>Solider is heavily overpowered, he does his job TOO WELL, and is a must pick
>D.Va is fucking stupid, she has a ability that negates half the ults in the game[which are even harder to get now] and is pretty much an invincible character
>Sombra is still shit and needs a buff
>Torb is still shit and needs a buff
>Mercy is still shit and needs a buff
>Fuck this game
Overwatch needs a rebalance
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe you should stop playing shitty babys first fps games
stop posting your fucking video everywhere you fucking underaged retard
t. gold player
Dirty Bomb
Call of Duty
i just want a sombra buff and a soldier nerf. He's so fucking braindead and effective
Literally any.
>Solider is heavily overpowered, he does his job TOO WELL, and is a must pick
No, soldier can finally get picks and do his main role. The main issue is he has kicked McCree out of his niche. They need to redesign McCree in such a way that both heroes can co-exist together in one team. (Possibly make McCree a more close range anti-flank hard counter?)
git gud
>D.Va is fucking stupid, she has a ability that negates half the ults in the game[which are even harder to get now] and is pretty much an invincible character
If your main concern with D.Va is the fact that she can eat ults then you should get D.Va out of her mech before ulting.
>Torb is still shit and needs a buff
git gud, Torb is viable in some maps when the enemy has 0 coordination
>Mercy is still shit and needs a buff
She's fine, Ana is the issue.
Even Battleborn?
Just play D.Va ;)
git gud
>(Possibly make McCree a more close range anti-flank hard counter?)
wasnt that how he was when he was super OP? his anti-flank was so good it was anti-everything
idk i think blizz should stop nerfing in general and just continually buff eveyhting
>The main issue is he has kicked McCree out of his niche.
Can't play Tracer either, I've been getting shit for not picking Soldier in most of my recent games.
I can't believe they went through with those buffs. I told some overjoyed Soldier main during the PTR not to get too excited because there'd be no way Blizzard goes through with such obviously OP changes... and then he called me a retard.
And yet here we are.
>>Sombra is still shit and needs a buff
you need to play her more intelligently
>Hating 76
>Squishy as fuck
>Has to hit all his shots non ult
>Heal isn't instant and has decent cooldown
>Helix has a small hitbox for high damage and does little splash
Hes only good when he makes all his shots and he dies pretty fast. Sorry the most fundamental character is now a solid pick.
>saw a "Sombra Main"
>Even he was complete shit at him
>no one plays sombra on the E-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Sports"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" side of the game
>No one plays sombra in general
>Everyone Screams if someone picks her
>She is a Diet-Coke Tracer
Ya, she does not need a buff at all.
>Still playing this shit
fad games are the worst
Rainbow Six Siege
Titanfall 2
Black Ops 3
Battlefield 1
>Squishy as fuck
He has a heal ability that heals him in seconds, and he can run away if his health even remotely gets touched
>Has to hit all shots non ult
>Implying you cant just spam his gun and get headshots because of the great hitboxes
>Helix has a small hitbox for high damage and does little splash
It does tons of damage and has a small cooldown.
The problem is his base gun does WAY to much damage, even for a dps, its fucking insane. even fucking tanks get solo killed by him. His ult is just iceing on the shit cake, having him do TONS OF DAMAGE WITHOUT EVEN AIMING.
>Titanfall 2 Black Ops 3 Battlefield 1
>Rainbow Six Siege
His buffs aren't retarded. Whats retarded is blizzard balance
>Nerf top tier
>Top tier is now shit because new top tier exists
>Instead of just buffing characters outside of a few nerfs to actual ridiculous things its just a continuous changing of the guards until said game dies.
Its hardly balancing more like MOM MY TURN TO BE TOP TIER! The only thing so far that needed a nerf that got one imo was McCrees old damage output off fan the hammer.
>The most BADASS shooter of the year
>Not better than Memewatch
He was OP because of his old FtH. Honestly if they brought the old FtH right now no one would really complain about it because of the huge power creep going on.
A more sensible change might be reducing this FtH spread/damage and increasing his M1 fall off. Perhaps compensate for the fall off by giving him a higher headshot multiplier simply so good McCrees can still be effective in mid-range but deadly in close range.
Tracer and 76 don't fit the same role. In fact in a classic 2/2/2 setup the two dps heroes tend to be 76/Genji or 76/Tracer. You can blame the birth of triple tank for your inability to pick anything but Soldier.
