It's the mid 90s to early 00s during a cold winter night

Your mom takes you to Blockbuster to get a vidya, movie and a snack.
What do you get Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Parasite Eve
Evil Dead
Peanut M&M's

Vidya: Banjo Kazooie.
Movie: Rocket Power.
Snack: Fun Dip.

Paper Mario
Dark Crystal
Reese's Pieces
Vanilla Coke

Final Fantasy Tactics
Swedish Fish

Fuck I hate being an adult.

>a vidya, movie and a snack


FF7 because everybody liked it until the internet became mainstream then everybody hated it

Grandia, probably a Jackie Chan movie, and I go across the parking lot to walgreens for snacks since it's cheaper and I get Reeses pieces

oh right movie, Rumble in the Bronx

Bloody Roar 2

we're talking ideal night, special occasion like a birthday sleepover or some shit.

of course we didnt always get one of everything. stop being such a downer user

Bomberman 64
An American Tale: Feival Goes West
Sour Patch Kids

I got my first vidya in late 2003 from my uncle, I would have gotten probably something like PM:TTYD or Metroid Prime 2.

>bomberman 64
I remember playing Hero first and then renting 64 and being disappointed that it didnt play like Hero. Is it worth going back and giving it another chance? Is the music as top tier?

wander around new releases for most of the time there. realize its all shit same as always go to horror section look for cover with tits. Vidya would be about the same process, always ended up with some garbage game like 7up Spot for nes. and always feces pieces.

god tier taste my boyo

but cool spot was snes/genesis and rad as fuck

>Be 11 years old.
Vidya: Uncharted 1.
Movie: VHS copy of Empire Strikes Back. (Small town)
Snack: Fun Dip.
Pls no bully.

Game: Devil May Cry 1
Movie: The Matrix
Snack: Popcorn

Doom 64
Teminator 2
Kit kat

>2008 is going to be nine years ago in three weeks.
Holy shit.

>whatever looked cool in Nintendo Power
>likely a Pokemon VHS tape in the late 90's

nope nes had one too it looked cool but it was really just othello.

Mega Man Legends
Any of the Star Wars movies
Hot Tamales

God, I miss Hollywood Video. Hastings too, while it wasn't the same I'm really sad to see them gone. I still rented movies from them up until they closed. Fuck redbox.

What the fuck. I was up in Michigan living on my own while she was in Ohio. Why is she suddenly taking me to Blockbuster?

Anyways, the game I was frequently renting at that time was Harvest Moon: Back to Nature on PS1. No clue what movie since mom would always hook up one VCR to another and tape record on a second blank cassette, so she only needed to rent anything once. And the snack is obviously going to be $5 pizza from Little Ceaser's nearby.


Honestly, everything at Blockbuster was hella expensive. If you had a car and some free time, you could probably go to the supermarket and buy a bag of candy for the same price as one or two pieces at the rental place.

Was always privileged enough to get any game/movie I ever wanted so I never went to a Blockbuster.

Klonoa 2
Spirited Away
Pepsi Blue

94 fag here

A B-Horror movie.
Buncha Crunch.

the fuck would I want one of those for

Megaman X2
Space Jam

>Fun Dip

bully this little lad

In my family it was usually 2 - 3 movies plus a kids movie for myself then usually a single video game that me, my brother and my father would play together over the weekend.

We always had soda on hand and snack of choice was always potato chips. If it wasn't that we were usually buying a game or two at Walmart for 20 bucks.

Star Fox 64
Iron Giant
Smarties (Canadian kind)

my parents hate me so i'm at my friends house after her parents took her to blockbuster

i watch the parent trap or some shit and fall asleep comfy on the couch

Harvest Moon 64

Men in Black


Megaman 3 or 5

-marvel vs capcom

-the fifth element

-reeces and a sprite

Mum: have you got what you want?
Me: YOU BET YOU'RE AS I'VE GOT WHAT I WANT (plops Sonic Gems Collection and End of Evangelion on the counter ontop of a bunch of romance comedy movies my mum got)

whoopsie doodles

Game: Kirby 64
Movie: Gremlins
Snack: Microwave Popcorn

I really miss blockbuster, movie gallery and video wonderland.
They will never come back. Fucking sucks.

>tfw growing up the video store was in bike distance from my house, psx games and movies were both 50 cents a night for older stuff and a dollar a night for new releases
I miss 1998

> kid
> hosting birthday parties at your house
> the guest bitches at you to do something

There's my strategy as a kid: NEVER host a sleepover or party at your house. The guest bitches about shit and you have to deal with it.

>having any more than 1-2 of your best friends sleep over
come on dude im not that stupid

It Takes Two or some garbage
These, I don't even know if they exist anymore

Stop reminding me anons, it hurts

you know whats fucking worse? we get netflix instead. sure its great for the first couple weeks but when they start slowing down the returns to once every couple of weeks you wonder what the fuck your paying for.

Bill and Ted's excellent adventure
Super street fighter 2

I think the exact opposite

Got 64 first, loved it, then got Hero and was utterly disappointed that it didn't play like the first and didn't like the music.

