This is Estelle, main character of Trails in the Sky. Say something nice to her.
This is Estelle, main character of Trails in the Sky. Say something nice to her
Looks gay
>Female Protagonist
I didn't buy her geimu because she's ugly
So how do you think her and Joshua's first time will go?
She's very good sister.
something like this
>Joshua not crossdressing
It's shit.
female naruto is cute
>female naruto
I'm gonna bully you
Estelle is a qt. I want to make her my wife.
with her very own Sasuke
Alisa best
Alisa is way bettter!
You mean Laura?
Estelle is used goods. Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cuck
I bet you'd take this cuck then
Sorry Laura, but sword autism is not cute.
>not going for pure sex
Twintails are cute as fuck. Estelle is also cute as fuck. I'm like 50 minutes in and she seems cute, if not a bit generic (idiot hero thing), though I assume I am wrong, right?.
>thinking two sword autists aren't perfect for each other
Rean has better chemistry with Millium of all people, so no. Laura is a noble confidant and totally friendzoned.
Now that's what I call ASS-ASS-IN! English never ever.
Olivier is the best boy, girl and party member
If you disagree then you can fuck off
But user...
Damn, he's right.
Estelle undergoes a lot of character development over the two games, so there's much more to her than just the airhead you see in the first game
Very glad to hear it user! Thanks.
Estelle is a
She's a dumb bimbo.
You're a piece of weeb garbage and belong in a containment board
ass too big
>strong female protagonist
Ireland pls
Top o' the mornin' to ye!
make it triple!
She's not an idiot, just inexperienced. She develops a lot over the course of both games and in the end she's getting more shit done than anyone else.
Kloe a cute
Pity that wasn't able to get through boring slow ass combat to see it.
Use speedhacks then you donut
i fell for her when i saw her being alpha as fuck during the empire false attack with steam tanks and shit
if only she had long hair
spoilers dickwad
>boring slow ass combat
I had a lot of fun, dunno about boring or slow
>if only she had long hair
I feel you
Kloe was always a good girl, but she had the misfortune of sharing a game with the best girl in the entire series.
It's easier to play in on psp emule, it has a speedhack as a function.
no context dickwad
game's been out for a year dickwad
estelle being spunky isn't a spoiler dickwad
Estelle "not so" bright is cute but Kloe is more useful in combat, she's cuter, gentle, and a motherfucking queen
Also, she weilds fucking rapiers, more badass than staffs.
With two of the best girls in the entire series.
Kloe a worst Sky
No, it's not, PPSSPP turbo isn't as fast as CE speedhacks on top of distorting the audio, and you get a shit translation, low-res UI/portraits, and an overall worse experience.
>Estelle "not so" bright
Fuck off and die
>Kloe is more useful in combat
>a worse Kevin
She's a good healbot
>just him em with what hurts most jrpg combat №9000
It's slightly better with bosses, but not by a large margin. Dunno if it gets better in the SC, I'm in the 2nd or 3rd chapter of it, and it's the same stuff, despite combo attacks adding more options. It could be ok if animations weren't so painfully slow.
I've been on the fence on buying this series. Currently in an enormous need for a JRPG to hold me over until I fall for the meme of FFXV because bros on a roadtrip sounds a bit too fun to ignore.
I heard the OST and its arranged album and it sounds pretty fucking magical.
At least Kloe can hit something with magic
Also i hated Kevin with passion, dunno why, he was like too arrogant.
The Trails series is the best ongoing series of the genre right now. If you like JRPGs, then you should love Trails.
It's one of those games that you'll wanna play with a guide unless you like things obviously being missed. For whatever it's worth, there's a lot of stuff to do in this game, especially things that aren't necessary to advance any of the plot or even for any other gain than sating your curiosity about NPCs' lives.
It's pretty good, I'd say. Playing the first chapter and then having to sit years before its sequel's translation was released here was a pain; the fact that you don't have to do this is pretty good if you ask me.
is cold steel ever going to be ported on PC
>Playing the first chapter and then having to sit years before its sequel's translation was released here was a pain; the fact that you don't have to do this is pretty good if you ask me.
Tell me about it.
The truth is that there has never been a better time to get into Trails.
2 years ago, all we had was Trails in the Sky FC, and SC's release was in limbo.
Today, we have Trails in the Sky FC, Trails in the Sky SC, Trails of Cold Steel 1, and Trails of Cold Steel 2 all released in english. Plus, Trails in the Sky The 3rd is going to be released in spring 2017, and a fan translation of Trails to Zero is in the works.
We may even get official translations of Trails to Zero and Trails to Azure.
Here's the thing, Falcom would have to make that port, and then it would have to get localized. Considering falcom is incredibly unlikely to make a PC port to begin with, it is even more unlikely that a PC port would get localized.
