How do we save arcade gaming?
How do we save arcade gaming?
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Damn she's cute
Which doujin are they cosplaying?
Station girls like her at each one to service the players while that play. That should save arcades. Would probably bring in more people than they've ever see.
>overweight dudes are able to touch girls this cute meanwhile i never get Jack shit
i should just end my life already
>How do we save arcade gaming?
Why would you want to? At least here in the United States, every machine would get vandalized in the matter of months
This, arcades only work in Nippon because they're a civilized people.
americans can be civilized
>Tfw 6 feet wide and somewhat masculine and i look good
Yeah, arcades would probably be safe from vandalism if you can find some 100% white areas to put them in.
Yeah, sure. White teenage boys are the biggest vandals.
Just be urselves
You can't, Arcade gaming has been dead for a long time.
>b urslelf ;)
>You're weird, user. Fuck off
Surely that girl isn't with him. Look at how uncomfortable she looks. I bet she was cosplaying somewhere and he asked for a pic and she was too nice to turn him down.
Arcades in japan are fuckin awesome.
Two words: rhythm games
Normies love DDR. Imagine a room full of rhythm games. Japanese arcades have floors dedicated and they're always pumping. They are loud, flashy, fun, and can't be easily replace with home system.
>no hoverhand
they are evolving
>no hover hand
He's a blob but he's alpha, like Jabba the Hutt
just look for a girl that likes weird guys like you
That alpha puts to shame all the pussies that hoverhand when taking a picture.
Those are some fat fucking fingers.
Is she a man?
If you actually act like yourself instead of your idea of a nice/fun guy, you end up enjoying it even if you are rejected. Then you go back home, fap, play video games and keep on enjoying life.
her hands or the zr?
Stop spilling your seed to cartoons and you'll get girls like that. It's hard, but worth it trust me.
I'm sure you're a real nice guy, your parents tell you they're proud of you and that you'll make some girl very lucky some day.
Then stop being weird user.
He looks like Doctor octopus
>Stop spilling your seed to cartoons
This. I've been quitting all porn in general lately.
It's really fucking hard.
Even at work I start reminiscing about sexy doujins.
Or find other weirdos.
A chick can be hot and weird.
But finding hot, weird and not crazy is the real struggle.
You mean they're a monoculture and don't have to deal with criminal niggers and spics. Just admit it.
The internet has literally ruined an entire generation when people are questioning if total 10/10 QT's like OP pic are men or not because of something as arbitrary and stupid as "fat fingers".
even though it would only make it hotter
Don't even get me started on how every girl that doesn't have a legit anime chin now is accused of having "manjaw".
It's ridiculous. How far are we going to keep going like this as a species?
The ZR
Keep at it user. You can do it. It gets better
In America? They are dead, unfortunately, outside of a few places like Dave & Buster's.
The best we can hope for is a semi-successful revival of arcades as 'barcades', where you can eat and drink before or after you play.
>How far are we going to keep going like this as a species?
We're losers on Sup Forums, we're not propagating the species anyway.
That doesn't seem to have saved China.
Japan is just different.
Mind control, ntr, bbm, mind break.
>he asked for a pic and she was too nice to turn him down.
more like she never thought he would be so intrusive
Lmao she's cucking him if she's with him
bet that dude still jacks off to the memory of holding her
shit wrong pic
i really really really like this pic
No way they are couple you fucking tards. Her face says it all, there is a hint of fear and disgust. It's obviously some convention and she is politely posing with this waste of seminal fluid.
Permavirgin unemployed faggots in their 20/30's not breeding is a good thing user.
>How do we save arcade gaming?
Kill the internet.
me too user that's why i posted it.
>le violent black genetics amirite!
I want weird, at least a little cute, and definitely crazy
only girl I've ever actually gotten along with was a psycho bipolar bitch who loved to be mean to people and shitposted like a mad cunt
i miss her
they pop up around cities and college towns. The one in brooklyn is really fun, and there are two places in my shitty new england college utopia that have become barcades. Never realized how fun playing the original Gauntlet with 3 other people was
Now you just need to edit out those disgusting sausage fingers
This is so funny I can hardly tupe.
Thanks bro.
The more I want it the more I realize I'm addicted, and that makes me want to quit.
>The one in brooklyn is really fun,
have you been to the one in manhattan china town? near mott st, i think?
that place is kinda weird though. like, mixed-japanese/chinese fashion/peacock with american... aggression?
This triggers me even more
I hate shameless fat fucks
>implying africans arent more aggressive
I bet you think homosexuality is a choice
I felt the same exact way.
Fucking based user, thanks. Saved.
you made it worse
i only fap to my imagination, I'm not ugly, and i haven't met a girl in two years
the only girl i had met before that had a boyfriend
>i never get
you can't expect life to just drop a qt into your lap, user.
you must actively search for a qt. you must earn her. if you have money you could also just hire a cute escort if you're really that lonely.
Just like my japanese doujin
shut up, nerd
you don't seem to understand
but i search every day, user
Stop fapping for a bit
went to a Round1 in washington, it was pretty cool. tons of jap arcade games, a selection of shitty "ticket" games if you want to win prizes, and a very good selection of rhythm games as well. there were also karaoke rooms and bowling.
they need better food though. the jalapeno poppers were pretty awful.
i fap like once a week
nothing changes
Have hot women service you in any way you wish while you are playing.
Stop hitting on "girls" named Jack then you scat fetishist fuck
Simple; more meidos
>Black people vandalizing fun things
The dude that fucks up the arcade would end gang warfare because they'd be too busy teaching the KKK how to lynch a guy.
I honestly want to hire an attractive escort to do sexy things while playing video games with me.
I think they'd be down for it.
Probably just his sister desu
How come no one ever calls Justin out for this moment?
>fat fingers would make her hotter
I did, but he pretended he didn't hear me and continued pulling sick combos against me. And then I lost.
How fucking short is she?
>they have entire floors dedicated to certain games
Christ if I ever go to Japan I'm going there and get my ass destroyed in every fighter there.
>t. virgin
>Normies love DDR
No way.
Maybe more casual nerds, but actual normies? Fuck no.
That's better senpai
I bet her fingers fell awesome in my ass
girls have fat fetishes user or have a thing for being fucked by a gigantic beast and losing all control.