Just finished this fucking amazing game

Just finished this fucking amazing game.

Is the second game seriously better than this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's better in the way that all Obsidian-made sequels are better. The story and gameplay are better, but it's buggy and unfinished.


It's better. Install these and go for it.

>the story is better

Are you serious?

I honestly cant see any Star Wars game story matching up to what I just played.

It's better with the restoration patch

If KotOR is the quintessential Star Wars story, KotOR 2 is a deconstruction of the quintessential Star Wars story.

It's clearly rushed, blame Lucas FIlms, but the story is amazing. Too bad we will never get KOTOR III, and if we do it will be filled with SJW stuff

Aye this.

Honestly the story is just more pretensious and the characters less likable, but the presentation and interaction of the characters is handled worlds better. It feels a lot more like a proper story and the characters more involved with you, even if you might dislike more of them.

A story is only "pretensious[sic]" if it doesn't work, but The Sith Lords' does.

Provided you install the restoration patch, then you get a game with better gameplay and customization, but a less engaging story.

The only part of KOTOR 2 that is worse is the opening tutorial level, Peragus. Peragus is fucking CANCER.

It gets ridiculously easy later on because of the way level scaling and save DCs work, unfortunately. As a D&D-like it handles lots of things well and often better than tabletop, but save DC scaling is literally twice as fast as it should be in both games and gets way out of hand in the sequel with its higher levels.

I liked peragus, cool spooky murder mystery. Telos was ass.

I can speed through Peragus but Telos is always a slog. Granted a slog I end at level 13

The opening tutorial is T3 on the Ebon Hawk, isn't it? That part is pretty well-done.

Is KOTOR II being better than I some sort of meme or something? That game had the shittiest story.

KotOR and KotOR II are so easy a fucking dog could beat them. Some fucking retard high on gasoline could beat them. Even on Hard.

Go fuck yourselves.

Stop praising dog shit game design.

You literally have to try to lose to see the Game Over screen.

>"But muhhh Star Wars."

Story's mediocre at best. Star Wars is a shit franchise.

>baiting in a dead thread

go away with your reddit formatting


>Is the second game seriously better than this?
It's not. It could have been, since many of the characters are better and the writing is far superior. But everything else falls flat. The worst thing about 2 is that they recycled multiple planets, but made them worse by removing all the content in them. Hope you enjoyed going to Dantooine and Korriban again, only with far less NPCs, quests, places, items and atmosphere in general.

Also, the fact that you're required to take handmaiden as a male exile. Shit character, I hate it when RPGs force party members upon you like that.

Couldn't put it any better.

They're both great for entirely different reasons. Kotor 1 though feels a lot more like somethng you'd see in a Star Wars movie.

K2 is really good, yeah. It's up to you whether you like the sequel more but it's a strong video game.

The [sic] should've been outside the parenthesis.

I like the overall game more (played with the restoration patch) but I seriously fucking hate every party member except the droids. Fuck off Atton no one in the galaxy likes Pazaak.

With a lot of fan patches and mods, yeah.

those are quotes you third worlder.

>OP thinks KotOR was amazing
>hasn't played KotOR2
oh shit nigger you're in for a treat

Peregus sets the tone well. I hated the hell out of it at launch, but it really grew on me.

1. they're quotation marks
2. [sic] goes right after the mistake

Pazaak players are all assholes

They never want to talk about anything else

It's nowhere near as good and has no ending. Don't let the Obsidian dicksuckers fool you into expecting something that even comes close because it doesn't at all.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

KOTOR's story is something only a twelve year old would think is cool. Most of the dialogue sucks too.

nice reddit formatting


Just Sup Forums being contrarian edgelords, that game is garbage they just want to fellate it to be different and because no one here are real Star Wars fans. Just look how much hate the prequels, TFA, The Clone Wars/Rebels, and even the old EU books get in so called Star Wars threads here. All of that is great, the only people who hate it are people who hate Star Wars to begin with.

I've been here since 2006, fucktard.

Also, not an argument.

Jolee is top tier

KOTOR 2 is good but not KOTOR 1 good.

You'll be forced to listen to Avallone's mouthpiece the entire game (aka Kreia) and basically be forced to cow tow to her every whim like the mary sue she is, and the overall tone of the game is so dark it's suffocating. Also, the ending sucks and is about as satisfying as blue balls. And no, despite what some idiots here say, the restored content mod does jack shit in remedying the overall quality.


>Implying the prequels deserve praise.


I'll take the prequels over the Jew Jew Abrams abortion.

Not an argument.

How about you respond to my original post?

Oh wait, you can't. You can't because it's 100% correct.

>Sucking George's cock in 2016.



No surprise. Sup Forums is full of children.

The Star Wars movies aren't even that good. The best thing Lucas ever did was create a universe that to set good video games in. Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series, X-Wing/Tie Fighter series, Rogue Squadron Series, Battlefront 1+2, Republic Commando, KotOR, and the Star Wars trilogy arcade game are all better than the actual movies.

The first one is more of a typical Star Wars epic, while the second one is good for different reasons. It pretty much critiques parts of the Star Wars universe as it tells its own unique story. I also like how it makes both the light side and dark side paths feel pretty natural.

One word of advice I have before you start is to feel free to pursue losing influence with some party members if you want. You get similar benefits with a negative influence with them as positive.

>quoting a maniacal cult leader

>preferring original stories rather than rehashes of A New Hope is somehow sucking George's dick

Let me stop you there before you drown in all that cum you're guzzling

>and the characters less likable
Lol what? The only likeable characters from 1 are also in 2, the rest were cunts.