Resident Evil 2
Puppet Master
Peanut M&Ms

There's a family video here somewhere in the Chicagoland suburbs, probably streamwood, but I'm too lazy to go there when I could walk 5 minutes to the local redbox and feel suicidal cause tfw no blockbuster

There used to be a blockbuster just 5 minutes away but the second blockbuster went bankrupt, that store closed the same day

I remember always seeing these but never getting them because they reminded me of the dukes I'd leave

Star Fox 64
Super Mario Super Show
Gummy Worms (bears are for fgts)

My local video store didn't have vidya I think, but probably would've got some shitty shovel-ware if it was my early-mid 2000s self.

All I remember renting from that place was that shitty Hansel and Gretel movie and some Star wars stuff

Probably something like M&Ms or a Hersheys w/ almonds

That place is still open for some reason

I used to live in Park Forest and my brother and sister are still in Steger, where you at

>rent Ogre Battle for the tenth time
>my save file has been deleted, again
Why do I bother trying?

X-Men Legends (specifically for the GCN)
Butterfly Effect
Pic related, you're dealing with some high tier snackage right there

Black ops 2
Meet the Spartans

In the early 90s, I used to get a bunch of genesis games. That was one of the only ways I could play Sonic 1 and S&K back in the day. I eventually got the Sega Channel and that sort of took over rentals for awhile. That was back when blockbuster was not ass and had a decent selection and the stores didn't look gross.

Later on, I rented Super Mario 64 and DK64 a bunch, as well as other N64 games that were expensive at Hollywood. I think the last game I ever rented was Oblivion on the 360, and that was when the store was really in decline and never had anything good in stock or recent titles. Never really got snacks, but the few times we did it was usually something reese's related (we usually just bought shit from the store since it was cheaper. Blockbuster wanted like movie theater prices many times for shit).

There are still a few movie rental places in KY in several towns, its kind of surreal to see them still open in this day and age.

>6 years old
>finally friday, weekend rental time baby!
>oh look, a new mario game!
>get excited as fuck
>the game is utter shit, couldn't even read because no english
>"mom can I rent another game?" "we don't have that kind of money user, go play the one you rented"
>kill myself
>post on Sup Forums as a ghost 21 years later

Same here in TN desu

I actually live in TN. It has been awhile since I saw any movie places in my area or Nashville. I am sure some of the smaller towns still have them. Most of the ones I saw in KY were in places with older people

Puppet Master 2
Pizzaria chips

Rent resident evil
Get lemonheads

I live a bit north of Knoxville and still have a few, scattered throughout the small towns

Sorry forgot the movie. Uhhhhhh I will rent hell comes to frog town

Fuck you fun dip was like the candy you could OD on.

Only the best 3DS games

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
Rune Factory 4
Fantasy Life
Bravely Default
Super Smash Bros. 3D
Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Moon
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Pokemon X
Pokemon Y
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
Mario Kart 7
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Super Mario 3D Land

>Liking spit glazed chalk dipped in granulated sugar

Killer instinct
Flintstones push up pops

WCW vs NWO Revenge

oh fuck bites were god tier. Crunch bar bites were my favorite kind

>tfw a huge Hastings in my town just shut down this summer

It was the last place in town to rent stuff/ buy books/ decent music/movie/comic/manga selection plus tons of novelty shit and action figures ant tons of stuff. Now all I have is Amazon Prime, its just not the same.

as a kid i think a lot of us liked anything that was chalk full of sugar

Its ok if its your own spit. Its already in your mouth.


muh nigga

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Pokemon 2000
A bag of Reese's minis

>Hollywood Video dead
>Blockbuster dead
>Hastings died in october
>No more rental stores in my city
>Just Redbox and their shitty overpriced fees for games

How do I live


Spongebob Squarepants the movie game
If I was lucky they would have willywonka donuts

What is Blockbuster?

what kind of hellish poorfag childhood did you have

it should be illegal for poor people to breed

Nerds Rope
Fuck vidya and a movie

Darius Gaiden
Men in Black
Cadbury Dream bar

This. Patricians choice

Godtier taste my dude

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Lotr: the fellowship of the ring
Bubblicious(either grape or watermelon flavour)

I would go to the twin towers and ring the fire alarm an hour before shit goes down.

Remember when we all werent as shitty as we are now and spent our time doing other things thats not being a shitter on a message board?

When will you leave Sup Forums? How long will you continue to waste away here?

>Pfft Uncharted was out when you were 11
>Shit wait I was born in 1997
I don't know HOW to feel right now

>tfw we had Family Video here

Ape Escape
Pokemon VHS
those candy soda bottlecaps

Megaman X4
Power Ranges 3D
Sour gummy worms

I'de probably be begging for both the DBS VHS and the Pokemon VHS

>Event Horizon
>Dr. Pepper and a cookies and creme bar

Ocarina of Time
The Mask
Crispy M&Ms

>midnight club 2
>scary movie 1
>snack "put that back user everything here is too expensive we have stuff at home"

Delet this
I literally remember the snowy day when I saw my local Movie Gallery closing down. Its been a Panera Bread for years now.

pretty much this

Fuck dude I need to find that game again. And that donut

Final Fantasy 7
Terminator 2
Raspberry and Lemonade slushie