Memes you hate on Sup Forums almost enough to make you leave
>never ever
>it's a nep
>find a flaw
>what did he/she mean by this?
Memes you hate on Sup Forums almost enough to make you leave
>never ever
>it's a nep
>find a flaw
>what did he/she mean by this?
This new meme of talk show hosts is the more annoying than the banana on Sup Forums
>">60 fps meme" meme
>/our guy/
is more annoying*
>this is the power of x
>everything nintendo does that isnt exactly like sony and microsoft does is a gimmick
WHEN I WAS and variations
>This is your x for the night
>What went wrong/right
>now that the dust has settled
>what is [book/movie/tv show] of video games
umad? was the only meme I ever hated
Twitter screencaps
That retarded pony vs barney thread that happens every day.
>Now that the dust has settled...
what is the x of videogames
usually the thread isn't even fucking videogames
This is a huge board with a lot of different people with different tastes, if you cant learn to deal with the other people in this thread you need to find some hugbox to shitpost in, you crybaby.
JRPGs. All of them and the waifu community. If a game has to rely on pandering to anime tiddy hungry weeb faggots rather than build core gameplay, then it's a shit genre.
>This is an X
>say something nice about her
>Using the term 'weebshit' to disregard any japanese game as if its criticism
"Sales=quality" up until the point it proves the games Sup Forums loves are absolute trash so they need loopholes in their own retarded argument to keep using it.
>there are no perfect gam-
Fucking this, this fucking stupidity. I hope you fucking die of slow pancreatic cancer if you start those threads.
>Someone offhand suggests women are shit at video games or makes fun of someones skill at video games
Its like you cant give criticism anymore, or you are assaulted by ad hominem.
What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from THIS? JUST. Hold me, Sup Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on this guy. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL. Keep it vidya. Really makes you think. So the power...of X...woah. I just played X, what did I think of it? Here's your controller bro! DIE BARNEYFAG. I want to ____ X!
>tfw too intelligent to play games
>hey user turn on your mic!
haha. I'm at a loss. How's that youtube gaming channel, Sup Forumsros?
What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu!
>people fell for the X meme
Headsets thread. Tired gamer thread. Are videogames art? When will you outgrow videogames? Sex or videogames? What games allow me to play as X?
>why havent you hacked your [console/handheld] yet
Kill yourself plebbit autist
anything that disguises trap threads
>this is your ___ for tonight
>this is ____ say something nice to them
honorable mention/runner up
>nintendo won with ONE game
>VR is a meme
>never tried it lol
Man why you gotta hate that's my favorite
Literally just console war threads and those stupid fucking wojak edits with the hats
It's just endless false flagging and baiting, nothing ever gets accomplished, there's no discussion in those threads
It's funny because it could be said about literally anything.
>Smartphones are a meme, all you need to do is call people
>Whoops everyone owns one now despite them being insanely expensive compared to their counterparts better hang myself lol.
Console wars.
>/ourguy/, also related; What's his name again?
>Threads that purposefully use a far more interesting pictures than the actual content of the OP
>">it's a _____ game" greentext threads and other varients
If you are guilty of any of these please off yourself
cuck posting and anything Sup Forums
i don't hate political incorrect stuff but holy shit anything that comes form the board Sup Forums is cancer
>muh kek
>muh shills
I hate how from 2010 to today people can mistake an inofensive, ironic or satirical joke for bait post the bait image, fucking newfags.
Any thread shilling for faggots like conan, pewdiepie, notch, dsp.... fuck all those faggots and anyone who likes any of the names I listed
Anyone trying to claim X new game is the biggest blunder of the year, or is going to be once it comes out. Loudly. Then people on Sup Forums actually believe and try to argue it
Reading this makes me think that the people on Sup Forums aren't actually people. They have to be bots or some shit programmed to just make the same type of thread over and over. Why would a human being bother making those types of threads every day? Different ones at that.
waifu fagging like senran, doa, or miku shit
made me laugh fuck you
This. I'm fucking tired of seeing "her game" threads.
Too often I see people trying to sell others on a game based solely on how a fucking character looks, rather than the game itself. That means the game is shit and belongs to a dying genre, where it belongs.
Does the moderation (or lack thereof) a meme?
So you can't like a game's aesthetics, is what you are saying?
Works in reverse too though, people who go on about the Sup Forums boogeyman out themselves as plebbitors in my opinion
To be fair, defend this can actually spark some interesting conversations.
>Kangz poster for anything involving any character that could be perceived as african or even just a minority
>Senran Kagura
Draw threads, console tan and santa hats threads nothing to do with video games. I don't see why it's allowed.
Saying the nigger meme should be an instant ban.
you should leave Sup Forums newfag
anything Sup Forums related
and this.
Why? Sup Forums has been inviting faggots from r/the_Donald all year.
meta threads
and i keep adding shit to this wall of text
Cuck posting started on Sup Forums to make fun of that one bald ginger comedian though. Sup Forums sort of had it then moot bombed them with a week of automatically generated cuckold/gay threads and whatever.
>reading this entire thread
>everyone hates the same fucking memes I do
Why do they keep happening? Is it one fucking faggot making all these threads every day?
I hate all Internet memes, it's worse than labels.
they ruin everything.
No you can but what I dislike is basing what someone likes about a game solely for "muh waifu" and posting a thread about it. Do I crush on game characters? Hell yeah, but I don't make threads about it. There's a board for that.
Sup Forums has been apart of Sup Forums for ages you cuck, Sup Forums draws in more redditors than anything else