This thread has gotten into such shit, I'm surprised nobody has said the thing yet.

He's the exception. Anything involving Malak or the Jedi Council is maximum cringe.

but we did get KOTOR 3 user :^)

Essentially this.
Kotor 2 has some nice qol changes, more talents and powers and the influence system for your party members is good, but everything else is just bad.
Story is not as good as most people say, all bosses are disappointing and have no real backstory and it has no ending at all.
People just say it's better than Kotor 1 because they are Obsidian dicksuckers.

>he didn't like Jolee or Mission

We got KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Your first post isn't an argument either, faglord.

Yeah. It is.

Unless you agree. If you do, that's fine. Stop praising shit game design, though. Both KotOR games are objectively bad.

You're a complete shitter if you think otherwise.

>implying the prequels aren't the best ones

back to Sup Forums with that shit opinion faglord

The dumbest lamest most hack twist of video game history
>you are the Darth vader

We also got de-canonized!

God, I forgot Bao-Dur. He was so fucking forgettable. Him and Mira. And Atton to some extent. And whatsherface, the white-haired woman whose head could literally be selected as the player character in KotOR 1 which is weird as shit. Visas was OK though.

Kotor 2 with the restoration project mod is GOAT. The only part they should have fucked off is the HK factory bit. So if you ever get to playing it do yourself a favor and install it.

>installing mods on the first playthrough
the game is much more enjoyable once you add the stuff the developers intended to but didn't have the time to do so

literally only reason this game is even mentioned is because it's a somewhat decent Star Wars game without an absolutely retarded story and because Sup Forums has hardon for Obsidian.

but it was made by Bioware

But the sequel was made by obsidian, and we all know the autists here cannot play the sequel without playing the first one.

HK factory bit was fun for me. I don't like how the party never reunites after their independent quest pieces to do the final area together though; they instead just fuck off entirely like the game isn't about building an effective team. It felt like that sort of climax was what the separate quests were building towards, but they barely converged at all.

HK factory and the droid planet proves that sometimes things are just cut out since they're shit, not because of time/budget restrictions. Some things shouldn't be restored.

>builds recommended on Sup Forums
feels good

Isn't the droid planet just totally made-up anyway?

Even with the restoration mod, it's still an incomplete game. Lower your expectations

No, it was meant to be in the base game at one point, although it was cut early. The vast majority of the content which was restored was guesswork, however, according to my understanding of it. Only the dialogue for Vash was in the files, and even it wasn't complete.

>he didn't like Jolee or Mission
I liked murdering them :D

They're double quotation marks. 'This sentence is in quotation marks.'

KOTORII has a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual plot that is essentially nonsense but retards on Sup Forums will say things like "quintessential Star Wars story" or "the ultimate deconstruction of Star Wars". You morons do realize that 'deconstruction' doesn't even really mean anything, right?
Watch this and tell me that it makes any sense because protip: you cannot

No, those are apostrophes, or inverted commas if you're European.

I remember when I killed Bastila then she turned up alive in the ending

Really great fun game but that's sorta put me off immediately buying the sequel for a while

Do you just have a bad memory?

I agree, that's the bit that really sheds a light on how hard Avellone wanted to push Kreia. The story bends over backwards to make her right.


lol. Why is it always the retards accusing shit of being pretentious?

>You morons do realize that 'deconstruction' doesn't even really mean anything, right?
>Watch this and tell me that it makes any sense because protip: you cannot

it's so simple:

>exile is a jedi able to live without the force
>jedi fear this, because they have been taught the force is not just to be embraced but is also necessary
>kriea desires this, because she is a manipulator at heart and hates the idea that she is being manipulated by the force

nigga this isn't fucking kantian dialectics, it's just a matter of opinions.

hi chris

They are the same character as apostrophies in a computer's character set (just like a minus is the same character as a hyphen but they don't have the same meaning), but they are used as quotation marks.

The correct way to quote in the Queen's bloody English is with normal quotes, using double quotes only when quoting within a quote.

If you are going to samefag so much at least change your posting style for fuck's sake

No it isn't.

literally my only post in this thread, senpaai
I just can't stand mongs who think KOTOR2 story is good

Don't listen to the memers. Kotor is a more traditional star wars story. Kotor2 is for edgy sith lords.

i fucking hate gwent

but i love me some space blackjack

It's better.

Brianna > Visas

>you are darth vader
>kotor 2
>you are witness to death of millions and you forced to shut yourslef from force to not hear their endless agonies

>there was war you know
>kotor 2
>planets are destroyed, people are crippled, towns reduced to glass pools, cities are still burned, mandalorians are fucking bastards

>i want to rule galaxy-villain
>kotor 2
>person who can't die because he's fucking mad on everything and hate force for suffering
>person consumed by force and becoming a void incarnate
>person who fail everything lost all what have a matter for her
>person so good she's becoming worse than bad

Avalone just fucking hate star war universe because there are no free will.


That's completely incorrect.
Did you watch that shitty fucking video explaining Kreia or what?

You can criticize something and still like it.

The amazing thing about kotor 2 in my opinion is while it went darker than kotor 1 that was completely vanilla, it didn't break the John Wayne Good versus Evil fantasy setting. The only part it broke Star Wars is when it went really too realistic during that Kreia flashback. Sion grabbing Kreia by the mouth, kicking her and then raping her is kinda too far.