According to Sup Forums these games are blunders

>according to Sup Forums these games are blunders
Why is this place so disconnected from reality?

Other urls found in this thread:

reviews does not always translate into sales retard

here, people who loves games tend to get out-posted by people who hate them


>Xenoblade X ended up significantly better than FFXV

A year ago saying that would lead to people laughing at you as a deluded Nintenyearold

Xenoblade X is garbage. Kill yourself.

According to neo-Sup Forums every single game is a blunder as big as the tortanic

it depends

meta critic only applies when Sup Forums agrees with it
also it never applies to a sony game unless the sony game has a poor score on metacritic, then metacritic is being accurate

Sup Forums doesn't actually play vidya. They just hang around trying to start drama by shitting on every new game like it's Sonic 06

>20 years combined development
>168 combined metacritic score

Xenoblade X and FFXV are both trash...


No, those games are shit according to Sup Forums

Blunders are games that sell poorly, which TLG might be

They were blunders in the sense that they didn't deliver what people had been expecting for closer to a decade. A good game.

hourly reminder that Square has put out nothing but hot garbage for the past 15 years

What is that webm supposed to convey?


The game is shit because you can die

Those games are both good.

World of Final Fantasy is fun as all getout.

quality programming

>20 years combined development
This is a bad thing tard
>168 combined metacritic score
Implying meta critic means anything

The footage you showed look like shit. The last guardian is almost unplayable because of the shittiest controls and camera of any game I have played. It is also short and has very little actual game play besides puzzle elements with the beast.

Yeah, ok.

>literally proving OP's point

>trusting any review other than your own

I don't read them. Never have.

FF15 is pure fucking shit. I don't need to play it to know that. It's an unfinished lazy mess of a game with no vision.

TLG is a good game that suffers from technical issues but since SOTC a lot of things have changed and "indie feels" games aren't unique anymore. That doesn't mean TLG isn't better than 99% of them. The animations are gorgeous. I don't have a PS4, but would buy this if I did.

They are blunders. Who the fuck actually believes what sell-out review sites have to say?


This is exactly what would happen in real life. What's the problem?

FFXV sales stomp XBX

>Sup Forumsirgins in a nutshell

If the reviews aren't bad, then use sales. If sales aren't bad, then blame the console (9/10 it's Sony). If it is on PC, buy it since this board is filled with /r/pcmasterrace and you need a 2k PC to play all the great games they have (but in reality the games can be played on a toaster and aren't even that great)

>It's okay when Sony is only pretty good for killer apps.


FFXV sales are the worst in the series since SNES. XBC sold more than the previous game.

These are not the results you want when you develop a game with a very high budget for several years.

People here are disconnected of the world at large but feel the need to rattle off their delusional opinions anyway. See any thread where dating or women are mentioned.

sales are the only thing that matters that is the definition of a blunder

Good games?

Here we go again.


In the end of the day if the sales a decent and the audience likes it Squeenix will be content. They have't done actual development for all these years, the project was frozen for the majority of the time.

Sales aren't the only metric. You can sell products based on customer satisfaction.

>FFXV sales are the worst in the series since SNES

The only thing that matters

if the game doesn't sell well than that means it is a blunder from a business perspective. The op used the word blunder.

Arguably the highest budget used in a game from Squeenix and that's without counting the biggest marketing budget to be used in a videogame


Oh it's quite funny how dumb FF15 fans are. That is shipped copies little fella. FF15 sold less than half of what FF13 did in its first week in Japan. Less than half. You can go check media create for that. It's actually accurate unlike the misinformation you stupidly fall for.

This is the current state of Sup Forums

These are the majority of the posters here now

>modern reviews

When did Final Fantasy go from high adventure to stupid fucking cosplay simulator?


If that's the case then ET sold 5 million copies too and was just as successful.

When Nomura and Tabata were put in charge.

>develop a game for TEN YEARS
>turns out alright but no cigar
>implying this is acceptable

Game is alright you mean 5/10 ?

5/10 implies mediocrity.

