Hey senpai! Are you having fun playing the game?

Hey senpai! Are you having fun playing the game?

You bet your fucking ass I am. Now start dropping those candies. I need more storage for those fucking materials.

Fuck yes

Vk jg jg ig igxigx

I'm still waiting for the SEA release.

does this game have an ending?

just change your location

I'd be having more fun if the game was out in my country and I didn't have to use my usa account.

>third worlders

I'm going to fail my final exams because of this fucking game, why didn't they wait later to fucking release it?

>not having self control


i don't mind it but the time investment required at floors 25+ is more than I'm willing to commit

Just beat the 10F boss, only used the usual 5 revives like the other two midbosses. Hopefully i can get some good BP soon for a Machette

Reminder that all questions about the game are answered by just climbing the tower, senpai.

>5 metals per boss
>almost 80 storage space slots wasted

Stop wasting metals, you are gonna regret it later on

buy mule characters retard.

Reminder that everyone saying the cash shop is not open yet is a shitposter, shit like that was never mentioned in the dev diaries

i didn't expect a level 1 boss to be that strong

Tired of waiting for it to show up in store and created an UK account.

Started playing today.

Should I really not bother too much with leveling and stats? Will I swap characters often? And how do I get other classes?

The game is unexpectedly fun.

Yeah, level up but, be aware that you start with rank 1 characters, which cap at level 25, then later on you unlock rank 2 which cap at level 50, and so on, leveling up is pretty easy, what matters is climbing the tower

I would agree with you if this wasn't a f2p game made to be addictive on purpose.

No, because I can't download it. Fuck living in Europe...

to the person that sent the Level 46 hunter

I just beat it's sorry ass to death with my fists! get outplayed son!

Loving the dungeon lay outs. Been awhile since I've had to move at this pace.

How to you deal with those weird tubers with the claws? They're quick as fuck and do a truckload of damage. Plus they block most of the time so you can't even rush them down.


What game is this

Why isn't it released in Nordic countries reeeeee

No matter how many times I beat Coen, Uncle Death's legend comment always makes me chuckle. That fake awe is too much.

>does this game have an ending?
I'm guessing it "ends" after the 40th floor but I'm sure that it's designed to be played forever. The trophies are especially ridiculous, like 100% destruction during invasions 100 times, successfully defend your base 100 times, eat 1000 mushrooms, and have equipment break 100 times.

I haven't tried invading yet. Is it easy? Doing 100 successful invasions sounds tedious and boring but 100 defenses sounds impossible.

Defense is easy if you set up your fighters with dual irons and some with fire wands.

>I'm guessing it "ends" after the 40th floor
>people are at 50th

didn't someone here say it goes up to 150?

>100% destruction during invasions 100 times
How is this a problem?
I think i only ran out of time once so far

invasions have a 2~ time limit. Most people don't even have defenders so 100 times probably wouldn't even be that long.

check the store now, you're in for a surprise

The Amusement Park area is actually ridiculous

>lets bring back all three mid-bosses, and boost them up with a shit ton of health and give them all new moves that will instakill the player if not dodged properly lol

Time to grind for that Machete E blueprint in the city area

Where you guys get the SWAT taticool body armor?

Just say the floor for me to have a idea where to look

Is this coming to PC? Looks like a fun time.

Its going to be in the chests around floor 11-19 as a blueprint senpai

hopefully not because the mystery is what keeps this game alive and PKEKs with data mining and cheat engine would kill this game.

My biggest gripe with this game so far is the controls layout. Using the touchpad for anything but going into a menu sucks on ps4. its such a shitty addition to the controller

Thats really the only thing that annoys me so far

Isn't it singleplayer? Who chares about meta and all that shit?

>tfw sending a picture of you flexing over a dead hunter back to the sender

Bait out an attack and make distance, which isn't always doable, but their recovery time after attacking is when you should kill them

This too

Theres been many of times where im trying to throw an explosive shroom but end up shifting my hand on the right side of the pad, eating it, then dying

>Who cares about secrets

Thanks sempai

Just don't look it up...?

If you've never accidentally come across a spoiler before, then you're a liar.

>just ignore it :^^^)

Not how it works PCuck.

