Killed rom on my fourth try

>killed rom on my fourth try
>killed vicor amelia on my second try
>beat darkbeast parahhel on my first fucking try
>can't kill this fucking shitty designed motherfucker
A-a youtube video told me this was the easiest boss besides the witches...

You haven't named any hard bosses yet..

attack his hind legs and run when you see portals above you and acid below you.
Also git gud

If your dps is high enough you can basically keep him falling on his ass/face constantly. Otherwise he can be kinda tough because you have to pay attention to multiple things throughout the fight

Aside from maybe Amelia, none of those bosses are hard, user.

Either way, One Reborn isn't that hard. You're likely just overthinking this fight. Kill the maidens on the top floor quick and basically just hug his ass for majority of the fight and wail on him. He'll do his dumb attack where he makes bodies rain but that's easy to dodge if you just spam roll. The only 2 main things to watch out for is his AoE attack which you just need to run away from and his acid vomit attack. And for that, you just need to run up the stairs.

T-the video told me rom was the hardest.

did you kill the casters in the boss room?

>run upstairs
>do drop attacks until dead

killed that joker on my first try, ironically

he's just a bootleg Tower Knight

He was before his meteors' tracking got nerfed

user nothing in bloodborne is hard unless it's your first action game, the closest thing to being remotely "difficult" is orphan

hudson's adventure island on the NES is harder than bloodborne

i killed him on my first try too
i unironically did not know you could go up and kill the caster enemies
so i just dodged the fire balls

kill the bitches shooting fireballs and its just like any other fight

Rom is not even in the top 5 with the current version of the game.

>Given a couple seconds of thought could've looked around and found the way up to the upper floor
>Went straight for the fight anyway
>Dodge and weave through a bullet hell of fire balls and aoes from the boss itself
>Tons of fun without being too difficult
>Beat him on first try
>Find out later all my fun was because I unknowingly made the fight harder than it should have been

This thing must have been one of the easiest bosses in the game without all those fireballs flying around

Killed him in first try

I simulkilled him as I died on the first try. Preddy easy, senpai. Just kept hacking away at him with Ludwig's, didn't even bother to kill the casters because I didn't know you could ;3

Killed on my first try

Didn't even try to dodge anything, his AI is so bad he'll target nothing

1. Orphan of Kos
2. Ludwig
3. Doggy Amelia
4. Popeman
5. I don't even remember any other boss in the game being hard

I love BB but really it's quite easy

>hudson's adventure island on the NES is harder than bloodborne
Why did you name an actual hard game though? Hudson's Adventure Island is harder than every gen 7-8 game and probably the vast majority of 4-6

I gave up trying to beat it WITH SAVE STATES

Bullshit, all you do is kill the little spiders first and she's a piece of cake.

The shadows are def harder than the doggy girl

Ebrietas and Kos were the only ones that gave me trouble

Not for me. I beat them on the second try while Amelia took 10+

You don't even need to kill the spiders

The first 3/4 of her life are a cake walk just ignore the spiders and wail on her.

When they all group around her just circle around until you see an opening and take 1 hit then panic roll out of the spider mass. Repeat till dead.

Wh-what do I do when Micolash gets below half health? He disappears and starts giving a monologue but I can't find him.

Who is popeman? Laurence?

Martyr Logarius

You look for him its not that hard

Keep searching.
You're not the only one who was in you situation

Kek i thought it was laurence too

Have you even tried looking outside the room you fought him?

did you get the hudson continue bee? that is important unless you have the reflexes of a god