A lot of idiots here think schadenfreud is trolling or something. So, even when a game is good, they have to pretend it's shit just to validate their patethic existence, thinking they made somone on the internet feel bad about a game they like is funny.

When they bullied Matsuno out of the company because his story wasn't appealing to japanese teenagers.

>cel-shaded mess that will be forgotten before 2017

>I haven't played these games
>Heresy opinion of them

Thx M8

You are welcome. If you can't tell a game is bad with all the information available today and your own experience, you really should see a doctor. You might have brain damage.

he wasnt praising the games you tool

but the game is shit
what did you like it?

What the fuck does that user's post have to do with heresy? Unless you meant to say here say. Then that makes more sense.

Meant "here's my"

>not being an idort

See? Anyone can join in the fun.

Both games are reviewer-bait because of name power alone. That doesn't translate into sales, and with SE rushing to boast about shipped numbers, it doesn't really bode well for XV.

TLG was never going to be a big seller, it's a niche game that's only known because of infamous dev cycle. So I doubt that's going to shatter any sales records.

TLG isn't a flop though, because no one at Sony expected it to sell GTA numbers. Doesn't mean it isn't a buggy as fuck game that got a smooth ride because "muh art" and reviewers wanting desperately for games to be seen as art.

Sorry no.
Xenoblade X still boring offline MMO with popup every 5 meters.

>10 motherfucking years


>buying multiple platforms that do the same thing

>being poor

You know you can't take your money with you when you die right? So why not splurge a little on a hobby you love?

That said, fuck VR or a Pro, that's pissing in the wind.

>being dumb


At least I'm not poor

>I eat shit and I can't manage money

Okay, buddy

Couple of reasons.
Chiefly the fact that I wouldn't get anything for my money besides the privilege of buying some decent exclusives I might as well miss out on.

I wouldn't waste money even if I had a billion dollars.

>you bought a ps4 for no man's sky
>you bought a ps4 for ff 15
>you bought a ps4 for the last guardian least we got Dragon Quest Builders.

Ha ha

>The Last Guardian


>game is enjoyable

>game sells well

I have been here since 2004 and your newfag arguments are irrelevant to me.

finish xv and then come back and tell me you dont think they fucked up. gameplay is excellent, story... well. im not going to ruin it for you.
go ahead, ill wait.

holy shit! my sides!

I get that you feel that way, but is it really that crazy for some people to want to play those exclusives you don't care for?

You're claiming an empirical correctness in a subjective scenario. Don't be that guy user.

> gameplay is excellent
It's literally Automatic mode on EASY Bayonetta.

You people are idiots.

>Why do people say these games flopped they reviewed well!
>Well reviews don't translate into sales, and lack of sales define a flop
>I'm an oldfag! Fuck you newfags and your grasp of the English language!

You're so cool user.

>Rich people spend money because they can't manage money
Only poor people who live on a budged thinks something that retarded,
When you earn way more money than you need you can buy nice things user, but you may never know because how poor you are.

I watched some TLG gameplay and I can't understand why this game isn't universally panned for being artsy garbage.

Oh well

Isn't Xenoblade X the game where you can only heal through random QTEs?

nothing pehsonnel, its sad you will never be as old and enlightened as me :3

>reading comprehension

Can't decide if i want to get the last guardian or not, never played ico or shadow of the colossus and id really rather play the later first but i dont feel like buying a game on the ps3

Expect a HD Re-Re-Release sometime soon, It's basically the direction big companies are heading, since it's almost free money.

Yeah i figured they would and ill probably buy it at that point, just not sure if i want to wait and play TLG after that or just get it now

>less than 85% critical approval
>not a blunder
They're called standards, mate.

Sup Forums is always wrong


Fuck off. He left because he clearly didn't have the chops to direct a mainline title. And look where he is now, can't even get a shitty mobile game going.

>he thinks the opinions of paid metacritic shills matter

>Shitty J-pop boy band adventure 2016 got the same score as Feels Simulator 3

I do not agree.

>if it has poor reviews it's shit
>if it has good reviews they're paid