>Even Tanks get solo killed by him
Other points are somewhat valid to a degree but not this
1 v 1 versus Roadhog get hit twice or chained once and lose before dealing close to the damage
1 v 1 versus D.va pretty close to the same situation unless you get heal down right at the start you can out dps her but this was the case before buffs too
1 v 1 versus Rein if hes fighting you 1 on 1 its in a place he can hit you and in which case you lose or run away
1 v 1 versus Winston. Toss up but he usually wins.
Ana is the only problem in Overwatch right now
Well that, and Sombra is shit
Shooters could've been so much better if they just kept Doom/early shooters gun being in the direct center approach. The fact alot of bigger guns in games take up close to 1/5th of the screen is jackass shit
Say what you want about D44M and its multiplayer i have so much fun with it because of the option to default to center gun. I can see so much more with it.
Sure, you can't pick Sombra without people complaining... but worst yet is that no one really even wants to pick her. So it kind of works out. She's just not fun.
Quake Live
>>Squishy as fuck
>>Has to hit all his shots non ult
I want whatever drugs you are on
>rainbow six siege
>only maybe
>balanced game
pick 1
Welcome to the world of blizzard ballance.
WoWfags had to endure it for so many years now
Unless you played mage, then you were always op.
I could do with less Ana desu. A coordinated team with a good Ana is almost impossible to defeat.
Fuck I've even seen a team with a dedicated Mercy just keeping Ana alive for some fucked up reason.
I never played BattleBirch and never plan to but that's an unfair comparison. BB is not trying to ramp fps-isms up to 11, they're emulating MOBAs. MOBAs have tons of shit on screen during battles. So they're not trying to make a sleek, minimal UI like you'd want in an FPS.
Wow man that's pretty contrarian, you can be part of the Sup Forums member's club now :^)
this user gets it
I feel like Mercy isn't that bad, she's still a little overshadowed by Ana, but that change to her hp regen has been pretty damn handy for me. I guess the argument still remains that she's the only support that's limited to healing or damage and can't do both at the same time easily.
I miss Shadowrun, I wish the fps had been more successful.
It was made back when trying to link 360 to PC gamers didn't work very well due to connections. Look at Gears 4. You don't get those same latency issues between Xbone and W10 (at least I haven't seen it yet).
Had cool classes, cool abilities, things you could buy during the game by doing well.
This shit forces the same meta matchup every game, and people literally lose their minds if you don't fit exactly into their mold.
I feel like her grenade is a bit too powerful, for a 10 second cooldown AoE it does a lot of shit. Heals, increased healing, blocks enemies healing, does damage, makes them take more damage I think.
I feel pharah could use a change or something, there's nothing really wrong with her kit, she just gets countered too hard by so many classes, S76, Hanzo, Widow, kinda Mccree and Dva.
and also I should have just combined all those posts, my bad
Yeah, whenever I'm ready to rip into a group and Ana grenades them and I know I'm fucked. It's like a Mercy or Lucio ult as a regular skill.
This bring me to another point. Why do tanks out dps most if not all the dps classes? And why do they get to be tank as fuck with huge utility on top of it all?
Sombra needs these things to be viable:
>getting hit while invisible only makes her temporarily visible, instead of completely losing it and having to wait for cooldown
>hacking can't be cancelled by being hit
>don't have her fucking announce when she ends her invis
Optional because idk how it would affect her overall:
>allow her to hack while invisible, though with visible tendrils
Yeah it's really fucking powerful, it needs some sort of toning down.
I'd say most of the tanks are pretty close range damage dealers and big targets as well, that's kind of their downsides.
Phara is borderline broken and if they keep buffing her she will be fucking out of control.
>git gud
Fucking garbage ability that continues to break logic and do incredibly stupid and annoying shit, yeah just git gud.
Opinions dis-fucking-carded
>hurr durr we made his burst fire better !
>you can just magdump and out DPS your burst fire anyway
They completely removed requiring skill for 76 and made him a boring 'hold lmb' machine. Now if you actually do burst fire you're just wasting time.
Also almost every fight you get into, or should be getting into, will be from close enough that the spread won't even matter. You will hit whatever character it is sans a Tracer enough times to have them be dead or almost dead.
76 was fine before, people were just hot garbage.
How exactly is she broken, she can easily be shutdown by multiple classes, especially when almost every team is guaranteed to have a S76.
