Can Sup Forums show me how to git gud in csgo?

can Sup Forums show me how to git gud in csgo?

Yes. Uninstalling is the most secretive and useful tool you can use in the game.

> tfw 200 hours played
> still silver elite

If you're 21 or older - you can't.

I was a decent player during my teens.
now i feel like i have a 50ms lag on my reaction times.
some streamers are old as fuck, and can still play a decent game

Semi auto sniper
If you can't win with that you can't play the game. Either way it's a win win

Try to aim
Try not to die
Shoot people

pssst hey kid

Don't even bother, bro. The game only became popular because of skin faggotry. It's a complete joke.

If you're not playing on client there is no hope for you

Study hit boxes cs isnt twitch based

Learn spray patterns.
Aim for head.
Flash before pushing
Learn smoke spots
Communicate with team
Aim better.
Use Headset

>how to git gud in csgo?

Playing cs1.5.

There's no skill involved in getting good at CSGO, it's all just luck. Play an old shooter like the classic CS if you want to actually "get good".

>step 1: buy a 144hz monitor

>step 2: buy a video card and power source that are descent enough to run the game at 144 fps in native resolution

>step 3: buy a descent mouse

>step 4: practice the aim just a little

If you did that you are probably around the top 10%.

Use a UMP-45 all the time until you get your aim under control. It's a good beginner gun because it's nice and accurate provided you don't spray randomly. In other words, tap your mouse rather than holding it down.

Aim for the head. Walk in areas where there are likely to be enemies (no footstep sounds), and understand the good hiding spots.

Hack. The majority of the playor base already does from what I hear.

These are all solid points. If you want to get into the top 3%, do all that other stuff, but also buy a mechanical keyboard and gaming mouse, DxRacer gaming chair and a webcam that can record 1080p at 60fps. The rest is all luck.

144hz monitor
high dpi expensive mouse
low sensitivity settings
be methodical when going through high risk areas by throwing smokes or grenades beforehand.
practice spray patterns on a practice level.


First of all, don't listen to anyone in this thread. They're probably novas at best.

Click on heads. Headshot-only deathmatch is good for this, but players will play like jackasses (jumping around a lot) on a headshot-only server. If you practice for a bit in hs-only, the skill will immediately translate when you start playing competitive or regular dm. You'll be aiming for heads, and I don't mean this condescendingly. It'll be natural to click the head.

The easiest way to get kills is to have the enemy looking somewhere that you're not at, while you're looking at them. Teammates are great for this. Nonstandard positions are great for this. Walking is great for this.

The second easiest way to get kills is to know where someone is going to be before you see them. This requires memorizing a lot of map geometry, but there are a few "good" angles to hold a given area from. Usually, this is an area that's far away from the people you'll be shooting, and gives cover to most of your body, only showing the head.

Sound is EVERYTHING. You can tell when someones stomping towards you, you can hear where someone is through walls and around corners without having to risk your life. Walking is essential; better players can pinpoint your position with one accidental footstep.

You cannot move while shooting and be accurate. This is extremely important at long ranges, and not very important at all close-up.

Learn the first 10~ bullets of your spray. Generally, you just have to aim downwards a bit. If you're spraying 30 bullets, you'll be dead by then against a decent player.

Don't use grenades unless you know what you're doing. If someone COULD appear in front of you while you're holding a grenade, have your gun out instead. Flashbangs and smokes are great tools for controlling space for experienced players.

Learn a good smoke/flash for each map that you're playing, and for each site on that map. The more you learn, the more options you have.

shoot people in the head and don't move while shooting unless you're rushing with smg/shotgun/pistol

Do what gets kills. I don't care what people say about being smart, playing safe, etc. If you can GET KILLS, nothing else matters.

Don't do what gets you killed. If you peek a certain spot and someone's waiting for you, odds are that same person will wait for you at the same time in at least another one of the upcoming rounds.

Only take fights where you have the advantage. Do not fight 1v2, 1v3, etc. Furthermore, do not take 1v1 fights where you don't have an advantage. A 1v1 is a 50/50 unless one player is flashed, using map geometry, behind cover, etc. You do NOT want to fight 50/50 battles.

If you're low rank, stop listening to your teammates. Their calls are bad, late, misleading, or worse. You can safely mute everyone below DMG, and half the time DMG~LEM players will make flawed (delayed, late, inaccurate) calls too.

Be near, but not adjacent to, your teammates. You can't 2v1 the enemy unless at least 2 of you are together. You can't get trade kills without a teammate nearby.

Don't get tilted. People will cheat against you, it's out of your control. People will smurf against you, it's out of your control. You cannot tell the difference unless they're being very obvious.

Learn to manage your economy. If your team cannot full buy, you should not be buying anything more than a pistol.
Round 1, always buy. Round 1 decides the next 2 rounds.
Round 2 is usually a force buy. You will then hard save Round 3 and full buy on Round 4.
Same after half switch.

Armor/hat are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. If you do not have ARMOR, try to fight from a position where your body will be covered by terrain.

If you only have a pistol, try to play from somewhere close range. If you have pistols and are near your teammates, you can steal a 'real' gun from the enemies when you get a kill.

Stop THINKING so much. Raw AIM is much more important than over-analyzing the match.

Do not EVER harass your teammates. Being rude to them will never make them play better, will usually make them play worse, and will sometimes put them ON TILT or make them start teamkilling/griefing you.

Master one gun at a time. Master the guns that are important and common.
If you don't know how to use the AWP properly, don't pick it up.

Movement is how you avoid damage. You can force the opponent to miss shots with proper movement. Once you've been hit, you move slower (delayed on your end, instant on the opponent's end). This means movement is now much less useful, so you should stop and fight back unless you're close to being behind cover.
Staying still is how you cause damage. Since your bullets are inaccurate while moving, you need to strafe towards your desired spot, counterstrafe (the opposite direction) to quickly cancel your momentum, aim, and shoot. If you start moving again, you'll be inaccurate.

Play tight angles. The tighter the angle, the harder it is for you to be hit.

Play the same map a LOT. It doesn't have to be dust2.

Pick one thing to work on at a time. If you try to work on EVERYTHING, you're never going to master ANYTHING.