In philosophy

>In philosophy
>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Witcher 3
>"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degreee is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

Anyone else had video games help them in real life?

Other urls found in this thread:

i jerk off to anime games if that counts

i jerk off if that counts

i jerk off to vidya games if that counts

i jerk off

hope that was community college phil101 because that would be laughed out of any other classroom

i off jerks if that counts


>OP makes a shit thread
>people make shit replies
OP gets fucking flustered no is responding seriously

I understand calling the imitation posts reddit, but the original? C'mon that was funny.

It counts.

>In writing seminar
>we can write our paper about any work of media
>choose Madoka because fuck it
>essay ends up being 30 pages
>my professor had to read 30 pages of me rambling about chinese cartoons

>weebs exists, they are real
fucking kill me

This is a weeb website

Reddit is >>>/that way/

>In Communications Media class
>Have to give a presentation over the history and works of a media work
>Chose Sailor Moon because fuck it
>My professor and class had to listen to me talk about a chinese cartoon for 10 minutes
>TFW I presented last and only like 5 people showed up to the class to see my presentation

Well, less pressure I suppose. Would have preferred seeing the look on 35 people's faces after talking about Sailor Moon.

you seriously didn't think of
"evil is a social construct - any view that posits evil as a real metaphysical thing is going to have a hard time proving it"?

the most basic shit OP

I once ended a philosophy paper with "Hitler did nothing wrong". It was an aesthetics course, don't tell me the Nazis weren't /fa/ as fuck.

>don't tell me the Nazis weren't /fa/ as fuck.
But I would say that. I would even go so far as to say that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, gas the Jews, race war now.

Of course they were /fa/ as fuck.

They hired a fucking fashion designer for their uniforms.

>in college writing class
>its the only english class I have to take because I had some AP credits from high school
>every topic
>yes, LITERALLY every topic from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester is about the holocaust

nigger I learned about that shit for 4 years of high school im fucking sick of it

thank god most of the things I wrote i stole from reddit and Sup Forums where I would post troll threads saying it never happened and just plagiarize the rebuttals

that class was awful

These threads relly need to die now.

>be in boy scouts
>MGS3 released at the time, have every Snake quip memorized
>be trekking out in the mountains
>we take a snack/water break about half an hour later
>not me, now's my chance
>slip away from the crowd and run back into the bushes
>hours pass, they've been shouting my name looking for me
>wait for more adults to come up to help find me
>in my head they're all the Cobra Unit
>Old man is alone in the brush, huffing and complaining
>It's The End
>Take out his knee with a hefty branch, he's too in shock to scream loudly
>stuff his mouth and leave him in the dirt
>As I'm leaving the scene I feel a hand grab me by the back of my handmade bandanna
>Blonde headed teenage guy
>Smirks at me and says "you're pretty good"
>Jab him in the throat and run away
>I wansn't good enough in my retreat, they eventually find me
>Being carried back to the camp, twig jams in my eye
>Pass out after screaming my lungs out
>Wake up in my bunk with a qt 3.14 nurse fixing my bandage
>grumble "thanks, EVA" in my shitty hayter voice
>She's confused
>Know she's an adult so she won't help me
>sock her in the chest and take off running shirtless
>2 hours later, left a trail into a meadow of high grass
>Oldest scout coach comes into view, he's talking to me but in my head this is a stare down
>Autistically wait for him to approach
>Puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder and says "user please relax it's okay"
>Kick him in the balls, he falls to the ground
>Looks up at me and says something I didn't pay attention to
>Instead of finishing off the Boss with a patriot I whack him in the head with my log
>Sheriffs come and put me in retard house
>4 years later still alone in foster care
>Mfw still in a dream Snake Eater

I chose to write about anime because I'm an English major (yeah, I know) and I'm sick of writing about shitty academic journals.

Also other people were picking shit like The Hunger Games and Superman comics so I figured my choice couldn't be any more trashy than that.

I got a B+

>Recently returned from a tour in Kandahar, waiting to vote during the election wearing my USMC jacket.

>A tumblerite she ogre with purple hair approaches me and asked if I was a soldier and if I killed any innocent iraqi children. Says that fighting is stupid because it solves nothing.

>remember a quote from skyrim I played recently

>I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil. I fight for their wives and children, who's names I heard whispered in their last breaths. I fight for we few who did come home, only to find our country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. I fight for my people impoverished to pay the debts of an president too weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing. I fight... because I must.

>get arrested for hate speech and ass fucked in county jail by a 7 foot spook.

Absolutely plebeian

They'd be glad you were talking about an old anime instead of My Little Pony and the Brony fandom

>completely half-ass a review of some book I bought once for the next assignment, take maybe a single night
I don't understand

you made this thread yesterday


>They hired a fucking fashion designer for their uniforms.
Hugo Boss didn't design the uniforms, his company produced them.
German uniforms were little just evolutions of past uniforms made more practical, perhaps taking inspiration from the British uniforms of WW1 in some cases.

>i used to kill innocent iraqi children
>then I took a LE ARROW TO LE KNEE!!!! XD

>read American Psycho one time when I was in highschool
>fapped to the part with the cheese one time even
>every single paper I need to write I just flip to a random page and talk about how fucking cool Bateman is
>A+ everytime

>be in British history in uni
>talking about jack the ripper
>"user, do you know where the murders took place?"
mfw i hate ass creed now

tw3 isnt that good

feels like an ass creed clone in fantasy renaissance

what a cute bit of cancer you are.

>I don't understand
majority of english major's are idiots.
welcome to the real world.

Well I'm only an English major to go into education.

Someone has to teach kids

How do you do this? Do you just enjoy making people cringe? I'd be incredibly embarassed

That's user's name?

Albert Einstein


and then the professor gave you $100% dollars, and the hottest girl in class gave you her number, right?

>Posting complaints about weebs on a korean weeaboo meet-n-greet forum

*pushes up glasses and snorts contents of nose into throat cavity* THIS IS A REPOST


>In psychology
>Professor asks me about OP's faggotry
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain post from Sup Forums
>>In philosophy
>>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Witcher 3
>>"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degreee is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all"
>>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

>Anyone else had video games help them in real life?
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

Anyone else had Sup Forums help them in real life?

>In Economics
>Professor asks me to explain the Keynesian Theory
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember what I saw in a Sup Forums thread about money
>Start rubbing my hands together and Jew as hard as I can
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of shekels


>Years ago in high school
>Have to watch spergs give powerpoint presentations about minecraft

Hey, I recognize that cringe.

this thread is spam
