ITT - Bad bosses from their respective games

ITT - Bad bosses from their respective games
I'll start.


Could be worse. Could be The Edge.

>not The Star

The Burst was fucking awsome, why didn't you like her?

The cat and mouse phases were annoying as shit.
The rest of the fight was enjoyable but that starting crap just dragged it down too much for me.

I found The Star to be great, but I might be bias because I absolutely love the music that plays during its last attack.

I'm stuck on this fucking boss fight and replaying phase 1-3 is tedious as shit

I'll agree the sniper part was shit but the other stages were probably my favorite in the entire game

Only let down in the entire game.

What difficulty? What part is giving you trouble? The last phase?


Well first of all i take too long on the first phases because when i dash into the platform she is sniping me from, i can't hit her, i only seem to get lucky if i land one shot and she does into the melee phase (For phases 1-2-3)

After you get in the middle i have problems dodging her attacks since my brain hits Parry right after the white flash and many of her attacks have delay on them

Pic related turned out to be my favorite fight.
>Absolute pussy on Furi difficulty
>Becomes the hardest fight on Furier

Beating The Star with the last possible square block of health left was intense as fuck.


The demon form fights are also pretty bad.

Alright for the first phases, there's a way to always get her to not run away etc which should ease some of the frustration from the starting phases.

You want to first figure out where she's shooting from, which is of course easy. Then you want to move in somewhat close, but not so close that she runs away (should only take a few tries to figure out the sweet spot for this). Then you simply come from out of cover and dash towards her and get her to shoot one of the pillars surrounding her. She won't run if you do this, the shooting of the pillars is key to getting her to stay.

>After you get in the middle i have problems dodging her attacks since my brain hits Parry right after the white flash and many of her attacks have delay on them
I don't really have any tips for parrying, it's just a case of getting used to the timings but eventually it will become second nature after enough practice.

Thanks user will try

Most of the boss fights in Ninja Gaiden 2 fucking suck, Zedonius is no exception.

>The only way to beat his second form without having an anyeurism is to abuse invincibility frames with the Peony's heavy attack
What a shitty fight that was.


The 3 phases are stupidly easy, the most dangerous thing about this boss is the window you can get cheapshotted out of