Beat Last Guardian

>beat Last Guardian
>start NG+
>hear you can unlock costumes
>realize there's costumes for Ico and Wander
>they're just recolors of the regular outfit and the Ico outfit doesn't even come with HORNS

Why? Who dropped the ball on this one?

dude chill they only had 10 years

I don't think I can replay this game. Maybe after a few months or a year or two.

Knowing when Trico is needed and being better at commanding him will probably make it a lot nicer, but those first few hours were hell.

But now is probably by best shot at the 5 hour trophy.

>mfw the dream is dead
>the three messiahs of the videogames were false prophets
The Last Guardian is shit. Shenmue 3 is going to be utter shit and FF7 is episodic crap. Thanks heavens Gaben will die before ever greenlighting HL3.

Shit is a bit extreme. I was really happy with it overall but ffs who okayed those climbing controls for when you're on the dog?

Last Guardian is my GOTY. The only bad thing that comes to mind is the controls but they're bearable and not the focus at all.

Finally beat this game and I take back every shitty thing I said about it. The controls are awful, the camera is awful, but fuck me if that story doesn't make up for every last bullshit combat second of it.

I actually wept at the end, no spoilers.

>no bonus mode where you play as wander and fight a trico
I can't believe this

how long is it? my friend said it's one of those games where you could spend your whole life playing and you'd always find new things to do, places to explore ect?

>my friend said it's one of those games where you could spend your whole life playing and you'd always find new things to do, places to explore ect?
yeah it's like skyrim dude, my trico is level 30 and i haven't even scratched the surface of my sire guild questline its insane

Your friend lied to you. It's incredibly linear and will run you at 5-10 hours.

>game is delayed for a decade
>idiots expect it to be good

Don't know why you'd expect a game with that many delays to be good. Didn't learn your lesson after Duke Nukem Forever?

>TLG is my GOTY

you've had an awful year user

Don't worry, most of us have. Next year surely can't be worse, right?

? two different... response...

so does the cat die at the end or wat


not if you ignore professor booster

Are u fuckign retarded

they needed more time

I was honestly floored at the fact that a Team ICO game had an ending that wasn't a bad end

I just beat it and was blown away with the ending. Also the camera is the biggest problem that effected me, the controls were just okay. the only annoyance was aiming the shield on top Trico. I just became more patient with him and knowing I had to aim him in the right direction to follow orders.

When the kid/man said it went off and probably died, roll credits, I was buttmad as fuck. I was expecting it, and I know Ueda would pull it.

Then the shield in the dirt and I'm like, okay, here's NG+ I guess. ... Then the old man picks up the shield and shines in in the sky... followed by the flight through the air following the beam. I just kept sayin "Ueda you fucking hack dont you fucking dare tease me dont you do it not after a decade"

And then the eyes lit up in the cave. HNNGG

Is the tomb the Master of the Valley?
Why is he by a pool that looks just like the one in SOTC?
Is Dormin the aliens?

Tell me the ending or the plot overall, I would rather read instead of watch this on youtube

An Alien/AI thing mind controls giant beasts to kidnap children and turn them into food

So along the game the cat thing is actually setting you up?

No, you rescue him and he frees himself from the mind control with the power of friendship

Well I guess that could be pretty cute, I guess i'll watch it then

It's more about the bond you form with Trico over the course of the game and overcoming the obstacles together. The actual plot of the game is more of a backdrop than anything else.

If you're just watching you'll really enjoy it. Playing it is hyper frustrating in combat and most deaths come from playing the "Oh I wonder which direction I will jump off Trico this time" meme.

Story wise its really grand

Autogrip was a mistake.

His mind control helmet is broken at the start.

You were his victim, but mutual aid turns to friendship.

Two sets of eyes. Trico had a baby.

Just beat it. Gave up on the puzzles right near the end because the AI was just fucking awful the entire game. Horrible to play, and more of a movie than MGS4. And this is coming from someone who loved Ico and SotC. Good story, fit the aesthetic and themes of Team Ico really well, but major step down gameplay wise.

this game is out holy shit where have I been

tuck me in to die