
Old thread bump limit.

Tell me, Sup Forums. Which Daedra would you align with? Assuming you had all the foreknowledge of what they have done to the member of their respective cults of worship up[ to this point?

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I'll side with Sheogorath if it means I can fuck a golden saint


I fucking hate the undead and I prefer benign deities over rape oriented ones.

I'll stick with my Tribunal thanks.

Sanguine because he's a good lad who just wants to have a good time.

reposting perk overhaul poll
early in the thread this time


What does Alarm actually do?

casting rift bolt on dragons is always funny to me.

None. I will worship the "gods" of logic and reason and scorn their foolish rituals.

>fucks off constantly
>teleport enemies 1 mile in the air to kill them
>hates that faggot malacath
>No one really fucks with him
>only one who has the balls to fuck up his plane is HIMSELF

why the fuck not

i just use ordinator. it's not perfect, and can easily make you overpowered as a mage, but it's a lot funner and more interesting than the vanilla perks and is more rewarding.

He's far too unpredictable to be trusted. Hell you could be laying pipe on a golden saint and it could suddenly turn into a hunger just because he got a little bored.

alarm warns you when an enemy approaches. the sound it makes when the alarm is triggered is comfy, try it out.

he's a daedric prince tho?

Is it based on detectable range? Or physical location?

I might try it, but it seems redundant with Oncato's Recital.

He is, since he exists in the oblivion plane

The other princes don't recognize him as a prince. He's basically the immortal god king of the orsimer. He's sort of his own separate entity.

Boethiah shit on him


This shit right here is why Ulfric wanted a sovereign Skyrim. No Thalmor furry shit

that's just a dog user

Your point?

What is the biggest dropped ball in terms of story in Skyrim?

Civil war

The civil war. I don't think there is any argument for that,

What did you mean by this?

Is that dog stuffed?

WHY is the same image different file sizes?

It's just a husky. His name is Sceolang.

It's not the same image, compare them. His face is looking slightly in a different direction.

Is there any justification whatsoever for the fact that, no one including the player character, would not see the absolute unrivaled value of the Elder Scroll Serana just happens to be carrying like it's her fucking purse like it belongs to her, and not just smash her skull in and take it?

How the fuck was that excusable at all?

You can't kill her, she's essential.

Why couldn't they design a proper Sanguine instead of this dremora? He is a daedric prince ffs he deserves a unique design.

i doubt most people know what elder scrolls are. they're rare and irrelevant. and serana is cute, so i would let her get away with anything if it meant sleeping with her.

The best women are Nords, Dunmer, and Orcs.

Prove me wrong losers.
furfags and scalies need not apply

orc women have gross mouths

but they have a frame that supports spawning young, virile warriors.

Light-skinned Bosmeri girls are cute.

Literally any other race besides the beasts has better women

Why are breton girls so lewd?

I think it was more of a problem that the player character didn't question Serana (even if you were already a vampire) when you take her to her home. There was no "now wait where the fuck did this giant island castle come from, who are you" sort of thing. It's like "HERP DERP big castle cool let's jump in the boat sweetums."


Bosmer are among some of the most useless fucks in any Elder Scrolls game. Why would you play as these eternal manlets?

>always discover them in ruins spread eagle


Sheogorath is the obvious choice.

Meridia seems like the most friendly to mortals.

Although, serving Hermaeus Mora might be fun.

We're not talking about playing as them, but fucking them.

>not wanting a girl that would eat you
> :^)

Welcome to economics 101. The scroll, filled with ancient knowledge, is worth what any single investor will pay for it. It's academic worth, at least in terms of the wandering warrior protag in Skyrim makes it only a plot point.

short girls are cute. and the cannibal thing is a meme. pretending that all bosmer are monkeys running around a forest eating each other is like saying that all bretons are monkeys running a round the mountains yelling "muh forsworn" and chimping out. a cute bosmeri girl makes a perfectly fine wife.

I would rather not worry about her biting my dick off during fellatio.

Not really, she's kind of a cunt
Sanguine seems the friendliest. Dude just wants people to lighten up and feel good.

>Slightly sassy Laura Bailey Vampire walks in to Dawnguard HQ
>Hardcore vampire hunters don't murder her on sight, especially seeing that she holds one of the most potentially powerful artifacts possible
>She's allowed to just chill because she vaguely knows you

Really makes you think...

