Stop crying and just play the game
Why do you keep bringing it up? Just let it die already.
I did and it's nothing like dark souls neither is the skeleton guy amusing. Get fucked
>uncle death
>not amusing
PCuck confirmed, don't worry though, I'm sure you guys have tons of great games
Lara Croft GO was even featured on steams front page, a popular mobile game like that is a big get for you guys
reminds me more of an arcadey version of dragon quarter
This better come to PC soon
literal meme game
>le reddit tier marketing
>Play Dark souls
>Keep saying it's dumb as fuck that enemies can't hurt each other
>Play Let it die
>Get in a 6 vs 1 fight and they all kill each other when trying to hit me
I love that game more than dark souls already
Honestly, how is it?
It got old for me real fucking quick.
It's okay. Mostly in need of better perf/loading times, and some adjustments to balance.
>Lara Croft GO
You do realise this was a big sqeenix reveal at the playstation experience you fucking retard
>company makes a f2p game
>Sup Forums shits all over it
>shitty jap developer that weebs fap over makes a f2p game
>Sup Forums thinks it's the second coming
Weebs were a mistake
You realize I'm mocking pcucks for the majority of their games being indie or ports of mobile
Its fun but not super deep gameplay fun
>lots of grinding
>base invasion is terrible
>cant cancel any animations in the game whatsoever
Comparing everything to Dark Souls is fucking annoying, I wish people would stop doing it.
>mocking them over a game ps4 is getting as
Special kind of retarded
Its too late
Literally just saw this right now
This game is free to play right? What is exactly purchasable?
You lose your items if you die unless you buy premium life insurance
Thats basically all its used for
Everything else you can login daily and get
But it's really funny to see From fanboys get mad whenever some gaming "journalists" refers to [InsertVaguelyChallengingGameHere] as the "Darks Souls" of that genre.
It's the dark souls of Japanese gaming
If anything, it's more like Way of the Samurai
what? no one knew about it until PSX.
Gameplay feels a little lacking it makes up for it with heavy charm and atmosphere imo.
Al the sound effects and music, the ten gorillion actual songs on the radio in the arcade, the opening logo, silly Uncel Death and his endearing accent calling you through your controller speakers like Jean in No More Heroes, the mysterious game within a game shit where you're connecting to a cyberpunk dung beetle powered VR interface to play a game about remotely controlling corpses to explore a modern Tower of Babel that may exist or may just be a virtual place.
I'm enjoying playing the game more than the actual gameplay if that makes sense. I'm enjoying just hanging in the HATED arcade outside the game listening to LET IT DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEE on repeat.
what gaem
I often just chill there watching Uncle Death switch glasses for hours, this game is awesome.
Way of the samurai has much better gameplay though
Just for references sake, when do you start to unlock more fighter classes? A floor # would be ideal.
Why isnt' there a dark souls with guns??
Just go up
it's called bloodborne dummy!
Hit detection of buzzsaws is trash, raids are fucking shit (losing ALL YOUR EVERYTHING because you're a human being that needs to work/sleep is retarded), and it needs proper multiplayer (preferably coop)
>defending people that sperg out every day about resolution and fps and muh master race throwing a tantrum because they can't play this game
Literally retarded
this is just the new memegame. undertale tier shlock.
Well duh, but a number would be nice.
I found that buzzsaw's rage attack is the best use for them since they give a fair bit of hitstun, allowing you to run up and get a heavy hit on them.