Final boss copies your techniques

>final boss copies your techniques

>Final boss's version of your technique is faster and stronger


>Boss is supposed to be you but a lesser you.
>Can use all of your abilities infinitely without cooldowns, and can spam them for no fucking reason.
>Can use abilities that you don't have like teleporting

Is anime dead

Poor Aoba she'll job forever



Anime is literally nothing but porn now

Only without the actual fucking porn

>There's a reason he has your technique...

Ecchi is literally the lowest point any "person" can reach.

is this really what anime has become?
what happened to unique artstyles? good stories?
Is it just pandering now only? is that what only sells enough to warrent making?
jesus, it really is true. every entertainment media is creatively bankrupted.

>Main characters have a system-level gameplay feature only they use

>the final boss uses it too

There's a reason he adresses you as Master too

>Final boss forces you to use your techniques on your party members

Yes, this is the only anime airing this year.

The target audience for nuanime

This is literally a sports series in the "you are a retard if you take any of it seriously" category.

>Real Sport: Check(look it up)
>Cheesy characters: Check
>Hotblooded main: Check
>Stupid Powers in a sport: Check
>Homosexual teasing: Check

>have your own board to post anime
>in fact, have 3 or 8 if you count NSFW boards.
>come to Sup Forums and post it with a shitty OP greentext topic as an excuse anyway

Literally why? explain yourself Sup Forums.

Your statement is so fucking retarded it hurts. It's like reading a smut book and saying every book is smut.

>Keijo invented ecchi and is the only anime airing

You're not flapping your flips

calm down autismo, there's still plenty of anime for the 'acquired' taste you have

>tfw you work super hard like Aoba, but you have no raw talent so you'll never succeed no matter how hard you try

Man, this is the first time I can't enjoy a really idiotic anime. And I've watched stupid shit before, but this is just too much. Like I can't even get myself to go with this in an ironic sort of sense either. This is just straight up garbage.

But the show seems to have some top tier waifus not gonna lie fambalam

Keijo is the most stupid fucking thing that ever happened to anime. Like what the actual fuck brehs.

>Got a friend who's a huge weeb
>Into trashy ecchi shit
>Tried to get him to watch Golden Boy with me (with that sweet English dub)
>Said he hated it.

That alone made me question our friendship.

>Final boss is tough as shit
>It's a battle between strength and not luck
If only.


>people don't understand that it's a parody of what anime has become

Stop posting this shitty anime you pathetic faggot. Is your taste really this terrible? What makes this anime all the more pathetic is that it takes itself so fucking seriously. It is cringe beyond cringe.

It's not though
It's a parody of hot-blooded sports series that take what would be somewhat mundane sports to batshit crazy levels

JoJo is literally considered one of the greatest animes ever so it's saving anime right now but the lack of good series is really hurting it.

>create something beyond stupid with zero effort
>call it a parody
Every fucking time.


>Making something so stupid and terrible is okay because it's ironic

You must like Freddy Got Fingered.

>Bonus boss is the source of what makes you powerful
>He made the so people could get strong and give him a good match
>You can kick his ass and upgrade already powerful superweapons to absolutely ridiculous lengths

1. It's a parody of sports anime/ecchi shit
2. There's plenty of decent stuff on every year, just like there always had been. Orange was earlier this year ffs

One of the only shows worth watching this season.


>it's a parody

Shit taste confirmed

Keijo is the thinking man's anime