Is there a list of what blueprints are on what floors? I got claws from a chest and want the blueprint

Wait so I just logged in and I think my base got attacked? The mushroom lady is shaking and there is fire around her building and my fountain looks damaged too. Does it affect anything? Can I repair it?

Calling it now, as soon as this game releases on PC these threads will go to shit. Cross your fingers it doesn't happen because these have been some of the best threads on Sup Forums lately hell theres always been one up at every moment since the game released and it always reaches max posts.

Its random, but tied to a floor range I think, for example fireworks should only appear in floors 1 to 9

Secret shop had two blue prints for like 30,000 each. I didn't have the money for them though

also don't forget the difficult scares normies away.

I found the blueprint for the chest in floor 4 or 5 I think. I also have a sort of gas mask that goes with it, it has the same name and I found that in floor 7 or 8 perhaps

Holy shit, this is hilarious.

I have 1 more floor to go before I can raid/get invaded.

It'll be fine the next time you come to your base. You should still get revenge.

It's out on some european countries, but not all.

I cant kill the first boss, the space is tiny and if you go out of bounds you get electrocuted and the stunlocked by the boss.

Apart from getting gud, how the fuck do I beat him?

Best way to do those fights are scropion shroom, stealth shrooms and a 2h weapon with a good rage attack
A normal axe hits GOTO for like 5-7% and the rage attack hits for 20%

>sneak up on enemy to attack
>see an X button command
>fucking Northern Lights Suplex and they goddamn explode
>sneak above enemy
>get another command
>Mother fucking Hurricanrana

I always forget how much Suda loves wrestling and it's great when you do this shit.

It's safest to attack after he does the shockwave stomp

I just started this game and I keep getting killed by level 26 and 28 Haters on the first two floors.
Is this normal or did somebody level up characters and then intentionally get them killed on the first two floors just to fuck with new players?

There was a boss at level 1?

Is this just a flavor of the month game, or will it keep on being played for months to come?

Those are dev haters
They are always there.

No, the devs added the hater that's on the first floor. You know it's a dev hater when it's got an @ in his name. It's to welcome new players.

What am I loosing if playing offline?

I guess we'll find out in a few months, huh?

I don't know user, hold on, let me hop in my time machine and find out.

Playing the game, because you can't play offline.

I think that's the midboss senpai

Yeah, that's why I played it yesterday without PS+. Stop replying if you don't know shit.

you don't need ps+ to play any f2p game dipshit, try disconnecting your ethernet cable and playing. It won't work.
>inb4 hurr durr wifi

reminder that if this was a western game Sup Forums would have called this character lolsorandumb

>he doesn't know

Trying a bit too hard with your bait senpai

If it was a western game and one of the characters kept calling me Senpai? Yes.

Not baiting, I thought everything online-related in PS4 games requires PS+ subscription.

Then you thought wrong. Online F2P games don't need PS+. But they do need Internet.

Someone post the webm

Okay, sorry about being dumb.

Oooh, gero gero gero!

It's kero, you fucking idiot.

it's kero.
as in kerotan, as in WIBBYWIBBYWIBBY from mgs3. you know those fucking faggot ass green dolls ya gotta shoot.

It's kero kero and I absolutely love to hear those fuckers. The scorpions are pretty good too s-s-s-s-sassori!

While we are talking about beasts, how do you pick up snails without getting poisoned? I know you can cook them with the firworks launcher but iss there any way to pick them up while they are still alive?

What song do you have playing in your waiting room senpai?

who /WONDERLAND/ here?


I don't know the name but its goes we talk something something lots of fuck then [intelligible]. It's kinda punkish, pretty good gets me pumped.

I got scared by a scorpion the first time, since I thought there was some crazy creature repeating s-s-s-sorry nearby

Is Uncle Death also Strong Bad or is it just me?

move fast. run up, crouch, grab

Gero gero

your game's too fucking hard, I died twice on the first level
how do I git gud

>Implying gero and kero both aren't acceptable


The only similarity is a slightly mexican wrestleman sounding accent. SB's much more deep and gravelly

Learn to dodge

Yes, yes I am having fun playing this game. That being said, fuck machete users.