>haha dude pass the gamejoy
Haha dude pass the gamejoy
pass the controller? give me a minute, onii-chan
>haha you got the joypad all wet little sister
>Hey bro here's your remote
>yo bro pass the paddle
>yo bro pass the sticks
>yo bro pass the joy pad
anybody that says anything other than controller is scum
>where's the extra set of buttons, my dude?
>thanks for passing the game mote dude
I want a video of someone using the Rez Trance vibrator
sauce please
The only exception is when using a Wii remote.
here ya go bud
Ayo teachin bitch, user brought a gamekid in his haversack
Fuck you Tyrone, aleast I got a dad.
At least I get welfare, bitch
That money can't buy you a new dad nigger!
As someone who lived on welfare as a kid, this is nothing to brag about.
You can't afford shit
Why did you have welfare, Demarcus?
>stop hogging the clicker, I want to watch my programs
If any of you watched anything other than M*A*S*H you should kill yourself
>tfw will never snuggle up next to a loved one and play Atari 2600 games with the conjoined paddle controllers.
But that's the only show whose theme advocates suicide? Wouldn't it be the opposite?