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boipussc is not for lewd
Is it bad I'm getting attracted to this?
The first few boipucci threads I thought were gross, but now I really wanna put my dick in one.
Fuck off
the flaw is that this image serves a male gaze instead of a lesbian gaze. i wanna jack it to trans girls too
i cant
Sup Forums made you bi. It did the same to me.
I ended up with a bf kek
well apart from the hanging balls, it does look very feminine
enjoy your aids
pink buttholes or gtfo
its another man's asshole
shit comes out from there
anus not bleached
I used to be straight before Sup Forums.
I want to kick his fucking balls.
most of the world's AIDS victims are hetero
there isn't one
I don't get trapfags, they aren't even addicted to guys because the only ones they jerk off too look like women with cocks.
Why bother unless you want him to fuck you? Just doesn't make much sense when you think about it.
Bros, no joke.
I started fapping to shemale music vids since the BR Olympics.
It all started with those sissy trainers.
I would pound that and I'm not even gay.
she has a penis
it's like banging a woman and dominating a dude physically at the same time. Literally double the manly factor. Sup Forums making me 'bi' just made me want more
>it's a boibuqqi (or whatever alliteration of the word) thread
Seriously, pink or fuck off
Has a man face.
Dicks are sexy but men are not. Feminine traps are the best of both worlds. Fem body with a sexy dick.
real talk. if you were a janitor/mod. how fast would you delete this thread? Im baffled that they dont have a full time NEET that instantly delete these threads
Those are some ugly balls
tfw no strong Sup Forumsirgin to own your boipussi
pls don't bully she's trying her best
Why must you post ponies?
27 posts
fuck Sup Forums go back to /r9k/ you losers
Hahaha bro sweet prank
Anyone who's been a neet for a decent amount of time is jacking off to boipussy threads. Including neet mods.
they only hate oc desu desu senpai video games
>sissy trainers
serious shit. i've been buying female clothing
i'd rather we have a manpucci thread, boipucci is some entry-level bullshit for you soon-to-be-fags
That's hot, user.
I'd wait for the thread to reach about 100 posts and then ban everyone that posted in it.
I was straight until I saw this
>for you soon-to-be-fags
>its gay to fuck a girl with a penis
>its straight to fuck a man with a vagina
something doesnt add up
boy butts
Is Sup Forums actually the most homosexual board?
i wonder what his cock looks like haha imagine if he oiled his cock up too haha
i like girlpucci tho
this is going to reach bump limit again isn't it
>image 404
>but not because it's been deleted
Well that's unique hiroshima you fucking yellow jew you cheaped out on the servers again you fucking conman
his boipussy is not ravaged by my dickins
more of this, and hairier pls
that would be Sup Forums
Sup Forums made me trans
fucking gross. It's only hot when they're feminine.
you fug
>her boipucci is not bleached
yuck :^(
dam u got me
>hairy boypussy
its a trap
O shidd :DDD
I'm onto you but I'll bite.
You will never fool anyone and will kill yourself at/before 30
fuck you, my 5 says YOUR mom dies.