When you're about to click the dota2 icon on steam but then you remember that you don't want to spend an hour reading small print and clicking on stuff
When you're about to click the dota2 icon on steam but then you remember that you don't want to spend an hour reading...
>reading small print
WTF do you read in Dota? I memorised every item and ability years ago and if you're talking about reading chat you're really retarded. The sooner you stop communicating with your team the sooner your MMR will start increasing.
play starcraft instead, it's a real game
>playing assfagots
>pick a hero
>get screeched at for choosing the "wrong" one that doesn't suit the "meta"
>buy an item
>get screeched at for not picking the "correct" things even though they benefit my chosen character and its abilities
>kill an enemy and destroy a tower
>endless autistic screeching because playing the game is apparently not how you play the game
How can anyone enjoy a game where the userbase shits itself in unbridled anger if you don't follow some unwritten guide with pinpoint accuracy?
>one of my first games of DOTA
>two people scream at each other about how they're diamond ranked, but are just playing on their alts
>each person accuses the other of ban evasion
nah m8
shit fanbase, shit game
This is the reason why this genre will never be good.
play unranked. im a casual, i instapick everytime what i wanna play and no one cares really
if you support people gonna commend the shit out of you
I find the current state of dota's community to be utter dogshit because of this, but at the same time Icefrog has been pandering to this behavior by focusing more on esports and less on basic player interactions in an average game.
I miss the days where you could tell if building armor or a hood was a good idea based on enemy roster, now you have to build your meme items to be functional, which is why I just stick to heroes who just need blinkdagger these days.
>play LoL
>discover it's shit
>start using its terrible design to trash the entire genre
>diamond ranked
nice bait
I can't play this anymore, 20 fps is not enough to play properly, I want to go back to 2012 when I had 60 fps.
>hate every moment playing
>can't stop
>have over 2300 hours in it
>two guys arguing on my team
>tell them to calm down and say that we can win if we push now
>they ignore me and continue their stupid fucking argument
>one guy threatens to throw the game unless he other guy apologizes
>"yeah go ahead, throw the game, i dare you"
>actually throws the game
oh man, such a great game and mature community
dota truly takes "incredible mental discipline."
Literally never happened to me in DOTA, and I played this shit for 4 years. Unless things are different in 6k MMR, no one cares about you picking a non meta hero or pick a non meta item (as long as it does benefit your hero, say, not wasting gold on crit for a hero with a crit skill).
What people do get assblasted about is anyone fucking up a teamfight though, even if you had the most played hero with the best items.
Well you DID lose because your teammates didn't have mental discipline
Without the toxicity, it's still a shit game.
"Gameplay" = clicking on things and reading small text.
The only fun part is ganking and teamkills, which can only be done strategically if you've memorized tons of the aforementioned small text, unique to each of the 112 heroes.
Also you do this for an hour, it's retarded
That's only ranked though. Tryhards are assholes.
Normal queue is top fun, nobody cares as long as there's at least 1 carry.
Low prio is really fun too
I bet you wonder how people play RTS games too. And just wait until you find out that there are TURN-BASED strategy games that people like. Will really grind your gears
Low Prio was fun when you didnt need to win the game to get out.its cancer as fucknow
Oh wow, you actually have to think and learn for a few days instead of just mindlessly clicking?!
I mean out of all complaints that are valid you use the most retarded one. Dota is autistic, this is not new, if you want to join a game without knowing what the fuck is going on and play well you should play overwatch.
Shame blizzard refuses to support linux
>Playing NA servers
>Playing with Americans
That said if your team needed to pick support and you picked Dusa or something dumb you deserved every bit of that screaming.
I wanted to describe hundreds of fuckups I watched and I did myself, but I decided not to.
Once again I am so glad you don't find these players in my region anywhere near as often. US players need a kick in the dick before they even log into steam to remind them that they aren't gods gift to the game and that they are in fact NOT 5k players stuck in a 1.7k body.
>He thinks the dota community wasnt always like this
Dota 2 is the finest multiplayer competitive gaming experience that currently exists.
It is the finest example of game design that humanity has yet produced.
I am 5.7k gamer in the us east haha woo
I fucking love low prio. Went 5 hyperstones on drow once and my team was flaming. I had so much fun cuz almost all of them were perus and making them mad is so satisfying
Back in my day (because im an old fag) guides gave you options, what to build vs certain heroes, ect, ect, now its all about core heroes and ricing all game in pubs while following shitty esports guides that don't work in pub games.
