The only winning move is not to Play

The only winning move is not to Play.

Fuck this game & its retardted recoil.

Other urls found in this thread:

Git gud


Fuck off, CSGO faggot.

Real guns dont have a stupid recoil like this shit game.

this isnt real life retard its csgo

Play Quake instead.

Oh wait, you casual faggots killed arena shooters

>game has RNG
>shitters still try to force the "git gud" meme whereas you can die literally due to randomness, which has nothing to do with skills
no wonder the majority of this game's playerbase are 17-year olds

doopity doopity pay 2 spray doopity microtransactions doopity no real community just lobby based faggotry doopidy ruined the mod

trying to force the RNG meme

the rng is a range nerf, AK vs AWP kinda thing. you have to learn to work around ranges with nades and such.
so yeah git gud

seriously tho 1.6 or gtfo

i seriously dont understand why people play csgo and complain that its not like 1.6, like go fucking play 1.6 it didn't fucking dissapear

What "meme"?
The game either does have RNG or it doesn't. CS:GO does.

it kinda does. instead of having to choose between 2 cs games now it's 3. also the money is in csgo. Not gonna lie I've already made around 150$ just from souvenir cases. 1.6 community is shrinking because the cancer that is csgo is expanding.

and people act like every shot is some by product of luck, if you are within the designated range there is no rng/luck
pros know this and thats why they consistently place higher than others, there not just lucky dudes who keep winning rock paper scissors

then keep it alive as a community? if people dont like the game enough to maintain a community then the game deserves to die

Thats why 500k people who playing it are retards

I haven't played this yet, is the recoil more like CS:S or more like CS1.6? I like CS1.6 recoil and hated CS:S recoil.


Pretty much all the popular games in 2016 are low skill ceiling pieces of shit. Casuals have taken over the industry.

It's trash because it doesn't allow custom sprays. If I spawn in and don't see at least three porn sprays and goatse it's not the proper CS experience.

didnt stopshoot and didnt wait for the kick
underages pushing the csgoed meme

CS:S but worse

First shot was too high, second shot too fast

Stop using a purple crosshair fag

>starting another bullet spread thread instead of just posting this

The crosshair is literally on his head faggot.

the recoil system is retarded. Period.

Valvedrones always have different excuses for every piece of footage. But it all boils down to the game being a piece of shit every time.

this is pretty much unironically why i didn't bother buying it until it went all the way down to 3.75

you cant move and shoot
if you haven't played the game dont fucking post retarded shit

But Valvedrones love skins.

That's sad.

>or this

>punished for moving and shooting

It's like the game was made for consoles or something. How low skill can you get?

200+ hours on CSGO, retard.

I regret all of it.

And yes, you can move & shoot straight, especially with a pistol, faggot.

>no timestamp
* i t ' s * * w o r t h * * n o t h i n g *

>Or this if we're really straying from the pack

Only thing CS 1.6 has better is the wallbangs at this point.
Halfway between 1.6 and CS:S.
It's a core game mechanic, next you'll be complaining about i-frames, parrying or stamina in Souls games.
This was a confirmed bug that has been patched, the models weren't correctly matching the hitboxes after upper body movements that didn't affect the lower body.

>200 hours
Literally nothing
You're new to the game, your opinion is not valid.

not a deagle
opinion disregarded

I fucking hate the new death christmas thing

After this update I get fucking shit ping

More like Retarded game mechanic.

This game is popular because its got counter strike name on it.

1.6 is way better, too bad the community is already dead because the cancer of csgo got.

Go ahead then, play your retarded game, retard.

it requires a counterstrafe buffer go play fucking quake if you want to move and shoot

He moves slowly, fag.

You're still learning young one.

show 1.6 playtime then diaperboy

>And this is straight-up obligatory

they patched that bug out months ago

Ex-smfc here, this game has a lot of bullshit and all of you know it.
I will come back if they introduce pernament coop though. Those missions were all really fun

Here's a pro missing shots due to random spread.

Game is a fucking joke.

it's so easy though

Well, that's the point, isn't it? If you're a scum-sucking casual that wants a babymode low skill FPS, play CSGO.

You mean the patched wrong hitbox?
That one?

It does, but it had a lot more than it does now, and these fagboys keep posting year-old webm's that show issues that no longer exist.

coop was mediocre honestly, the normal missions had this awful radius you weren't allowed to move out of which killed those for me, would have been miles better if only I could turn the fucking sound down

the special missions were pretty good, shame they were completely linear with next-to-no replayability

Im not wasting any more time to retards like you.

Clearly people who play this game are people who really got IQ problems.

Get help, anons.

honest to god please kill yourself

So less than a thousand on that too?
Yea your opinion is still worthless.

What games have realistic recoil? I'd wager that CSGO has the most realistic in that you actually have to control the recoil and it takes skill to aim, maybe you should play cod instead?

Yeah i think the exact same thing. Special missions were something really worth the shit.
Also, why does Sup Forums get so buttblasted over fucking cosmetics? Sure i'd love those gloves to not be knife tier rarity but it doesn't affect gameplay at all.

