Hey now that we know the framerate is a stable 30fps, can we talk about this game?
Post your
>favourite feature
Hey now that we know the framerate is a stable 30fps, can we talk about this game?
Post your
>favourite feature
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Yeah its gonna be a flop
A flying mount (although it seems like a given by now)
Around 6-8 dungeons
Timeshift stones (or any variant of them)
Open world too empty
All shrines share the same aesthetic
A pretty good game, maybe even the best Zelda
>favourite feature
Shield surfin"
>mainline Zelda game
>ever flopping
You are a funny guy, user
Very little tutorials and no collectible crap like in Ubisoft games. I want them to actually take inspiration from SotC beyond the surface level.
Far Cry in third person but with Zelda... quirks
Shallow combat, general Zelda bullshit
>favorite feature
Spear chucking
Meaningful open world with shit to do and incentive to explore. Dynamic villages/npcs
affected by your actions
Another instrument that's actually worth playing and fucking around with.
An openworld sprinkled with heart pieces and various trinkets most of which probably aren't worth your time
Linear progression encouraged via upgrades only attainble through the main quest (IE stamina upgrades)
General feeling of sameness between regions with same sidequest with little variation
rupee's still not worth a damn
Grinding (not in itself bad if what you're doing is fun, but I'd like to not farm for shit if I can get by on skill alone)
>Favorite Feature
Dunno, I guess the general idea of openess and not being constrained by the developer
What can you even farm for in this game
That, food, and materials to build shit.
> now that we know the framerate is a stable 30fps
How? Because of an advert on a fucking tvshow?
Fuck off shill
Playing as Linkle!
honestly have none. I can't imagine this actually turning out good
The only way it could be worse is if it has a super linear story progression. sure you can dick around in an area forever, but you are required to hit story markers in order.
probably fun to fuck around with ai and weapons for and hour or two, but beyond that I think it will just be a big boring game
>favorite feature
shield surfing
>why, because we saw the game being played live and it was perfectly stable?
I don't want to get a switch at launch
Would it be a waste of money to get it on Wii U? Is that version even worth playing or is it a choppy mess with frame drops?
It seems to be playable but pretty choppy. There's no reason not to get it on switch if you plan to get the switch eventually anyway.
wiiu emulation might exist by the time it comes out. I'd just wait and see. I don't think I'd by a new console at launch anymore considering how bad console have been recently. They don't even bother with worthwhile launch titles anymore
How the hell can they be so fucking incompetent? It was made for the Wii U. Literally no excuse for it running so poorly. Fucking Anti-consumer assholes.
maybe so but it's not like they're hiding the fact that it runs like shit. The fact that it's still on the Wii U to begin with instead of shifting it completely to the next system at least means their original install base doesn't get screwed over completely.
Well, i don't think they hindered the version on purpose or something, it just reflects the difference in hardware.
>their original install base doesn't get screwed over completely.
They are getting screwed over though. It really isn't impressive to give us a shitty choppy version of the game. I guess this is how they thank their loyal fans??
They should've made sure it could run fully on Wii U before moving it to Switch. Even fucking Konami, one of the worst companies in the industry, was able to get MGSV to run fine on last gen consoles. Literally no excuse for nintendo to be pulling this shit.
Be glad they bothered to release it for the WiiU, unlike TLG
It could run on the WiiU, although it stutters
It's not unplayable (I played it at E3, it's annoying at times, but nothing game-breaking), but it's clear what the superior version is
>Be glad they bothered
No. This isn't a gift they're giving me, its a product I'm paying money for.
Although I'm probably going to pirate it now if what you guys are saying is actually true. No way in hell am I going pay the same price as Switch owners for a gimped version.
They obviously bit off more than they could chew So you'd rather have them not have that version all together?
They made a promise to deliver an open world that was massive and they did just that with crazy ass physics in tow, to even have it on the Wii U is a pretty nuts. So at the very least it's commendable for them to stick with their guns
Have you played MGSV on PS3 or 360 they run sub 30 all the time. It's just as bad if not worse.
>So at the very least it's commendable for them to stick with their guns
It really isn't. I don't mind the game having a worse resolution but frame drops are unacceptable.
To add onto I own MGSV on the PS3 and still enjoyed it still glad I got a PC
And yet you're ok with this
Now we know a special made specifically for reviewers and demonstration version holds a steady 30fps on demo, not representative hardware
Kek how can drones of a company that has been in this bussiness for FUCKING YEARS still be so naive. It's sad
Not a sentence. Try using words baby.
A fleshed out world with villages, towns, cities, enemy camps, wildlife areas, and ruins/dungeons that make sense.
Difficulty, combat that involves more than mashing B. Useful items aside from Sheikah slate. PLEASE SOME NON-DEGRADABLE WEAPONS AT ENDGAME. I WANT OP SHIT
too handholdy
too repetitive in shrines, enemy camps, side quests
butchering what little semblance of a good story zelda has left
switch version having botched features on account of second screen missing
>favorite feature
gear options, SPEARS, weapon chucking, physics
But the second screen is unsued in the Wii U version (except for the map)
What's he doing right now?