Try SMITE, it's 3rd person perspective so no clickspam, pretty good graphics (some nice tits tbqh) and all the characters are gods so that's kind of cool. Zeus, Aphrodite, Anubis, Hercules etc.
Except SMITE is shit.
this doesn't happen to me in dota, only in overwatch so i stopped playing it
>"Gameplay" = clicking on things and reading small text.
Any game is shit when you minimalize its game mechanics to this level.
Why do you say that, user? It's as good as any other MOBA.
this only happens in league
I'll buy shadowblade on every hero and no one will give a fuck
fuck it buy a midas and win and gg
the userbase in dota is incredibly chill because we know there's no point to this shit and dumb shit happens all the time
It's as good as any other LoL clone, which is not good.
>play basketball
>run in circles while dribbling trying to dodge players for as long as possible
>running to other end of court to try and three point it
>taking off my shoes and playing barefoot
>my four teammates are angry at me for not trying and ruining the game
>fucking autists don't they understand how to have fun????
You haven't played dota recently at all.
>tfw new patch in 4 days
>might actually play some dota for the first time since 6.82 ruined my pubs
That or Ill just wait for Dota imba to get updated for all the new items, reworks, and Monkey King.
>tfw China is getting utterly destroyed right now in this Major
>load up DotA 2
>characters delay when turning, this is an actual feature in a game where you have to dodge things
>animations and effects are shitty and underwhelming, can barely tell whats going on to avoid things because everything is so piddly
>UI is one of the worst I have ever seen, everything on the items screen is tiny and the menu itself is hard to navigate
I actually want to get into DotA, but every time I try it just feels so clunky and ugly
>in a game where you have to dodge things
Are we still talking about the same game here?
>pick techies
>faggot teammate: gg
>do techies thing, first blood etc etc
>wow techies you're so bad
>said faggot while being 0-10
>while I have half the team kills
>what are you doing come push with us oh my god
>"ohhhh my god you're so bad" in a faggy russian accent on voice
>three enemy heroes stepped on three different points about 1-2 seconds apart literally before faggot could finish his whining
>? in team chat
>whole enemy team lmaoing on global chat
>be engineer
>get paid to run analysis on stuff
>play dota
>it's like my job
>except without the salary
>and people tell me to commit suicide
I expected tf2 greentext, fuck you
maybe other assfaggots but nobody really gives a shit what you build in dota since everyone's terrible anyway
Try cs :^)
people do dumb shit for fun all the time in streetball though, and i'd argue a silly video game is even less serious than that
pubs are not supposed to be ~competitive esports~
it's a crapshoot. Sometimes you get matched with guys who don't care about that stuff and just play.
>getting mad in unranked
Unless somebody is feeding or didn't play past the tutorial you shouldn't be mad in unranked.
If you play ranked, you get competition. If you play unranked, you get memes. If you play even memier gamemodes, you get unadulterated memes with a dose of ruski autism.
>open dota
>realize im in low priority
>quit dota
How can anyone tolerate these safe space games is beyond me.
how'd you get LPd?
I give a shit, don't fucking build radiance against a team with mostly magical damage, I'll fucking throw the game, you piece of shit.
ranked is a complete joke and not even close to actual competition though
they're the same clowny pubs with everyone pretending to be serious but look at any top streamer and you'll see it's a farce
solo mm can't compare to organized dota
holy shit people still play that game
a real dead game
>I'll fucking throw the game
So you'll act like a shit in response to someone acting like a shit?
Do you blame everyone but yourself when you're losing too?
too many reports
reported for what?
Ranked games was a mistake. Should have kept it at pubs vs. inhouse/tourney
Dota was never more fun to play than back in garena days on bnet. Competetive gaming is cancer, its a fucking manchils hobby and shouldnt be celebrated. And no all sports are retarded as well.
Nobody said it was the same as pro dota. It is just regular people trying their hardest. That's all competition ever was.
It's the difference between playing a pickup basketball game with friends and playing one with friends for money.
>report people acting like you as abusive in chat (they usually are)
>DOTA2 informs me later that they have taken action regarding the player
>look at any top streamer and you'll see it's a farce
most top streamers are pros, and ranked is a joke to them. they don't typically stream the matches where they're practicing properly, they definitely don't stream scrims or inhouse practices. they stream their 'fun' games, where they hardly try or build stupid shit.
non-pro top streamers take shit a bit more seriously (BSJ, Attacker, etc.)