>using a static crosshair
there's no way to tell when you are accurate or not
it's retarded to use a static
I never understand why people use static crosshairs

you retard there is no recoil system. the game purposely reduces your aim so that you dont instagiv people who are worse than you

Its the same shit when going up ladders made people unable to shoot you since all would miss

Valve is doing that shit on purpose

All previos CSs had weird patterns for sprays and it was never a problem

this is valve's doing to let bad players have a chance and get some kills they shouldn't have because else they would quit

>And lest we forget


i'll play csgo for a week or two every 2-3 months, every time I come back my rank is gone and it gives me a random rank, usually lower than I had before i realise it's supposed to stop rusty players getting frustrated but it's gotten to a point where competitive is so easy i've lost all interest in it, thanks valve

April 2016. Try again.

>show proof the game is shit
>it's so bad a """pro""" can't even reliably land a headshot
>"kill yourself" is the only thing Valvedrones can muster up.

Valvedrones, consistently the most retarded fanbase 10 years running.

>no one aims down sights in real life
>no one can manage recoil better in real life

I don't want to shit on CS:GO because it's a good game imo but it really isn't realistic.

I'd actually wager to say that Titanfall 2 has some of the best sounds and gun mechanics I've seen in awhile. Obviously barring all the future shit, the core of the gun play looks really really nice.

The only thing bad about CSGO are the players, the most enjoyable way to play is to find enough friends to have an entire premade team. Even better if you're all on the same level so you can learn together and develop a repertoir. It's a team based game built on communication yet alot of people don't play it that way.

>Its literally a weeb shitposting with his own webms
Git gud

>Playing CSGO
>In 2016

kek, so many poorfags in here lel.

Denuvo makes you leave no other choice other than play CSGO, didn't you poorfaggots ??

yea fuck this game

fucking pattern recoil from the fucking 90s or some bullshit

and now its become the inoperable gaming tumor.

> lmao salty lmao

Honestly, now that I think about it. I really would like to see a CS game made with the hip fire recoil patterns reminiscent of Titanfall 2. That would look fucking amazing imo.

you can use static if you understand movement mechanics and counterstrafe timing
which apparently 95% of this thread doesnt


>webms saved from previous thread

>playing CSGO
>git gud

Haha that's rich.

Literally the noob weapon, learn how to use a real weapon you turbo shitter

Their american internet provider doesn't allow them to download more than half a gig each month so the glove update meant they couldn't play for a while

They'll calm down soon until the next operation

You showed proof the game /was/ shit, now fuck off back up your own ass

You're clearly a troll, 1.6 recoil system is way more exaggerated than GO, what do you accomplish by acting like an idiot?
Patched, I know you're trolling but at least troll with accurate information.
I guess by your logic anybody who has ever put time and effort into any activity is a retard with a low IQ.
It's not retarded to use static, you just need a greater inherent understanding of the movement and recoil mechanics, it is much easier for new players to use dynamic though.
>webm of someone who can't control the recoil of a gun.
Your point is?
It's called ELO decay and it generally happens in all games with a competitive system and it's actually to stop rusty players ruining it for people in their old skill bracket by not being at the level they should be.
This is some abstract shitposting, go back to the piracy threads please.

git good

This bug existed for 4 fucking years. Garbage game.

>No iron sights mode
>"my first gun" recoil
>Win gun (AWP)
>Thousand dollars for a single fucking knife skins

Gee, valvedrones are really are dumb by playing this game.

>claim a patch fixed it
>patch happened an entire 7 months before the video was recorded
>point this out

Holy fuck the delusion LMAO. You can't make this shit up.

Was actually only introduced in that level after the animation update. Before that the only issue was the mushroom hat fuckwit.

do people actually play CS expecting a realistic game?

are there people on this planet that are that fucking retarded?

fuck are you going off about the recoil can definitely be controlled, only a couple guns are rng machines and those are intended for close courters

ew, who wants to play poor mans fps lel.

Battlefield 1 is very fun user.

Buy it, oh wait, you cant.


>patch happened an entire 7 months before the video was recorded
where is the proofs

>he plays csgo
>git gud

Valvedrones everyone

Battlefield 1 didn't really interest me in the open beta, is it any better than the beta?
I'm still here rocking BF3.

Runs worse and just as shit as ever.

>Fuck it, this too

Also this is starting to get very close to Barneyfag-tier, OP. You need to space these posts out more and start cycling your images.

It's fullprice and buying it shows the world that I'm not a stinking poorfag, who the fuck cares how it plays?

ive made thousands of knives but yeah just a dumb valvedrone


Didnt that game is free a while ago !?




user please, that bait isn't even good.

t. poorfag

On a serious note, what is the entire 't. *word*' thing about? It's only started in the last three months or so and I'm at a complete loss to understand the reference.

Great game, Valvedrones

it's how finnish people mark their name at the end of a letter or something

>wasting a literal year of your life on valveshit


95% people who play csgo are from poor countries & 3rd world countries.

We Americans should not play poor mans FPS, let Pedro & his poor mexican friends play it.



I play waaay more then that and csgo is fucking great game if they could iron out issues like the sounds currently. Its fucking fun

Nothing I hate more than RNG fucking you in the ass. Especially when it's fast paced and at critical moments.
RNG just needs to go. It's only acceptable when the sampling rate is in the thousands to millions like in RPGs

>Jumping with DE in your hands
Lmao. It's like he sucks at the videogame.