Giant Bomb's Game of the Year 2016.
10. Stardew Valley
9. Overcooked
8. The Division
7. Overwatch
6. The Witness
5. Inside
4. Watch_Dogs 2
3. Titanfall 2
2. Hitman
Screencap this.
Giant Bomb's Game of the Year 2016.
10. Stardew Valley
9. Overcooked
8. The Division
7. Overwatch
6. The Witness
5. Inside
4. Watch_Dogs 2
3. Titanfall 2
2. Hitman
Screencap this.
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>not Hitman
Pretty fucking obvious its going to be their GOTY. They literally cannot stop talking about it and Brad will fight for it to the death.
depression quest and revolution 60 are missing this year
idk everyone sez they all talk about DOOM the most on the podcasts ( I do not listen to them anymore) which would fit pretty predictably into Jeff and Brad's bland tastes. Also that last unprofessional fridays where they did the Elusive Target they seemed to get pretty pissy because they didn't understand some of the mechanics.
>idk everyone sez they all talk about DOOM the most on the podcasts
Factually wrong. They always talk about Hitman, every single podcast, and haven't talked about Doom for some time.
That's because Hitman is a more recent release, and their episodic content schedule meant that Dan and Brad kept going back to it each month when a new level came out. Not to mention Vinny and Jeff just got into it in the last month or so.
Everyone on staff there loved DOOM, but at the end of the day it's a single-player FPS that came out 6 months ago and you can only praise it so much.
I will be fucking shocked if Hitman isn't their GOTY.
1. hitman
2. doom
I absolutely expect the last half hour of the GOTY podcast to be Jeff arguing for DOOM and Dan arguing for Hitman, with Brad caught in the middle.
>jeff filibusters for some shit
>brad filibusters for some shit
people still bother listening to the goty podcasts?
>brad gets clash royale into the #10 spot
It's almost as if... they didn't release this year!
Could that be true? Hmmmm...
>Only games worth a shit are Doom, Hitman, Inside and Overwatch
>40% good
Sounds too high for a gaming journo list OP. You need more garbage in there.
You sound like a retard.
I do whenever I have to take long car and/or train trips to my relative's house. Last year I got really mad at Austin stumping for Undertale. Who knows what I'll get mad at this year?
>giant bomb is now so ubernormal that even neo-v is catching up to it
>Austin did his AMA and Sup Forums didn't le epically raid it
Proud of you Sup Forums
And you sound like a fag. Aren't we quite the pair?
>The Witness that low
>no Picross 3D Round 2
Basically everyone will call the list shit unless Mosnter Girl Quest Chapter 3 wins
Is Jeff Gerstmann such an underground and hidden figure? VideoGameSpot must've been some kind of sekret club.
any way to watch metal gear scanlons without subscribing? I watched part one and want more
No UC4, XCOM 2, SF V, Gears 4, Ratchet & Clank, Pokémon Go, any of the good VR games, or even No mans sky?
Shame. What a predictable list
>SFV, Ratchet, Pokemon Go
SFV is A LOT worse than SFIV
Pokemon Go isn't a good game, it was cool that it took over the world for a while but it's not very good
Ratchet is just a remake.
im not watching that shit.
I put 30 hours into the witness and enjoyed the fuck out of it and some youtube fuck isn't going to change that
They all had tons of praise for it but it kinda came and went. I could maybe see it near the bottom of the list.
I barely remember them talking about this.
They liked the gameplay but hated everything surrounding it. In a worse year I could maybe see it making the #10 spot like Destiny did but there are too many other good games this year.
>Gears 4
>Ratchet & Clank
I think only Dan played it.
>Pokemon GO
They played it but didn't really get into it and noted that as a game it's pretty lackluster.
>VR games
I could maybe see Rec Room making it on.
>No Man's Sky
fucking Inside, most over-rated game of the yer.