What vidya censorship issue did you get the most triggered over this year?

What vidya censorship issue did you get the most triggered over this year?

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I don't let stuff like that bother me



the removing of the bath house section from the american release of the last guardian

No DOAX for first world countries.

None, since I just didn't buy any of the games.

Not opening my wallet is suitable revenge.

Even emailed the sales people and told them.

>nigga too dumb to import game

Good luck getting those dlcs without a ching chong psn account

Which is not hard at all. Also, most of the dlc is free.

>no Tina
Fuck that game

The things that were removed at the design stage, the things we will never see again due to SJW infesting all the game dev studios.

>caring about X3 at all
Last Round with mods is superior in every way

Sofurin bullying Shiritsu Sakuranbo Sougakkou and download stores like DMM

DOAX3plus coming soon

X3 was a waste of money.

Really? I find it to be the gift that keeps giving.

none since I fap to porn

>Can't stop blowing my in game money at the in game casino

send help

tfw you know these tits

where did it go wrong in life

w-what is that?

Really? I was just about to order this until I saw the DLC restrictions. Is there DLC out for the girls they skipped over?

>boring, grindy gameplay
>awkward pole dancing
>reused assets from the fucking Vita version

No thank you

Definitely not the most but the recent change to a very crucial cut scene in Tales of Berseria is triggering me hard right now. Why do they keep doing this? What did we do to deserve this?

What the guys here don't realize is that women are going around censoring these games because they just want you fuckers to pay attention to their boring asses.

But because you won't and you want to fap to 2D instead they're going to come down like hellfire and ruin the entire western civilization. Why? Because women are vindictive bitches. That's why.

>not downloading through a Hong Kong account for free

I just wanted Lei Fang. Tona and her are the OG girls they deserve it over retard and those shitty new two

Don't even remember. I know whatever game it was, I didn't buy it.

Censorship is innately an impulse buy killer.

I remember now. FE


Forgot link.


Was Fates this year? If it was that definitely takes the cake. Though really it's less an issue of censorship and more garbage localisation all around. Same goes for Bravely Default 2.

>Bravely Default 2.

Oh, that too.

Actually, when I dropped that game, the was the last of my interest in 3DS altogether.

>Both scenes still show the character getting impaled
>Both scenes still show blood

I don't get it. The English version came across as more violent to me, but that's beside the point. Why even change it?

I'd rather it all crash and burn than give them attention
I honestly do not care, I don't even masturbate to live action porn anymore and haven't done so for years

Wow, not only is the non censored version not graphically violent, it's significantly more clear what happens and its a much much better scene overall. Why the fuck did they ruin this?

i just ignore games that get censored now, ff5 killed it for me

Can we protest hard enough until BN's US branch changes their mind?

None, I have a pc, it's a non-issue because pcs aren't for children.


You can email their PR and sales emails and tell them that you won't be buying the game because of it. That's what I did. It might not do much but hey, at least they know why they lost the sale. Maybe they'll learn.


>Maybe they'll learn.
If they had any capacity for learning they wouldn't have done it in the first place. You're not learning a lesson if you need to be reminded as you keep making the mistake every other week.

TMS #FE because it was the most nonesensical one.

Not only is fanservice expected in a idol themed game, but shit like the wedding dress was fucking stupid beyond belief.

>LR on PC

So, you get that game strictly for the faps, since the fighting community is dead on PC. How is that any different from getting X3?

They should just make a patch to change it back but highly unlikely though.

Not him, but I unironically enjoy DOA´s gameplay even if is against a machine, I am not good at fighting games anyway, so playing against the AI is always a challenge for me.

DOAX´s gameplay on the other hand, I find it boring as fuck.

because the shitty characters he likes aren't in x3

Tina is a common trash slut with a clone in FF15 if you absolutely must have her. Helena is a demigoddess almost too beautiful to fap to.

The R. Mika butt slap super.

Fixable in PC version.

This, because in addition to being sexy and fun, the camera swooping was super dynamic and now it's not.

save scumming pretty much eliminates and need for grinding since you always make bank, to each their own tho, i actually like the volleyball

When I figured out how genocidal uncensored Red Alert 1 actually is unlike the censored German version.

Yes, but still, make me upset to use a mod to fix something that wasn't a big deal and got censored.

Dragon Ball Fusions, it's one thing for NoA to fuck up games they are publishing, but to fuck up a third party title for no reason is just beyond me.

That said, this year has been fucking terrible for censorship, so I could probably pick another equally frustrating alteration every day until 2017 rolls in.

What did they do to Dragon Ball Fusions??

All swords in the game have been replaced with a thin brown rod.

Even though they don't affect me because I can into Nip:

- Fatal Frame V bikinis, because removing bikinis from a game for those 17 and up, and saying that they're worse than everything else in the game, is 15 different shades of retarded.
- The Tales of Berseria thing. Namco lied, saying they weren't going to censor it months ago, the scene is left intact in the anime, and they just turned a good scene into a long, drawn out one.

What game?

Oh yeah, and there are some other changes, like when Cell regenerates a limb, the limb is actually still there, so he regenerates for no reason. But that might be in the Japanese version.

What the fuck? That's so fucking stupid.

The tracer pose controversy was really dumb, but at least the fap material went of the hook thanks to that.

I guess don't get anything from BN again from here on out.

>it's one thing for NoA to fuck up games they are publishing, but to fuck up a third party title for no reason is just beyond me.

I don't think that was NoA. Tales of Berseria is on PS4 and Steam and the bro stabbing scene was completely altered.

Since Berseria is coming to PC, mods can restore the original scene.

I'm still waiting for vr


I read something about the cutscenes being in a proprietary format which would make it harder to deal with.

dunno, I just ignore any games or companies that do it.

I don't play Nintenyearold trash so nothing.

was #fe this year? I guess this and the sfv changes since they were even in the jap versions.

dumb ignorant poster

Nintendo of America in general. I'm almost starting to believe they were sabotaging certain Jap games on purpose because they hate non-kiddie/female games. The Fatal Frame censorship struck me as the most retarded of the bunch. They added some shitty Zelda costume in compensation as if everyone that plays Nintendo loves Mario and Zelda.

Get fucked NoA.

And this is why censorship in games needs to become illegal fucking already.

>Censoring M and T games

What's the point of the initial rating then?

Whose tits?


Yakuza Zero not having bubble in the intro for the localization.

AKA something done since yakuza 3

Though I dont agree with changing things like bikini in jpa ver to fully clothed in usa ver, im not gonna whine about it.


When people use lossy formats I'm triggered to no fucking end

jpg being the worst of them all