I think the psiijic order should have been far more involved in Skyrim. Not just in the Mage's College quest line. Vampires fucking about with elder scrolls should have set off a red flag for them. Odd that it took the eye of magus to get their attention. Then again I think the eye has the potential to destroy Nirn in the wrong hands.

I think I meant least-damaging moreso than actually friendly.

Sanguine could be fun but would also probably fuck you over in some way, even if minor

nothing wrong with a little teeth action 2bh senpai

Can someone help me? I am currently playing Modded Skyrim on Ultra and it stutters a bit when I move (especially on horseback), despite being from 45-60 silky smooth FPS. Did I fucked up? My set up

i5 6400
RX 480 4GB
8gb RAM

Not the greatest PC but I'd thought I'd destroy Skyrim by now. Was the $600 pc meme fakeD?

She's allowed to stick around because she's getting BLACKED by Wesley Snipes.

>Hardcore vampire hunters don't murder her on sight
t. user who never played dawnguard.

Literally every time you fast travel you get your shit pushed in by Dawnguard.

Up until the moment he fucks your wife, then fucks you.


>elder scrolls games will never be fun again
it hurts

are you playing oldrim or newrim? newrim is a much better modding platform.


also, bethesda's games are extremely CPU-bound, not necessarily GPU-bound.

IF you chose to become a vampire lord. Most people sided with the Dawnguard. Just so you're aware.

>All of the main "guilds" were about 4 or 5 quests long

Did they seriously bank on people doing countless radiant quests and finding that to be fulfilling content?

You do about 1 fucking quest for the Companions before you're let in to the inner circle.

All the development time and they couldn't have come up with any better shit than that?

>i5 6400
>RX 480 4GB
>8gb RAM
You have a fucking amazing PC. Not a top of the line but you have enough power to max this game out twice.

The issues are more likely the mods themselves. Look at the forums I can promise you people with more firepower are having problems. Also Skyrim is known for not being smooth anyway.

The mods are what you should be looking into

You're better off using the older version since it can actually look better and doesn't get crippled by pre-update mods so easily.

t.Edgelord who chose to be a faggot dick sucking vampire
Nah fuck you.

Vaermina, just to try and figure out what she wants and why she keeps getting worshipers. There must be something rewarding about joining her cults even though every description of her is completely negative.

i had a lot of fun with skyrim.
>tfw 117 hours in morrowind, 317 hours in VANILLA oblivion (i never modded oblivion lmao), and ~400 hours in skyrim (200 vanilla, 200 modded)

elder scrolls is love, elder scrolls is life. although i only played TES: Online for like 12 hours before i got bored, i don't like MMOs. i'm currently playing through the special edition.

>Implying she doesn't prey on the mentally ill rejects of society

At the conclusion of the storyline, she has assumed the lead role at the castle. So yeah. If the Dragonborne doesn't take her away she'll remain in said position. You the the fucking ramshackle dawnguard is going to attack Castle Harkin?

I can vouch for this. Old skyrim is just better. Newskyrim is for people who really don't want to mod and just want a better looking skyrim.

I am, playing Old Skyrim because it was $5. No DLC, even though alot of mods need em so I took those mods out. It looks so fucking beautiful when I don't move. Walking or running stutters a bit, but it isn't bad. Like I said on horseback it looks like it's 10fps even though my counter shows 45.

That's just not true, oldrim is already out of date. And no set of mods in oldrim is going to implement exterior volumetric lighting as good as the special edition. ENB is a glorified instagram filter.

Fuck it, with the backing of the Dragonborn they'd cuck those faggot vampires out of existence.

The thing is, why even bother when modders have already done enough to make the game at least comparable to what Bethesda did for the update? What Bethesda did was in many ways based upon the limitations of the PS4/One when modders didn't really give a fuck and based it on the abilities of their own PCs.

I use old Skyrim to mod the fuck out of and new Skyrim when I want a more vanilla experience.

I figured that was more of Malacath's or Namira's shtick.

Plus the guys from her quest in Skyrim seemed relatively intelligent and well mannered.

It depends on how important those lighting effects are to you. Sure, you can't do that with oldrim but there are numerous other graphical modifications that can justify sticking with oldrim.

It's hard enough already to get the game running with the old .exe.

>It's hard enough already to get the game running with the old .exe.
i don't think u understand. the point of the new skyrim, apart from the flashier shaders and lighting, is the much more stable modding platform.

try doing something like this in oldrim and the game will immediately crash.

If you're playing a melee character is there a reason to use any shield when the spellbreaker exist?
It don't matter if you craft a daedric or dragonbone shield, it won't be as effective against magick or dragon attacks like the spellbreaker. Shit works agains't dragons, shouts users, mages, vampires, warriors and animals, literally everything in the game.