Yes desu. Everyone in Overwatch dies too quickly. Walking back from spawn isn't fun. Battleborn even gives everyone a sprint
>getting hit while invisible only makes her temporarily visible, instead of completely losing it and having to wait for cooldown
Completely useless at higher level play. Only someone completely new with no knowledge of the character would fall for not following up hitting a temporarily revealed stealth character. See Spy from TF2.
>hacking can't be cancelled by being hit
Yes this should help.
>don't have her fucking announce when she ends her invis
Goes back to the first point, once you're found out that's it.
>allow her to hack while invisible, though with visible tendrils
It'd be strange to see how well this would balance out but its worth a shot.
Roadhog's chain is incredibly easy to dodge
600 HP D.Va doesn't
Because when she is not immediately shut down by her counters she can and will carry the whole game on her own.
If they keep buffing her to the point when her counters wont be able to immediately shut her down, the game will become "Overphara"
Blame the binary nature of her balance,she is either dead or she is carrying, there is no middle ground
Really looking forward to Symmetra's buff by the way. She's a refreshing change of pace to play once in a while.
You can say this about every single character
>I'd say most of the tanks are pretty close range damage
Sure but most, no wait, every DPS are also close range.
Well, it's been awhile since I've played with my friend, but I do remember back in the day as a Pharah/Mercy combo we did a lot, but that was back when the first season of comp had just come out and my friend is an amazing pharah. I can see what you're saying, with her counters weakened she would probably be a more dominant player, but at this point I hardly ever see her played in matches, not sure about high level play, but I'd assume she's not played much there either. I don't really think she's broken though, she's strong in the right hands yeah, but I don't think OP.
Cry more bitch nigga
>every DPS are also close range.
Are you stupid?
Dirty Bomb, requires skill and doesn't rely on just "counters" for everything, shit you can kill people as a medic just fine
Nah, I cannot say this about them.
The thing is, my friendo, you do not feel her because she is usually dead.
Are they supposed to be balancing for the pros or for the shitters? It seems to be all over the place. For example, Widow/McCree got changed such that now they're feast or famine characters because their power output seemed to be balanced towards players with lower accuracy; now you either git gud or don't play them. Yet 76 seems to be balanced for shitters with < 30% accuracy; anyone above that becomes god mode, which is what they seemingly wanted to stop with the McCree/Widow changes.
Broken hooks are detrimental to both you and the Roadhog, have you tried to hook an Ana without pulling any special tricks? Roadhog's hook lacks consistency. That said it's pretty easy to bait out hooks from corners, the times when Roadhog does manage to get a hook off of you it's probably your mistake for being out in the open away from your Rein shield/Winston bubble. His job is to single out entry picks for pushes.
Same here. Hopefully I can start using her on attack thanks to the shield generator
Just saw some friends play this today.
Why the fuck do several characters have grenade launchers as their default weapon?
Why does everyone have infinite ammo?
Why do all your projectiles go through your teammates?
Roadhog and D.va can easily carry a team. Especially since you're assuming their counters (which basically don't exist) can't deal with them fast enough.
The rest I agree with you.
Tracer needs to be up your ass to do damage, so does Reaper; McCree is medium at most and usually just Roadhog food; Sombra also needs to have her gun up your rectum to do damage.
The only long range dps hero is 76 and his ult food, Phara.
Yeah, would be good on anubis
Well I haven't played with a pharah in awhile, but she hasn't had that much of drastic changes over the months, the only one I can remember most recently was the change to her minimum knockback and damage or something like that. I think a good pharah can be powerful especially if her counters were weakened, but I still don't agree with her being OP. Back in the day a good widow or S76 would make it a good deal harder for me and my pharah friend to really carry. Even if her counters were weakened they would still make her aerial game harder.
I completely forgot that defense heroes don't actually exist.
Well, sometimes people picks Mei's ult and it comes with one defense heroe.
>Are they supposed to be balancing for the pros or for the shitters?
This is the question more people need to be asking.
I'm not even sure Blizzard knows at this point.
