Want to make a game

>want to make a game
>afraid Sup Forums will hate it and call it an "indieshit tumblreddit pixelshit autistic meme game"

Good! You should always expect us.

>Worrying about what Sup Forums thinks

In the grand scheme of things, what thinks is of very little consequence. Just go for it if you think it's a good idea.

Assuming this isn't a shitposting thread, seriously just stop caring about what Sup Forums thinks. Sup Forums is completely irrelevant and shits on everything even if the only reason is to be contrarian.

Though I assume if you're making this thread you're just lookinng for a reason to not do it or doubt yourself and you don't actually care what Sup Forums thinks to begin with.

>Make game pandering to tumblr
>Large (albeit cancer) fanbase guaranteed


>Make game pandering to Sup Forums
>Gets forgotten

It makes more sense to make the pandering game. I mean, people will always shitpost, might as well get some dollars out of it.

Why do you say that making a game that "panders to tumblr" guarantees a large fanbase? What examples are there?

There will always be at least one person on Sup Forums who will shit on any given game, no matter how perfect it is.

>worrying about what Sup Forums thinks.
>not just making the game you wanna make.

Dont be a fag OP just make it; I'm sure some on this board will like it. As long as it's good and or fun rational people will like it.


You really shouldn't care since Sup Forums in general tends to be toothless.

>making meme games

>being so much of a faggot that you're afraid of being criticized if you make something

you deserve it for being such a cockgargling faglord

if you fear criticism you don't deserve to make it.


Just do it. Sup Forums's opinion means jack shit to you as a developer. Just make what you want to make and see if people like it.

Then don't make a shitty game you faggot.

Undertale, Gone Home, Fez, Life is Strange, Homestuck, The Last of Us, Mafia III, Watch Dogs 2, Mass Effect.

Sup Forums is more autistic than anything you could possibly make, don't worry user

>Make game pandering to Sup Forums

What exactly pandered to tumblr in Undertale? I won't deny that it is/was popular on tumblr but I fail to see what exactly makes it a tumblr game. It was popular in a lot of places other than tumblr.

>contains gay or minority characters

Don't try and argue about it, it's a stupid meme anyway.

Sounds you shouldn't make a game cuz your a thin skinned pussy. I also doubt you have any ability beyond being an idea guy.

it doesn't matter what v thinks...all that matter is that you make a good game and you are proud of what you made. My stuff gets posted here every once in a while and people make fun of it all the time.

it doesn't fucking matter what people call it.its literally only what you make it to be.

We're all privileged little shits.

Just make what you want to make and its already more than 99% of gaemurs.

What is your stuff?

Those games are all clearly tumblr/SJW bait.

There's a difference between a character that happens to be gay and a gay character.

Just make a weeb game, Sup Forums will eat that shit up

There are people who (at least partially) define themselves through their sexuality in real life, why shouldn't there be characters like that in videogames too? Not saying whether or not I agree with that kind of identification but I don't know why Sup Forums cares so much about minority characters.

while simultaneously shitblasting it, you can never win. Atleast you'll be rich.

And you are clearly projecting

You don't even know what that means.

Being paranoid doesn't make you wrong

but user

you being right means you're forced to play with characters

who might've touched dicks


Don't cater to an audience that doesn't actually like video games, just make something you find fun.

God Speed user

Sup Forums literally hate everything so dont worry user. follow your dream

If you envision that your idea for a game would garner those specific criticisms, it probably isn't a very good game idea to begin with.

just put lolis in it

It's not a pandering game idea at all, it just has trans characters and is about their struggle.

>caring about Sup Forumsirgins

If you want Sup Forums to like a game you need to have lewd girls and/or an anime artstyle
That's literally all it takes for Sup Forums to not hate a game.

>trying to impress Sup Forums or being afraid of Sup Forums's opinions
What are you, YandereDev?
Who gives a fuck.


No matter how good your game, Sup Forums will hate it.

Has any indie dev made a successful game who regularly posts here or on the dev threads?

>it just has trans characters and is about their struggle

I'm going to be blunt with you. It's going to take a lot of skill as a storyteller to make this concept compelling to the average person. If you can't do that, it's going to be among the ranks of similar games propped up by socjus idiots.

Pic related is the only thing I've ever read with a trans character whose plight I legitimately felt for, and it's one of the best things I have ever read.

>has trans characters and is about their struggle.

Interest lost
Get the fuck out with your tumblrshit

>want to make a game
>realize how much fucking work it is
>have no friends to do it with

You're going to viral the fuck out of it here, aren't you?
That's the only rational reason you would fear this.

I want to make a game but i'm afraid that it'll be the next undertale

How does being trans equate to being from tumblr?

This plus don't forget, games are about gameplay. Stick with a core mechanic that makes your game fun. Don't make it about story first, gameplay later because then you're just making an interactive movie or book. A good narrative is important, but gameplay is more important.
If you're worried about Sup Forums, think about that.

there are people on Sup Forums that don't want gay characters period, don't pretend

Good luck with that.

You're afraid of making over a million dollars?

Yeah, Minecraft sure is forgotten.

