set below the sea.
But her face, especially around her eyes, look totally different. She had to have some more work done at some point.
I was around for this meme and never quite got it, or why it said girugamesh
>2007 is now designated oldfag
I wasn't prepared for this
I remember all the threads making fun of haze when it came out. Those were fun.
Jesus FUCK, where did the time go?
girugamesh is a japanese metal band I think
just fuckin google it dude
Didn't mean to quote, sorry.
I think she got breast implants, but I don't think she got any work done on her face. Idols can look very different when they change their make up style.
>dwarf fortress all the way at the bottom
it's not even that hard
I miss Rog and Tyrone being instruments of shitposting
every day I wish and hope more chapters are released, It's literally the room of video games.
i miss him