>It is just regular people trying their hardest.
Are you from a parallel universe or something?
Bad news, I do not visit low priority, actually I evn get commends.
>mfw people tell me to push when I have aghs and TP boots, going rat techies by killing entire creep waves
No one knows the fun.
>but then you remember that you don't want to spend an hour reading small print
to be fair, if youre this aware of toxic the dota community and dont remember 95% of what shit does in the game you probably shouldnt be playing
not saying you need to remember every cool down and duration and damage of spells by heart, but you should already know lion finger wont kill a nigga with 1200 hp unless you have etherial and aghs
>Act like a douchebag
>Receive a lot of reports
>tfw I've never been in LP
The only constant is you. If you had been better at quelling your teammates you would have won.
same lol
only time i've been in lpq was when i abandon to enter it on purpose
>have aghs
>have BoT
>come on techies push
>continue to set remotes in lanes
>play with 3 friends
>one just started and picks brood
>tell him to do w/e and ask whenever he needs help
>feeds nonstop
>we're laughing
>the other two on our team doesnt give a fuck
Repeat that a couple more times. Nobody gives a fuck when you're in pleb tier as long as the slav gets his mid.
>professional Chinese team beat 2-1 by some cooky russians on cocaine
>2016 TI winners got last place, losing to a literal meme team
>fEEd's team actual got to quarter finals by beating one of the strongest Chinese teams in the scene
>no Abed
Defend this major, Dotards
>quelling blade removes mines
When will they make Techies great again?
Just play IMBA Techies.
Picking Techies when the entire enemy team didn't had a single ranged hero was delicious.
thats horseshit
i once got 7 games in a row where some one goes a hero they have no idea how to play and rush into the dumbest bullshit. Carries with 3 times as many deaths as kills
then i check their profile and they have 300 hours in
fuck your constant, games rigged
Why shouldn't quelling blade remove mines? It costs 200 gold and an item slot, and it's stupid to have a melee hero sit and wait for a ranged ally to kill the mines even though he clearly sees them.
never. Techies was probably one of those biggest mistakes he thinks he made. You almost have no control over playing again him early game without shitting up someone's gold, but good news he turns into the worst hero 10minutes into the game. All is well with the frog
on the other hand, if someone on the other team picks techies, you can pick riki or bounty. Go find techies while he's placing mines, and quell them right before they pop out of vision. Most techies wont notice and you'll get free farm for entire minutes
the constant is you being unable to carry the entire game despite your shit teammates
>not carrying the game yourself
Found your problem.
>IMBA Techies
>stasis are 4ever
>stasis have mana burn
>enemy team just buys gem and starts 5 man push, without going off the lanes
Worst hero if you don't keep the mind games up.
Too many techies I see give up as soon as they deward the mines instead of changing up their strat a little.
So.... you have no idea what to build vs certain heroes, and its the games fault, not yours.
Also the game has progressively moved LESS AND LESS towards ricing as games are over sooner and sooner these days. 60+ minute games are rare in competitive now where they used to be quite common.
>go support
>hey fag, get back
>fag, i said get back
>fag wtf u doin i said get the fuck back theres a man gank obviously waiting
>fucker goes anyways
>some how this is my fault
not on the 10th minute
>>go support
Found your problem, cuck. If you're better than your bracket then solo mid carry your way out.
>Too many techies I see give up as soon as they deward the mines instead of changing up their strat a little.
>they start quelling my babby-tier rune spot
>make toddler-tier spots in paths they take to go to rune spot
>the wisdom meme might be true
Icefrog has truly gone mad
>Not getting aghs by minute 15 of the game
if they do that in the 10th minute they leave all other lanes open. Think about that.
I've seen this happen and it never goes well
literally for third worlders and other shitskin types lmao
Teach me
being "toxic"
highest mmr i got was 5.8k and then every game i just get put with low 4ks and have to be arteezy or something if i want to win
the road to being good was fun but once you are there its just boring
>go support
>need some gold to get vision on riki
>try to lasthit one creep that carry wasn't able to last hit anyway
>b-but you missed like half of lasthits
>try to go to another lane
EG is a meme team?