This should be your priority when making a game

of curse we will , but don't let that stop you.
you might make something amazing, that we will still give you shit for but love inside.

Well I actually liked Undertale a lot so by all means go ahead.
Unless you're afraid of being some sort of copycat game.


Games don't need stories, just like literature doesn't. Stories are just there so companies can market the exact same game multiple times.

___ __ ___ ___ _____!

>Games don't need stories, just like literature doesn't

name an objectively good game that doesn't have a story

>make indieshit tumblreddit pixelshit autistic meme game
>afraid Sup Forums will hate it and call it an "indieshit tumblreddit pixelshit autistic meme game"



go ahead and make the next undertale user!!! :D

>Giving a shit about the same board who backed Mighty No. 9 and think that God Hand is a good game

>Make a game with an all male cast
>people will accuse me of being sexist and hating women

>Make a game with an all women cast
>people will assume it's SJW bait and for Tumblr

Fuck there goes my ideas for both games

This meme has gone too far, it's fucking ridiculous that anyone would be AFRAID of making the next Undertale. I wouldn't put Undertale anywhere near my top 10 but it was worth my time for the soundtrack alone. The game isn't bad even if you don't find any profound meaning in it.

>you give up after doing a single sprite

>make a game with a cast of girls and boys
>end up not thinking about their skin color, race, culture, WHATTHEFUCKEVER and making most of them light skinned
>get shunned and bullied in the indie dev scene

Well fuck me

>caring what people think on a website dedicated to mongolian children's cartoons

the guy that made Risk of Rain


>It's not a pandering game idea at all
> it just has trans characters and is about their struggle.

But that in itself is pandering. If the game is solely going to be about that, then you will have a difficult time writing it in a way that doesn't come off as "pandery" if you get what I'm saying.

On the topic of art: Don't use pixel art. It takes a long time and an immense amount of skill in order for that style to not look like shit. Not only that, but the tone and presentation also have to be appropriate for that artstyle. If you want some examples of indies doing pixel art right, look at Enter the Gungeon and Owlboy. If it isn't up to that standard, then don't use pixel art.


Your problem isn't going to be Sup Forums. The worst Sup Forums will do is shitpost at you. It's tumblr you have to worry about. They treat the people who make the things they like as badly as they treat the people who make the things they hate, and everyone is itching to start the witch hunt against someone else in order to ensure they aren't the ones who get targeted.

There is a big difference between pandering and just dealing with a subject.

You know that most trans people have nothing to do with tumblr right?

Literary fiction is just philosophy with a narrative, does not require the narrative to espouse said philosophy.
Robotron 2084

I wanted to make a game about a hobo trying to make it rich. Would Sup Forums play that?

It depends how he gets rich.

>he thinks it's easy to become a millionaire reddit meme

Don't worry. It won't.

I rather not post it because it pertains to what i do for a living and if it got out i post here it might get me in trouble.

>pandering to Sup Forums

maybe during Alpha.

Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about minecraft any more, meanwhile kids and tweens are still playing the everloving fuck out of it.

To call Sup Forums fickle would be the understatement of the century.

Well he finds a book and he follows the advice of the book. I have a little bit of the story written out but not much.

Just make the game you want, I picked up gamedev as a hobby to make the kind of stuff I like, if others enjoy it too then that's a bonus.

Making games is an extremely long and complex process most of the time, and you won't be involved if you're doing it to impress others.
The same goes for any hobby you pick up

>>afraid Sup Forums will hate it and call it an "indieshit tumblreddit pixelshit autistic meme game"

then don't ever post it on reddit or tumblr, don't add memes, don't use pixels, and don't be autistic. Its that simple

>want to make a game
>afraid Sup Forums will hate it and call it a "brutal doom wannabe clone"

Just start making games, OP.

Your first one will be dogshit.

Your second one will also be dogshit.

This'll keep going until you eventually build and refine the skills you need to put out a really convincing game. It'll take time and hard work, so you'd better close Sup Forums and get to work

I mean in terms of gameplay

What is the game play hook? It doesn't have to be the most original thing on the world, but how does it play?

The only thing Sup Forums should care about is gameplay. If the gameplay and to a lesser extent, replayability is there, you are golden.

Well I have little coding skill at the moment so It's going to be made with RPG maker. I know it's shit so let's get that out of the way.

In terms of gameplay, I want the main character to be able to make choices in every dialogue part of the game. That's how the plot progresses. He can earn money by being a "good" guy and doing jobs for people. But that's kind of boring so I also want him to be able to con people and steal.

There's a fine line between listening to input where it's necessary and caving your vision to be accepted.

It will always be shit in Sup Forums because Sup Forums isn't one person so there will be at least one person calling it shit.

that could help a little bit though. I mean, there will always be shitposters but sometimes there are genuinely helpful people here.

If you are going the route of copying Undertale, PLEASE copy the aspects of the game that made it good, and not just the le ebin self aware meta-commentary.

I'm talking likable characters, fun dialogue, interesting gameplay, attention to detail. Things that get you invested in the game on a more intimate level. Don't be another pretentious turd like Pony Island.