Falcom isn't squaresoft, you know? They aren't big guys in the industry.
I haven't played a JRPG since I finished Arc the Lad on PS2, something like this has been long overdue.
I'm definitely one of those people who play these kinds of things with a guide since I don't like to miss items or screw up a chance to get something unique and not be able to come back for it later.
>sating your curiosity about NPCs' lives.
That's actually one of my biggest weaknesses in stepping into a new series. I get attached to things real easily and have a hard time letting go and games like these with nice character designs/interactions are going to destroy me once I finish. Getting invested gives me the most joy but it just digs a bigger hole for me to be sad over.
>then it would have to get localized
what does that mean?
If Compile Heart can do it then surely Falcom would be able to as well, right? Though i imagine that Nep games sell more than Falcom stuff does.
It means the game would have to be translated from Japanese to English. These are Japanese games, as you know, and Falcom doesn't release them in North America. The Trails games so far have been published in North America by Xseed, which is a separate company from Falcom.
Nep games are cheaper and sell more in the west because of muh fanservice lolis. Trails is much more difficult for people to get into because of all the dialogue/text. Neptunia is just a light-hearted series of games that sell because of the cute girls.
I guess the PC port still could be a thing right?
I mean, its just about time
They might not be the big guys but i guess eventually they will
lol come on man. Neptunia is "reused assets: the game," so they spend like 10 bucks making a game and then sell it for 30 a piece.
>implying that best girl isn't Oliver
I don't see why Falcom would bother with a PC port. Japs don't care about PC games. Even if Falcom did for some reason make a PC port, why would Xseed bother localizing it for the western audience? All indications are that Cold Steel did better on vita than Sky SC did on PC. I suppose they might if they think 20-30k sales on PC would be worth it for them, but would it really? Nobody knows.
Yeah man I just remembered how poorly made those games are. The fact the game has any kind of fanbase is a fucking miracle.
You underestimate the power of memes, waifufaggotry, and cute girls.
Granted, I only like it because of tsunako's art. Those bodysuits are fucking great.
Oh I understand the power all that shit has but I honestly think it's amazing how people are willing to buy into that even though the gameplay experience is legit one of the worst in the past 5 years. ReBirth 2 actually made me a miserable fuck whenever I played it.
I like both Trails and Neptunia. Neptunia's gameplay isn't nearly as bad as you make it out to be. In fact, it is pretty standard JRPG gameplay.
If the redux of an already terrible game made you miserable, you haven't tasted the series in its worst.
There are a group of people who like those types of games. Like I know one dude who actually likes Record of Agarest War. You also have to realize people are buying it for the girls and their interactions than the actual gameplay.
she can shake a mean staff
What's the best version? I have a vita which is comfy as fuck for rpgs, but if the pc version is better I may get that.
PC version uses HD assets pulled from the japanese PS3 version, so it looks significantly better, making it the superior experience overall.
she and her game are cliche anime crap where I can predict the story without investing 60 hours of my time.
Neptunia's gameplay, like said, isn't as bad as you make it out to be.
It's a standard, slow, turn based JRPG battle system. Kind of like Trails.
PC has a nicer UI and portraits, and an updated translation.
Your game was good but I couldn't finish the second one, I'm sorry. I will when I'm not doing 60 hour weeks.
I dunno man the battle system is fine sure but it was everything else.
>Garbage visuals on both a visual and technical level
>Terrible recycled dungeons
>Combat never makes use of positionals despite allowing you to move around the field (do like the AOE's though)
>Bosses are just damage sponges and not at all interesting too fight
I think the series has potential to be something good and I hope that Cyberdimension is but I just can't stand the ReBirth games.
You don't play Neptunia for the dungeons or the combat anyways.
Is Falcom making the PC port of Tokyo Xanadu? If they are then it's not impossible for the Erebonia games to show up on PC or for a proper PC port of Ao.
I want to stick my finger in Estelle's butt.
V-II was a pretty decent improvement on the Rebirth games. They're (slowly) getting better over time.
Don't know anything about that. Tokyo Xanadu is being localized by Aksys Games, that's the most I know. Is there already a Japanese PC port for the game? If not, then the porting is probably being done by Aksys.
Took them like 6-7 games
It's Vita only in Japan, though there is also going to be an enhanced PS4 port released too. So the PC port is entirely for western audiences. I just don't know if Falcom is actually doing the port, having access to the source code and all of if Aksys are doing it which would be surprising as Falcom is pretty protective of their source code and assets.
V-II is actually the fourth game. The Rebirth games were cheap and easy remakes/enhanced ports of the first three games that were farmed out to another developer, using the engine of the third game. The other Nep games are spinoffs and aren't RPGs.
Falcom is not going to do a PC port for the western audience. Simply isn't happening. Most likely Aksys decided to port it for whatever reason.