What's the super male vitality of video games?

What's the super male vitality of video games?

He must have developed some muscles by sucking in his gut so often.

Metal Gear Rising

Well, he got a little redder.

45 days for a tan? seems a bit long

and grew a belt

senator armstrong irl


such terrifying symmetry



His nipples are off

all i can think of is that johnny bravo image where hes got some chick named on his bed and hes in the toilet hiding, calling a friend frantically about "how to sex"

Looks like they're still on to me....

kek holy shit, do people actually buy this?

I bet you drink estrogen filled water too fag.

What are some games where I can charge into a goblin nest, kiss goblins, and catch people in bed with a goblin?


Damn, Quentin Tarantino got ripped

I love that video of Alex, nearly in tears, talking about how Britain is making fish/human babbies. He sounds so sincere about something so obviously false.

No, it's the angle.
His nipples are also perfect symmetry

The one on the left (his right) is down lower and closer to the arm.
