Risk of Rain

I'm feeling like a frrrrriday night Risk of Rain game you scrubs.

Other urls found in this thread:


Finally, been a few evenings without a thread.

Here we gather to pray to the host gods. May ye show us mercy today.

What's the discord bruh?
[Who should I main?]

>[Who should I main?]
Real men main Engi and spam missiles on safe spots.

I always thought that placing turrets was the way to go

Real men main chef and throw multi-cleavers right into enemies.

Turrets start losing their luster when everything one shots later in the game. Really you should be spamming missiles all day unless there's a wurm hanging around.

Engi is for faggots.

Real men main sniper and instagib electric worms with a headshot

Fuck yeah!

I approve, but i main loader and i am a fucking noob

REAL men play miner and go FAST

so, what's the deal with RoR special delivery?

The deal with what?

Some Reddit RoR mod, appears to fix stuff, add new stuff, and yadda yadda.

Call me when its released


blue fags get OUT



Wait are you fags actually playing now.

Nah, I'm just posting images to keep the thread alive.

Sadly, no.

Well lets fix that, shall we?
Port: 11100


Hold on pls

Get in here you weebs

Server closed.




i missed it...


Why do faggots complain about bandit speed glitching when I don't use it to steal chests

i guess we wait amigo....
>tfw its been months since i played and even then i was garbage

waiting for a room
pls post when open

new items look pretty lame

Open again, get in here

Please... take care... of my filial imprintings.

>disconnected from host
Did you get the results screen? I didn't even see Red and Blue or the 2nd form.


Yeah, we got the ending just fine.

That's good then. Way too much lag on my end and 1fps.

Server closed.




dont die

Anyone able to host?

Hosting here

Alright I'll play a game of sp and check back later then

I'm up, you guys playing?


bump desu

ggggsss guys, it was fun but I think I'll call it quits here.
Thanks for playing, server closed for the night.

thanks for the game and for carrying my garbage ass, guys. i went so so fast.

>implying Blayer wasnt the hero of that round
You came through when we needed it the most, godspeed you crazy bastard.


The game is open, you fags. Get on it.

What does this image mean?

Idol perpetually btfo
Still open?

Closed for now.

Some of the character changes are super weird, especially the merc rework and buffs to good characters/skills, but most of them are really nice. Most of the items are stupid.

It's one of the achievements/unlocks for items. I think it's for Commando/Miner?

Open again.


Because someone asked.

>Spotter - SCAN:
>100% crit chance changed to enemy taking 100% additional damage.
I dont know how to feel about this.

Closed again.

>bandit glitch removed

I never thought I'd see Reddit do something good.

>3000 class suggestions

Open again.

Closed, starting gimmick run.

Spotter was pretty goddamn useless, but doubling damage seems like too much. I wonder if it'll deal double damage to all enemies when using Steady Aim or just the spotted one.

Shieet I missed it, what character are you guys memeing with?

Spite/Glass/Honor/Distortion/Origin/No Items

No items gimmick run. Open again.

Wait for me

The changes make it sound like only the spotted enemy takes double damage. Which sucks, because I liked critting all enemies in a line.

Who else hyped for Special Delivery?

Why don't we play with reddit if they like this game too?

Because I dont want to play with reddit, I want to play with Sup Forums

I'd play but last time the guy hosting lived in timbuktu and I had like 200 ping

I don't want to deal with a second diagnosis of cancer when I already have Sup Forums slowly killing me.

>Han-D drones regen over time
>Miner can move and attack
>Merc's Whirlwind doesn't act as an extra jump
I really don't like some of these changes.

Reddit is nicer though and they will let you pick infusion

>he doesnt play with desync and lag as extra challenges


But I dont want infu

with the memeballs exploding everywhere it is a nightmare

There is literally nothing wrong with infusion.

I will fucking stab you

Axe get out

There's nothing wrong with infusion if you like playing all games on the lowest difficulty.

There's something wrong with infusion if you actually want a challenge.

Yeah, it's Commando.

I bet this is the guy that got kicked from bbc's server last night

The memes, Jack. They are too strong.

>those mercenary changes

No thank you.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you

Open again.

ayyy I meme about infu but I don't actually pick it or tell people to take it, I just seem to have them drop around me in rng games

also open when

Anyone want a normal room?