>he's only strong if you hit the enemy
Brilliant deduction there, Madden
>Blame the binary nature of her balance,she is either dead or she is carrying, there is no middle ground
I think this statement really hit the nail in the coffin. When Pharah goes uncontested she really is unstoppable. Pharah will never be playable because as soon as someone picks her the enemy goes long range hitscan to pick her off the sky. Some times I wish characters like Pharah were never designed for the game because she's essentially pointless, you can tell Blizzard hamfisted her design in the game for the Quake/TF2 players who wanted rocket launcher character (same with Widowmaker), but in the end Overwatch isn't a game designed to be played by looking up in the sky. It's a horizontal game.
No, he said that they are only strong if you can aim well, while you do not need to be able to aim well at all to perform well with Soldier 76.
Only dps worth using is 76 cause the others are worthless they NEED a buff every single one of them,TANK META needs to go fucking with a tank that has a broken ability people would risk their lives to defend doesn't need to be """fixed""", one that eats damage for free and takes an hour to kill cause lol infinite ammo and chain heals, one that absorbs damage and cucks you from killing others and team wipe ult, another one holding shield for an hour all on top of being chain healed by supports resetting all the damage and shit you did who needs dps when you can just lame people out with tanks/supports/Mei
>People thought Soldier needed more damage when he already had good DPS, just not as good as McCretard
Maybe if we stopped comparing heroes 1:1 and looked at them as having unique drawbacks and advantages, we could have a more balanced game.
But no, we all got hung up on the Soldier sucks meme and now we're paying for it.
Do not forget that Roadhog is the best assasin in the game while also being 600 hp.
3/4ths of the classes in this game are fucking retarded.
>Offense is actually offense
>Defense is just offense with one of their abilities switched with something that mildly annoys the enemies
>Tank is either top tier heroes or bottom of the barrel trash. Half the tanks are just supposed to be played like supports and the other half are so op they can be played with your gyrating anus
>Supports are either be a Zenyatta that makes D.va even more OP or a Mercy that just pops their ult constantly
Love this meme
>Torb is still shit and needs a buff
He's perfect right now, doing anything to him could break him
>Mercy is still shit and needs a buff
I honestly don't know what could be done to make her better without breaking her as well
>not maining based omnic bro
Plebs, the lot of you
>Sombra's hack has no range but requires continuous general targeting and line of sight
>maybe have something like after a certain distance, additional distance adds amount of time needed to hack
Literally just came to mind so don't know how balanced it would be, but thoughts?
I also think Soldier 76 is overpowered. Before the buff, McCree was more powerful than Soldier 76, but he wasn't anywhere near as fast. Now Soldier 76 is both more powerful and more agile than McCree. I also think D.Va's buff was unnecessary, she was perfectly fine before.
You're fucking retarded. Soldier did suck if you were actually playing in a competent match. Ana was able to easily out heal S76s damage back in the day, denying him any way to get a pick and filling Ana's ult charge in the process. The only way to actually kill people as S76 was to use your helix as a finisher, but guess who had a hitscan helix rocket as a primary weapon? McCree did. He was the only DPS in the game that could quickly get picks without worrying about healers tanking his damage output, unfortunately his weapon had a slow firerate and clipsize, so Reaper was used as a second DPS to shred tanks and do the beyblade combo.
All his skins are pure shite, i cant main ugly character
Rainbow 6 Siege.
Soldiers only overpowered at lower levels a high tier mcree will shit on a soldier.
This is what you get when you balance for some autistic korean players, in a already casual shooter full of moba inspiration
I think he has some of the best legendary picks in the game, I personally love my Djinnyatta skin.
Don't forget he has a smaller hitbox than McCree, heals, AND has a burst ability. I don't understand why he also has to do similar damage to McCree when he has all those other things. It makes no sense from a game design perspective, but makes perfect sense when they're most likely balancing by pro pick rates.
>Soldier has a low pick rate
>Ramp up the damage so people pick him more
>Now McCree has a low pick rate
>Wait a month and then ramp his up even more
>Now everyone's complaining McCree kills them too fast
>Wait a month and give them all more HP
All Blizzard knows is power creep.
Oh yeah, and his vastly superior ultimate.
McCree and Soldier were always compared directly before the buffs, and the comparison was simply nonsense. McCree was a better damage dealer and had CC, but Soldier had better mobility and utility. Soldier fell out of the meta because his specific skillset wasn't preferred because Ana and Lucio heal entire teams in seconds.
So instead Soldier is buffed to be better at McCree than McCree's only selling point and now there's no reason NOT to play Soldier. It doesn't solve the problem, it just switches the victim.
am i good now