>I must go
>my planet needs me
>do you get to my planet very often?
>oh what am I saying, of course you dont.

I prefer Auriel's shield and I like light armor more than heavy armor.

I see your point, but the modding community has to catch up to the update. Until then the old release is a better platform because there are simply more mods to pick from.

Many of the mods people have gotten used to may not even get an update for the enhanced experience.

Auriel's Shield can launch people and the special Dawnguard Shield gives you a sun damage cloak. Those ones are my favorites.

Oh shit I just realized it's not a light shield. My entire playthrough is a lie.

>All these people babbling about mods

This is a lore thread for fucks sake.anyways,

I'd choose Azura or sanguine. Sanguine because he must have a few harem realms. Azura for love and and afterlife of beauty.

>try doing something like this in oldrim and the game will immediately crash.

fucking wrong, we've had 64-bit OS'es for a decade now maybe you have heard of them. Spawning 100 NPCs at once is a thing people did in Fallout 3 all the way back in 2008.

The community is catching up rather quickly. The Script Extender mod team have been posting updates explaining where they're at with the project and the ENB guy has already released a beta. And a huge portion of great mods are already out.

>This is a lore thread for fucks sake
We're discussing both and both apply. as long as this shit is about vidya, we are ultimately the winners.

You don't know what you're talking about. We're not talking about a 64 operation system, we're talking about a 64 bit executable.


@ 1:46

>With 200 bodies on the ground, the original game falls to a whopping 15 frames per second, and that was after it crashed 4 times. Whereas in the special edition, it didn't crash once.

>is the much more stable modding platform.

Too late, modders wanted that five years ago now Beth is asking them to completely redo their mods just to support the newest version of the game. It's not going to happen because it means completely redoing everything, figure that loverslab alone requires over six mods to work (more like ten or level for specific fetishes). That's a huge amount of work, one which modders (who do it for free) just aren't going to do.

Should have expected as much.

It's a shame that Bethesda was so slow to release the GECK with fallout 4. That mod community is slow enough as it is.

Is it worth going back to play the pre-morrowind games?

How hard are they to run on modern systems?

Loverslab was not on their radar at all and you know that.

Daggerfall in Unity is actually looking pretty tolerable.

They've aged like fucking shit, vanilla though.

No one will cry over losing the retarded meme mods. But all of the actually important mods that improve Skyrim's visuals, gameplay, and immersion are already out and ready to download or are currently underway, being developed by the original mod author or by someone who was given permission.

Daggerfall has a release out there that's integrated with DOSBOX and will run on any windows platform XP and above.

I wouldn't recommend it however. Daggerfall is only for the most die hard elder scrolls fan. It's arduous to say the least to even start the main quest. Even then the entire game is very wooden and lifeless without taking great pains to make it otherwise.

>You don't know what you're talking about. We're not talking about a 64 operation system, we're talking about a 64 bit executable.

That's not the problem, the problem is that 32 bit Windows is fucking shit and won't ever assign more than 4gb ram. When 32-bit exes are run in compatibility mode, they can still take advantage of that extra ram. Which is why mass NPC spawning became feasible.


>>With 200 bodies on the ground, the original game falls to a whopping 15 frames per second, and that was after it crashed 4 times. Whereas in the special edition, it didn't crash once.

Calling bullshit, I've done similarly stupid NPC battles in both Fo3 and FNV without any issues. Then again I'm on PC, consolefags are just fucked no matter what.

Have you ever actually played these games or are you just going on what youtubers tell you?

>No one will cry over losing the retarded meme mods.

Sure, mostly because thanks to kikestarter all the modders are slowly realizing they can people to pay them for their work. Beth is the loser here.

>But all of the actually important mods that improve Skyrim's visuals, gameplay, and immersion are already out and ready to download or are currently underway, being developed by the original mod author or by someone who was given permission.

what do you mean by "important"? Because most modders aren't going back in to fix their mods especially as many have moved on (skyrim came out five years ago). And the biggest mods are patches that fix things Beth should have fixed anyway.

>Assuming you had all the foreknowledge of what they have done to the member of their respective cults of worship up[ to this point?

Clavicus Vile without a doubt then, guy just wants his followers to keep their end of the bargain and not try to change their minds on what they want out of the deal, stick to it as is and you get rewarded, and ignore any attempts he makes at giving you something else for any given request.