>He doesn't play games at 4k60 in 2016
He doesn't play games at 4k60 in 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
>2011 environment graphics
>hard to run at 4k
Too bad the game you're playing is fucking trash
It's not exactly hard to run the phantom pain in the ass
Whoa m8, MGSV isn't the best-looking game, but it's definitely better than 201-tier.
ROTTR is a genuine pain in the ass to run at 4k60.
It actually is the best looking game and this means OP is running it at 4k on low settings. How shameful.
>and this means OP is running it at 4k on low settings. How shameful.
A mix of high and extra high actually.
1080p144hz pal
1440p 144hz ips friend
Not at those graphical settings it isn't
all the graphic sin the world cant fill the empty world
i fell for the meme and i love it.
I'm too used to 144fps, I'll only make the switch to 4k once mid range GPUs can handle games at 4k 144fps at like medium settings.
using the 9Q right now and i love it as well. the monitor itself also looks so nice.
I can't even do 1080p properly :/
the top half of this screen looks like skyrimjob
>bragging about 4k when it will be obsolete next year with 5k coming out
DXMD on the other hand bends my GPU over and fucks it in the ass.
>get so mad that he have to made shit up
Also, why is TAA so perfect?
>tfw no 80 to 100 inch monitor
Why are they trying to make higher res screens even smaller? Tablets probably have 4k already, but what is the fucking point?
>when you could be having 1440p144
I run 1440p 144hz right now. 4k isn't worth it till HDR screens come out, the second HDR screens come out all the current 4k screens are going to be garbage.
>paying 3000 USD to play outpost takedown simulator
>taking screenshots of that ugly ass world at night
>game is 4k but cant be saved from those ugly ass ground textures
Get a better computer
sure thing
>>paying 3000 USD
Actually, I'd say in total my build set me back about $900-$1000.
Black Friday was pretty great, got my GPU for $250.
>all that color
MGSV is so far from being even slightly impressive.
At least they spent all their time marketing that little jungle area in Africa the size of a studio apartment because the entire second half of TPP is one of the ugliest games I've ever seen in my life. MMO tier.
It's a brick road in the fall on a vineyard while it's raining
there is actually alot of color in the new gears game
im surprise on how well i can run games in 4k with my 980ti. the only thing i have to turn down the settings on is Shadows for a smooth framerate. going for 1080ti is a must right?
>made shit up
uh he's not wrong
5k is very close to being a thing, as are 10gb video cards
>bought 4k before HDR was out
4K HDR has been around for a while
Just because consoles finally got fake 4k HDR doesn't mean it's something new
You know it faggos.
You aren't actually playing in 4k that's just ansel my dude
TAA has really bad trailing/ghosting and I absolutely hate it. I'd much prefer devs just implement SMAA natively in their games instead.
One of the more recent Nvidia driver updates made this game run a helluva lot better for me.
>4K HDR has been around for a while
Go ahead and post a 4K HDR monitor you can buy today.
It was a mixture of the new game update and the driver update that fixed a few previous issues that the lazy devs never got around too. but now that they were desperately trying to get it to run well on the ps4 pro they decided they might as well fix the issues
>4k HDR monitor
I just switch to my 65 inch HDR 4k TV if I want to chill
If I need a fast response time I just switch back to my 4K monitor
So you're retarded then
>TAA has really bad trailing/ghosting and I absolutely hate it.
Yea, but it has much better coverage than most other forms of AA.
No I just actually have the money to do so
Not a jealous poorfag such as yourself who honestly cares about HDR it's not that great, you'll get over it within 10 minutes of using it
Ansel doesn't work in cutscenes my negroid. Plus, that's the filename for a screenie taken using Sweetfx. Ansel screenshots are named like this.
I find cards are not poweful enough to have enough raw brute force to overcome shit driver overhead or badly optimized games.
If the 490 came out at a reasonable price point id get one day 0 along with a 10bit ips 4k monitor
wouldnt bother with 4k media like tv or movies its literally beyond pointless
Not that guy, but I do have a 4k HDR TV. HDR is great and once PC monitors come out with it all the 4K monitors out now are going to be junk. If you actually bought a 4K monitor to game right now on PC I feel bad for you, you got screwed as bad as those retards that bought 4K TVs 2 or more years ago before HDMI 2.0 came out and have total junk now.
True, but the ghosting is too much for me since it makes the game look so bad in motion and it becomes extremely noticeable in an FPS.
>HDR is great
>If you bought a 4k monitor I'll feel bad for you
Lol I'll just buy one of them when they come out then and use my main monitor as a secondary 4k montor
Besides as of now I prefer to not play in HDR, I just don't personally like the look
>not 1080p120hz with lightboost
moving pictures so smooth you can rub your dick* on it
*do not attempt without anti-aliasing
yeah i noticed in games like battlefield1 where you can adjust the internal scaler to around 125% from a 1200p base resolution it runs 60-100fps most of the time and looks fine with temporal AA but once you go below say 120% it looks horrid and better to use FXAA as the blur is insane
Same with R6S it doesnt have an adjustable internal scaler only the temporal upscale or fxaa or temporal aa at native res and at 1200p they all look fucking horrid
i had SweetFX lumasharpen with temporal aa on it with Redshade but fucking battleye banned it.
