What's better:

What's better:
Stable, capped 30fps?
Variable framerate between 30-45fps?

Which do you prefer?

For the sake of the art style: capped 30. Capped 30 tends to play better but it depends on the nature of the latter's performance.

60fps for gameplay

30fps for cutscenes, otherwise it'd feel like im watching a soap opera or some bbc show

60FPS is better obviously but if I had to choose between what you said locked 30FPS is better. An inconsistent 30-60FPS is way worse than a stable locked 30.


Consistent is always better; as long as there's no disparity, it's very easy to forget the framerate is low.

Well, neither, since human eyes can only see 24fps anyway. It doesn't matter whether it's 30 or 60fps if our brains can't see the extra frames anyway.

I wouldn't mind the latter since I have a g-sync monitor.

Lock it at the highest framerate it stays stable at


Capped 30fps in that case. Inconsistent fps is hell.

buckle up here we go

I'd still cap it to 30 if it dips from 60 to under 55

Is that just because you notice the slowdown if most of the time it's at 60 and then drops by a bit (while still being at an acceptable 30+ framerate?

I heard about framepacing recently as well, that's just frames hanging for an extra frame or two.

stable 60fps. I have a PC so i can choose.

Well no because even if you have both a stable 30fps and a variable 30-45pfs, you won't even tell.
Why? Because the brain can only interpret 24 frames a second. That's why movies feel so realistic. Having extra frames like 60fps compensates for blinking, so you don't miss any of the action.

solid 60 for most single player games is fine
100+ for fast paced multi

30 and below is for prerendered cut-scenes


>only up to 45

Anything less than 55 just cap it at 30 for all I care

60 stable
then 30 stable rather than the frame rate jumping all over the place

30 fps on most setup
30-45 fps only with an adaptive sync monitor
Naturally 144Hz is better than anything else

It was just an arbitrary number I picked. Seemed more reasonable for current console hardware than 30-60.

I prefer not cheaping out and getting good hardware in the first place

That's why you have to get used to it, dummy.

What's even more reasonable for a phone CPU is "aim for 30, but who cares we're only ever going to get up to 28 lol"

This, we can only see 12 fps per eye anyway.

144 fps