So how long until the most fun and cutest Overwatch hero (pic related) gets nerfed into oblivion?

So how long until the most fun and cutest Overwatch hero (pic related) gets nerfed into oblivion?

Other urls found in this thread:


>nerfed to Oblivion
>fell to c tier in the latest season
>triple tank meta where now rein,, and roadhog dominates

Yeaaaahhhhh. I hate playing in Grandmaster.

How long until she gets a good skin?


>No Fun Allowed character gets nerfed


He already got nerfed. His shields give less charge now.

Your jokes suck.

>Dose Flower Vectors
Say all you want about filthy fujos, but they're better artist in general.

Come to think of it, you can't even find a good Shoujo written and drawn by men

how long until she pegs my bp??

she already not used masters up and any 'pro' game.


Is something happening in OverWatch what's with the sudden influx of shill posts?

Zarya a cute

I want her to pin me down and rape me while calling me a capitalist pig


this is now a zarya appreciation thread








I have a sister that looks like Zarya. Luckily not too many people draw rule34 of her because that would be very unsettling for me to go on Sup Forums and see rule34 of a character who looks like my older sister.



>Zarya on the enemy team
>She just won't fucking die

The worst feeling.

I wish they would either remove dva or just change matrix. This is a fucking shooter. At least with rein you are shooting a shield and doing something by damaging it. With dva you might as well alt+tab out of the game while shes using matrix. Playing against dva is the least fun I've ever had in any video game.


>luckily not too many people draw rule34

buddy i got bad news for you

the best thing is everyone thought she'd be sjw bait because of the pink hair
turns out shes the most red-pilled of them all

Christmas event on Tuesday, and Symmetra rework + new map in January.

>You exist in the reality in which women can't have natural fat titties and ass while also being yoked
Still a shame about the hair. She'd look better with normal colored hair.


You're right


What would it be like if Zarya would facesit on you?

>mainly play Zen
>throw Discord on Zarya
>she bubbles
>Discord returns


Bullshit the hair stays i like short hair

you would break your fucking neck but it would be worth it

I'm cool with short hair, just not a fan of bubble gum pink

but what if the carpet matches the drapes???

I'd still prefer it be natural covered. Unless that's just a clever way of implying she's saved since all that's down there is her pink pussy, Even then I still like some hair down there

>Tfw when everyone tells you that you look like zarya
It's a good feel bros


I wish I had that skin.

So what the fuck is the meta right now?

I haven't paid attention to S3, but every game seems to have a fuckton of tanks. Can't reaper just destroy them?

Only got the red one?


I didn't get anything. I never played Overwatch. My brother is the one with an XBone. When I did play it though I mained Zarya.

There have been Overwatch threads on Sup Forums since before the game released.

>Can't reaper just destroy them?

Nope. Literally how this all started. He takes out Zarya and Roadhog just hooks him.

I want her to sit on my face so fucking bad

He can take out a tank as long as it isn't D.Va and Roadhog with a hook, but unfortunately when you combine three tanks all being healed by the OP granny they just out sustain him.

Roadhog always won a 1v1 with him. wins a 1v1 with him now.
Even Reinhardt has a chance to win a 1v1 with him.


>people actually make porn of a disgusting indian shitpile


I'm so sick of guys ragging on Zarya
why y'all so offended/ disgusted by a strong looking woman

some people like scat



please dont say bad things about my Hindu Goddess

Poo in loo jokes aside her thighs and booty are ridiculous

That condescending bitch face kinda turns me on too

>No Thunder Guard Zarya skin in Overwatch


>side slit

that's not a proper traditional eastern orthodox dress

just give a few updates and it will be there.

I really dislike how exaggerated weapons and shit are in MOBAs. Crazy gun size aside, I think that skin would look fucking tops in Overwatch

She's reformed

because some people don't live by memes.