TL:DR Temporal is horrid at 1080p or less and good/minimal blur at 1440p+
isnt hdr a massive meme?
i'd just get a native 10bit panel and leave it at that
i thought all this LCD post process shit like smoothmotion and color bullshit died out years ago
I turned on HDR, was impressed for an hour or so of playing and never turned it on again. It is a massive meme
>He plays at 60Hz in 2016
>He doesn't have 144Hz IPS
what screen?
All those pixels, all those frames per second, all that money it cost, yet you will never enjoy Bloodborne.
Why be a PC gamer at all?
this one but black and with the ks6000 series stand because I like it better
>yet you will never enjoy Bloodborne.
Never is a really strong word, I'm sure in a decade or so we'll get working emulators.
Why is the hell would you take a game as blurry as bloodborne and stretch it up to 4k
But I do enjoy Bloodborne on my PS4 and everything else on my PC. Where do you live that you aren't able to have multiple gaming platforms?
oh snap i thought you meant a monitor
i hope there are some decent $500 ips 4k gaming screens soon because i dont need high hz meme just 60hz
>they don't play 5K with x8 supersampling
My monitor I usually play games on is the asus pb27 whatever the fuck
It's pretty nice, my 980tis power it really well
true i just read about this
would it be shit?
>tfw play at 720p and with i5 3570 and 7870
I-I'm okay for another year...
We won't know until it comes out
I was kinda let down by HDR tvs but maybe this will bring my faith back
1080p and 1200p are starting to wear thin on my ive been stuck on that resolution and 1680x1050 for like 10 years
I own a PS4 and I genuinely wonder why, From games are rehashed dogshit and there are no games.
Here's a list of games on PC the all of which are better than any one game released on PS4 since launch.
Don't know about that, have to say I quite enjoyed DiRT Rally, Total War Warhammer/Attila, Kerbal Space Program MP, Hearts of Iron 4, Wreckfest, Witcher 3, Europa Universalis 4's updates, ARK Survival Evolved, Galactic Civilizations 3, XCOM 2, Alien Isolation, Pillars of Eternity, Age of Decadence, Talos Principle, Rocket League and look forward to Rising Storm 2, Serious Sam 4, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Mountain Blade Bannerlord, Dawn of War 3.
what didnt you like about it?
I havent seen it in person only 4k tv's before hdr
You have autism.
If you haven't, you would enjoy normal games like The Last of Us Remastered and would look forward to normal games like Horizon: Zero Dawn.
I don't really care for the blur reduction myself. I'd rather have the extra 24hz.
60hz is literally 50 year old technology and the standard for CRT has always been 80hz.
This is some decent bait user, I"m somewhat impressed.
Well, first off you fucking retard, I played TLoU on my PS3 which can be bought for literally 15 dollars at the bargain bin dollar general.
Stupid cocksucker thinks he's special for his cinematic experience game with a 20 dollar entrance fee to play.
Meanwhile we're discussing shit for actual video game hobbyists who have invested at least 1000~ into the hobby.
Dumbfucks like you are no better than mobile game playing teenage girls who only play candy crush, at least their shit has gameplay.
Get the fuck out.
>BB pic at 3840x2160
Why would you upload the picture in that resolution? It's not like it magically gets more detail than the original resolution when you stretch it.
Because I'm not interested in Souls/Bloodborne-type games.
You have autism.
Only autistic people bought Bloodborne though?
It's an exclusive that flopped terribly because of this.
Your exclusionary language is so emblematic of PC gamers and their toxic behavior.
>You have autism.
Because I'm not interested in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, I somehow have autism? Explain.
What is there to explain? Only an autistic mind would deny itself the intellectual stimulation of Bloodborne.
>Tfw MHO is more demanding than a lot of AAA games
>friend gave me his PS4 + bloodborne for a week when he went on a trip
>finished bloodborne and gave it back
>mfw Sup Forums keeps trying to tease PC gaeemers with it every time
>Only an autistic mind would deny itself the intellectual stimulation of Bloodborne.
just like the original xbox... right?
or the 360/ps3.... right?
I'm a PC gamer and emulation is essentially a thing of the past for anything other than nintendo consoles
>play game in 4k
>textures look like trash at 640x480
For what purpose? I could understand wanting more detail if there was more detail.
>or the 360/ps3.... right?
You know there's a PS3 emulator and a 360 emulator...right?
anything beyond 1080p is meme
Like anything beyond 30 (=24) FPS.
>falling into the UHD "4"k 60hz monitor
>not waiting for proper 4096 × 2160 120hz
MGSV can look great in 4K. It's also very light so you can pull off 4K and get a great-looking game all while keeping the framerate 60 locked.
HDR is a meme in the sense that the standards for a screen/hdtv to declare itself "HDR ready" are so low that said screens would be displaying non-HDR content better.
Higher resolution is about clarity, not specifically texture detail. (although in some cases it can pull out more texture detail)
yeah fuck off dude. you will never play games on them
user. 1080 doesn't magically blur images. If there's not enough image data to make a 1080 image clear then there definitely isn't enough data to make it more clear at a higher resolution.
Literally looks the same as 1080
About the only benefit you receive is it making outlines less jaggy. Oddly enough we have things for that without underused meme tech.
Related but what the fuck is up with Nvida Geforce Experience? I update it and now it forces me to make an account. Fucking why? I just want to record my kusoge anime fighting game combos.
>you will never play games on them
Youre literally retarded if you believe that.
So they can waste your connection speed/bandwidth spying on what you're running your card with.