How the fuck can I play old ass PC games? I'm trying to play Disc World the CD version but I can't get the voice's working. I bought a bunch of Humungous entertainment games but it docent work on any of my systems. Should I just get an old ass pc to run these games on?
How the fuck can I play old ass PC games...
Other urls found in this thread:
Use DOSBox
I do.
If DOSBox and compatibility mode both fail to work, virtual machines or Wine on Linux might do the trick. Still, fiddling with vintage PC's is fun and if you're looking into getting one, then do so by all means. I'm personally getting a nice box running a whole 166 MHz of fury next month.
What's a good cheap system to play games from 1990-2002ish with?
HE games work in ScummVM last time I checked
Fucking die, degenerate
I hate degenerates
I really do
I hate them
I really hate them all
I really do
>They have emulators for every console, but not 90s pc games.
That kinda sucks.
How the fuck is this possible. How???
Unless you are regularly visiting the site, there's no way you should know this.
Not OP.
he has become a brony himself just to identify the MLPshit
he has become what he hates the most but doesn't realize it
Someone linked me to this shit just to show off his harassing powers.
What is going on
use dosbox op
Yeah right.
Kill yourself, MLPfag.
But like... it's a crop of a 6 month old post with only 15 upvotes.
Do you understand how insane that is? Your average derpibooru regular probably wouldn't recognize it.
Pick up an old computer at a thrift store and run games as they were intended.
Alternatively go to your local city office and ask for one of their fastest computers.
DOSBox, create a VM, use an emulator, etc
Don't you see how far they'll go just to shill their shit on here?
Jesus. You have no self awareness. He's saying you're insane for thinking that an image NO ONE but you would recognize as remotely related to ponies as "Barneyshit"-whatever the fuck that means- and that you need to fucking get over it.
When I couldn't get Fallout 1 to have sound on my WinXP I installed a some kind of sound card emulator or something "VDM-sound" then I had to run it by selecting run as administrator or something which is strange since I don't remember XP having Run as admin.
Anyway it's an anecdotal case. Try looking for something like that or a way to emulate old hardware/compatibility settings.
Might want to ask /vr/, faggots here have the PS2 as their first system. Some the PS4 even
You're like one of those Sup Forumslacks who follows hundreds of porn actresses on twitter just to find out which ones have had interracial sex and complain about it.